Travel-summary: what is on our planet the highest, long, deep


Summer is a favorite time of tourists, it is time for vacation and travel. However, the complex epidemiological situation this year did the fervor of fans to go to rest to other countries and other continents. Taking this opportunity, I decided to make a list of places that for many reasons are more suitable for virtual visits, and at the same time refresh your knowledge of geography.

The highest point of the world - Everest (8848 meters)

Mountain peak Everest (Jomolungma) is located on the border of Nepal and China. Mount 10 times higher than Dubai skyscraper of Burj Khalifa (828 meters), which is the highest construction in the world. Jomolungma translated from Tibetan means the "goddess-mother of the world" or "Goddess of the Valley".

The deepest place on the planet is Mariana Wpadina (11022 meters)

The Marianic Groit is located in the West of the Pacific Ocean, near the island of Guam. The deepest point of the depression is called the "the abyss of the Challenger", named after the English ship "Chelenger", which in 1951 first fixed the depth of 10863 meters. Six years later, the Soviet Research Ship "Vityaz" re-completed the measurement and reported that the maximum depth is 11022 meters.

The hottest point on Earth - CHATE-LUT (70.7 ° C)

The hottest desert is located in the south-east of Iran. You have been holding a record for the highest temperatures on the surface of the earth for many years, and here you will not meet plants or animals. Even the name "LUT" translated from Persian means "naked ground without water and vegetation."

Cheat-let visit recommended in autumn

Cheat-let visit recommended in autumn


The coldest place is Dome Fuji, Antarctica (-91.2 ° C)

Also known as the dome of Valkyrie - the second highest top of the East Antarctic Ice Cover. Most likely, here even A. S. Pushkin would not say: "Frost and the Sun; Wonderful day! " Recall that the previous record was put on the Soviet Antarctic Station "Vostok" (-89.2 ° C).

The deepest lake - Baikal (1642 meters)

Baikal is located in the southern part of Eastern Siberia on the border of the Republic of Buryatia and the Irkutsk region. This is the oldest of all existing freshwater lakes on Earth. Most of the representatives of the vegetable and animal world of Baikal are endemics, that is, in other places they cannot be met.

Summer Baikal

Summer Baikal


The longest river - Neal (about 6670 kilometers)

The length of the rivers it is very difficult to calculate, there are still disputes around the Nile and Amazon, but traditionally in textbooks on geography, the African River is given first place. Neil is rightly called the "father of all African rivers," he originates south of the equator, and flows into the Mediterranean Sea.

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