Anton Siharulidze: "Well, if a girl since childhood lives in prosperity"


At the nineteen years, Anton took under the custody and went out of Lena Berezhnaya, who received the hardest injury of the head on the rink (during a training session, Pat-Ner Oleg Golov hung her skate). Six years later, in 2002, a pair of Siharulidze - the careful won "gold" at the Olympiad in Salt Lake City. The test of life difficulties was replaced by the test of glory. Then - in power: In 2007, Anton was headed by the Profile Committee in the State Duma. And finally - money.

Anton, if you remember the beginning of the way, did you have a "ruined childhood"?

Anton Siharulidze: "Now, when I look at the children who do something professionally, go to a few times a week in training, I feel sorry for them, I say to myself:" Lord, how can they do that?! "A Then it seemed to me everyday life, the other I could not imagine at all. Of course, I was not the guy who was tied to the piano or forcibly into the section, and at the same time I fool my legs and shouted: "I won't go there!" Although I spent five-seven hours on ice with friends, but at the same time And in football, and in Ping Pong played, while they were waiting for new training, they read together, the lessons were preparing. All this was friendly, fun. I thought all peers so. Later realized how I was lucky to immediately get into an interesting circle of communication, where everyone was striving for something. "

In general, you do not regret what you didn't miss home, as I did not study figure skating in the boarding school, the parents are near ...

Anton: "Yes, mom took me to workout every day. I had to travel on the tram, with transfers, it took a lot of time, and at a certain moment Dad decided that it would be more correct if she leaves work and completely devote himself to my schedule. Parents - shipbuilding engineers - received a salary for about a hundred rubles, as many then, and lose half of the family budget immediately - it is decent. Now I understand that they twisted the salary with great difficulty. The father flew into construction workers to work so that it was then to provide a year ... I will never forget the boots of the father of the firm "Salamandra" - someone got somewhere, he wore them twelve. But I had everything you need so that I developed, and looked good. I always fed and meat, and vegetables (although one time it was even difficult to buy in our stores), there was always a new and high clothing, costumes for performances. I think my parents and coach were still extracted ... From me, all these worries were far away, life seemed beautiful and amazing. Although I think so now. "

And what is the oldest sister?

Anton: "Marina studied very well at school, walked into some kind of circles, but our joint life was with battles. Of course, I was the member of a family who should not wash the dishes: Anton came tired of training - and sleep. And Marina, of course, was jealous and was resentment all the time. But I didn't have a ceremony with her: "Woman, go to the kitchen!"

I know, on the rink you brought envy to the neighboring boy ...

Anton: "I returned with my mother with a walk and saw a neighbor, a little older, whose shoulder hung skates. I immediately needed the same, although I didn't understand why: since he has, even if I have. Came to dad and stated: I need skates! Well, and dad: if Anton needs something, it means that it will be. Let's go to the store, and my father bought me two-way skates, attached to leather straps to felt boots. And the other day we went together for a rink ... and it began. By the way, Dad always very competently distributed my time so that I did not do it in an unclear than: I looked at the movie - all, come on or read, or for the lessons. The only thing if I sometimes sharpened and remained "on the hospital", here I have done any mostery here: I was lying around at home, I was sick, I watched a telly without end, and she cared for me ... "

At some point, exactly the father kept you from throwing ice?

Anton: "Yes, I have already become older, it was necessary not just to enjoy riding, but also to be included in the work, to do what it does not work. And we are all lazy as a child! And I began to say: "Why is it necessary? I have bruises. I do not go out and never comes out ... "Dad sat down with me in the kitchen, explained, showed cuts from the newspaper" Soviet Sport ", where our great athletes said that they also did not work much, but they overcame themselves. Of course, half was lied, but the essence remained correct, and so the father set me to the real struggle. The brain switched, the next day I walked perfectly calmly, without perceiving some kind of failures as a sentence. "

And mom, probably, was on your side? Still, figure skating is a traumatic sport.

Anton: "It was. Mom often said: Yes, why it all needs, it is so difficult, the poor child is tormented ... But somehow they found a common language. By the way, about injuries: when you are engaged in sports from childhood, falls or bruises are no longer perceived so wildly. This is an ordinary life. On the contrary, it seems strange when you do not have a bruise! "

You said that with regret, look at the life of children in sports. And what do you do when your time will come and will come to think about their future?

Anton: "In any case, my children will be occupied. After all, what may have the child himself in four years? Well, play something, no more. He is not able to think strategically, forward for many years. Therefore, the parent's main chip is to open some opportunities in children, send. And then look at what they like more: sport, science, art ... and maintain. "

And the ice would be suggested?

Anton: "Why not? I would not "clamp": hockey, or skates, or archery. You just need to see the child, feel His character, his thoughts - and on the basis of this to understand what you can offer him. Although sport, of course, you need to do everything, it forms both the character and body, and well-being. And this is not a bluff. Sport gives to understand: everything you do is possible only through work, through failure. As the outstanding coach of Tamara Moskvin says, Tamochka (I am the first her student, to whom she allowed himself to call himself): "Lucky who is lucky."

From kitten to a man

Psychologists believe that every crisis situation gives us opportunities for growth. When we are uncomfortable, we start thinking - what to change what to do. What moments in your life can you say that they have experienced you for strength?

Anton: "A person from the world of sports such situations arise daily. Every day your day is overcoming, trying to do something better. Such thoughts, conversations with ourselves begin early in the morning, when you wake up, and continue even at night until you leave deeply. And sometimes in a dream all these topics pop up ... "

Nightmalls: You are on ice, and skates forgot!

Anton: "I never had terrible dreams. But in reality - like in a nightmare: you see your mistakes, you start walking around them, dig, pull out some extra parts from this life load ... And only then you can sigh lightly, go further, becoming a little more experienced. Only so you start internally grow and become so ... Blump. This is the whole story of an athlete. But it is not only about improving and analyzing some technical elements. Without having a healthy, correct psyche for sports, it is impossible to achieve results. "

What is the "right psyche"?

Anton: "This is a specific psyche. Here and calm, and the ability to gather at the right moment. And audacity: if not me, then who?! Fearlessness and cowardity together, because both on that, and on the other you can achieve a lot ... I had the first partner, which, when jumped, did such emissions, I just did not understand how it could be decided. I asked: "Well, how did you do it?" And she answered: "Because I was afraid, I was scared, I had to do everything as soon as possible and forget!"

That is, you have the main points of work on yourself were related to work, in the sense - on ice?

Anton: "So because I had all my life - work. And when you sit with champagne, having fun with friends in a circle of beautiful girls, what's there to work on yourself? There and everything is clear. "

If we take people, for example, from the world of literature, there are still love of the Muk of creativity, which turn over everything in a person ...

Anton: "In the sport of suffering, too, there are: when you lose, you have no fun. You know, it is impossible to break yourself into two parts: here I am an athlete, and here I am just a man. Previously, he could often chain, it happened both in everyday life and in sports. And I colole ice, driven the heels of skates in the board ... "

Elena Berezhnaya and Anton binds a lot. When the girl got a serious injury, he tenderly worked out her, helping to return to normal life and in a big sport. Photo: Archive MK.

Elena Berezhnaya and Anton binds a lot. When the girl got a serious injury, he tenderly worked out her, helping to return to normal life and in a great sport. Photo: Archive MK.

Can you say that acquaintance with Lena careful brought you to some new level, internal?

Anton: "Yes, Lena is my big luck. What we met and rode together, completely changed me. The trauma she got, in one day she turned me out of a kitten with signs of a man in a man who should teach a person to speak, care for him, must be responsible. It was a terrible event, but, on the other hand, fantastic: it changed the whole structure and generally understanding how I will develop further. Before that, I thought: Well, now, all quietly, quietly. And then suddenly it happened that there is no quiet, there is no tomorrow, there is everything today. "

Wedding with dowry

Anton, after the thirtieth anniversary, somehow confessed: "Finally, I still had everything in my head, I can marry in a month, I can tomorrow, at any time, I'm ready for this." And what happened in your head, what "fell into place"?

Anton: "It's interesting ... I think that any man takes such a process of evolution: at first he is a monkey that sometimes goes even on four paws, but over time, development makes itself felt, he becomes a man who has a rod that can be said about that "this person will gladly take on the functions of the head of the family", "you can rely on it", "you can be behind him as a stone wall" ... Everyone feels when this moment comes. And I also felt: I have no wind in my head, but very clearly formulated thoughts - how to create a family, how to treat the family, who I am in this family, how to find a place in the world ... "

Parents played their role: they say, thirty years, it's time?

Anton: "No, parents just did not have a relationship. Moreover, from fourteen years, I spent very little time at home, because of which their influence was already quite small. We have very warm feelings, I love them, I adore, as well as they me, but direct exposure, of course, did not have. Just ... matured. "

Here is your friend Pavel Bure, who approximately one time with you decided on his own family status ...

Anton: "... a little earlier ..."

... He said that a person known, it is difficult to meet sincere love, and then I quote: "I simply satisfied me until time, and I allowed myself to use." Can you repeat the same or initially avoided such relationships?

Anton: "It is very difficult! After all, you never know, for what purpose someone communicates with you. And if we are talking about the relationships of the floors, then it's quite difficult! You may seem one, and in fact - another. I personally can't say something on this issue. I would not say as Paul. Another thing is that I myself may not be ready to see: Yes, this is mine, my love. I myself had a wind in my head. And it is possible that the relationship immediately feels another person and begins to treat you. Philosophical question".

That is, the attitude towards a woman also evolved?

Anton: "Of course. I started looking at the girls with whom I met, I got acquainted, not superficially (just sat down, swam, they danced and fled), but with the understanding that ultimately I need a family. At a certain point, the switch switched. "

What was the list of what you expect from a woman?

Anton: "I never had such a list at all. A person can not be divided into components: what a hand, leg, what character. Good, good, beautiful, pretty, affectionate - it is too simple. I waited for the meeting just I can feel some kind of happiness chicks inside myself. "

Externally, you and your wife are very suitable for each other. You said that remember before the smallest things your first meeting, as she was dressed ... Looks like I spark immediately ran?

(Yana and Anton got acquainted in the company where Siharulidze brought his buddy, Comedy Club resident Tash Sargsyan. Father Yana Leonid Lebedev - Senator, Oil Magnate and part-time producer of the film "Styles" and others. - Approx. Auth.)

Anton: "Yes, in the first hour and a half, I began to treat Yane with great interest with great interest, and, of course, the feeling that this is my lump of happiness, somewhere looked around. Naturally, I could not yet say to say: "For sure, I got!" - But it was already: that's something mine. "

When information about the wedding appeared, it was bravely discussed on the Internet, said: "Favorable party!" They tried to decide for whom more profitable - for you or for Yana. Your wife somehow said: "My biggest pride is that such a person like Anton loved me." And what thoughts did you have about this? The girl has a huge fortune, and you just achieved our work ...

Anton: "This is a very difficult question. They always talk a lot about it. Especially, I think, in our Russian society, it is fashionable to discuss who some state ... "

... why, and in America ...

Anton: "... But at the same time I note the following: the state of any person has nothing to do with you. As with all other people on Earth. This is the first. Second. I think that no one boys say: "I will now give money now, I will go buy a bottle of champagne and a fur coat." Interestingly, when you earned this money, I bought this bottle, this fur coat. It is this that should warm you inside, and I personally warm me that. Among other things, of course, it is great that the girl lived all his life in prosperity, she has a different head "formed". She already belongs to people around, to potential grooms quite different. She does not talk about what she needs tights that she has no choice - you need to find the breadwinner. No, she wants to love, wants to live, feel, and everything else is the little things! It makes me very happy. "

Anton Siharulidze:

"I know I love my wife. I am very comfortable with her, comfortable and reliable. " Photo: Personal archive of Anton Siharulidze.

And you now did not cross the sympathy for thousands of girls who think how to make money on tights?

Anton: "Well, I didn't think about it ... So, returning to the question of" enormous condition, "we treat it very calmly. Especially since I had a good example of a person who seeks success in business. And I always bow to those who seek success in any industry, since no success comes simply, it is a colossal job. So, such people can always learn something. This is the whole chip - I love to learn! Now I want to create my own business, develop it. It's great that you can use someone's experience, because in business every mistake is money! "

The proposal of the hands and hearts you prepared with a fantasy: delivered a huge decorated box, in which almost a hundred others were hidden, one less than another, and in the latter hid a ring of white gold with a diamond. Is it accumulated romanticism or tribute to the temptation?

Anton: "I just wanted the Yane to be interested, it was not trite, so I came up with something, in my opinion, funny. Nothing difficult, but, in any case, we laughed, there was a moment of intrigue. I like surprises, like giving gifts, and I do it with great pleasure. "

When the idea marked the idea to arrange a wedding in Barcelona, ​​in the castle, did not be afraid of the scope of events?

Anton: "And we did not have a big scale, we all noted in a very narrow circle and quietly approached everything. Yana herself had a lot to organize a lot with her friends, a very warm and memorable event came out. "

The groom is preparing for the wedding. Photo: Personal archive of Anton Siharulidze.

The groom is preparing for the wedding. Photo: Personal archive of Anton Siharulidze.

It is said that during the wedding ceremony, your coach and a friend of Tamara Moskvin said some toast that all literally made him make sure. What she said?

Anton: "Tamara is a fantastic woman. In many ways, a meeting with her formed me on the life path ... But during the wedding ceremony, you are so in a state of some abstraction, that I cannot remember the specific words of Tamoorch. Plus, of course, in such cases everyone says very good words, you can make it possible to make it possible from every congratulations. "

You have a difference in the age of eleven years old. There was no "generation problems"?

Anton: "Personally, I generally think that we have an ideal difference with my wife, so I do not even understand the essence of the question."

Well, let's say, Yana listens to one music, and you are another, do not intersect in some time formations ...

Anton: "And do not listen to one music! What for? Yes, it is, on the contrary, great - discuss something new for yourself. I am interested in what she likes. I do not understand the stories when everything should be the same in my head. And why then she wears the skirt, and you do not wear it? The main thing is that we are music in principle, read books. General is our energy, our understanding of each other. Imagine only: the family sits and reads two identical books before bedtime. This is full of nonsense! "

By the way, about books. I was surprised: in one of the interviews you said "my favorite kant", even quoted something. How did I immanuel Kant become your favorite author?

Anton: "I was just fond of them, and then he was loved ..."

Did you really read the "criticism of pure mind"?!

Anton: "And now I have forgotten about him!"

So you have studied philosophical literature?

Anton: "Yes, I really like it. Although time does not always have enough. And probably, I still were more interested in the deep scientific works, but the "desktop" philosophy, more simplified, acceptable to me: an American one interesting read, brochures of Chinese philosophers (something like Confucius), Indian Osho - how to live without Fear, jealousy and malice ... In different periods of life, you are pretty different thoughts. "

You said somewhere that your joint pastime is now - Scrab, backgammon, movies. This is true?

Anton: "Well, when we, like, lazy and reluctant to do something else - this also happens. And in winter, for example, every day ride on the open rink. "

Did you put on the skates?

Anton: "Yes. We still go skiing, we are engaged in the house, we meet with friends ... "

By the way, Yana's girlfriends - Dasha Zhukov, Abramovich's girlfriend, Nastya Virganskaya, Gorbachev's granddaughter ... How much did this circle be close to you?

Anton: "I communicate with everyone, but ... with anyone. That is, when some company is going, I can gladly sit and talk about anything with Yana's friends. But with great warmth, I treat people with whom a familiar many years familiar with them, more comfortable. Well, wonderful that there are two different circles! And I also like it, you do not need to constantly drag each other into my company. I sit here, you're there, excellent, see you at home. "

That is, you let go of Jan somewhere without you?

Anton: "What does" let go "? How can you not let someone go somewhere?! I do not even think about it!"

Still, Georgian blood ...

Anton: "No, I have no such, probably for a long time, from junior. Again, this is good: she discusses something with their friends, I - with my own, then share something, I do not see the problems. "

And during the union what was?

Anton: "Well, all sorts of hot things, jealousy turns on, and an arrest, you realize that it is nonsense."

Who enters the circle of your friends?

Anton: "People from sports - Pasha Bure, for example. From business, politics. All of them are proven, beloved, reliable. Very few people from outside fall into our field of view and in our team, we do not expand our circle. "

By the way, how did you get acquainted with Paul and did your wives be friends? Alina Bure also from a very secured family.

Anton: "No, we are mostly together we communicate, Yana from Alina saw each other, of course, but I can not say that they are a girlfriend. And with Pasha, I am familiar from the Olympic Games in Nagano, since 1998. "

Vityat at the crossroads

You speak, in life you have a traction for study, development. A year ago, heading the Committee on Physical Education and Sports in the State Duma, you stated: "I feel, I am useful here, effective." So what? Everything went, tired, dial?

Anton: "Well, it is necessary to understand that for my lifestyle is now now for the salaries family, which they pay in the State Duma is not enough."

Two million a year?

Anton: "In my opinion, smaller. In any case, missing. When you dream of children and should acquire housing in Moscow (I am from St. Petersburg), the question arises about completely different expenses. Therefore, I have to think where you can make money. And the money is now earned only in business. And at the moment I'm just at the crossroads, I decide what direction to choose. It would be interesting to do an organization on a qualitatively different level of professional tournaments or figure skating shows - I mean not to the director, but the search for budget, the implementation of some ideas. Sport management (although in the civil service there is no opportunity to earn a lot) It is also very interesting to me: I get, and most importantly, I feel the need for it. Sports in Russia is really developing in Russia, and in order to continue to push it, you need active young people who slowly disappear "pensioners".

And how is your restaurant business?

Anton: "The restaurant in St. Petersburg has long been closed, I already forgot about it."

Anton struck guests at the wedding with his unexpected talent: he inspiredly played an emotional miniature on the piano. Photo: Personal archive of Anton Siharulidze.

Anton struck guests at the wedding with his unexpected talent: he inspiredly played an emotional miniature on the piano. Photo: Personal archive of Anton Siharulidze.

Politics deprived you of some illusions?

Anton: "I didn't give illusions, because I understood very clearly that politics is a slaughter of interests, defending your point of view, in principle the same thing happens in sports. It didn't seem to me that everything is very simple or sweet. Moreover, I realized that people who love this case should be engaged in politics, they understand and do not need tools. As soon as the policy comes for earnings - everything stops immediately. And I think this is one of the deepest reasons why many problems exist in our country. "

Cold house

One Spanish psychoanalyst, distinguishing the words "fall in love" and "love," said: "Fall in love - it means to love the similarity of the partner with you (my person). But when you are ready to accept those traits that distinguish it from you, is true love. " Have you already defined the differences that you take in Yana unconditionally?

Anton: "You know, let the Spanish psychoanalyst himself bears over such issues, I do not want to think about it. I know that I love my wife, I am very comfortable with her, comfortable and reliable. Of course, much changes in your behavior when you already live families, and the notorious "go on concessions" often works. But what does "go for concessions" mean? It's one thing, if you realize that the family should take into account not only your interests, and you find a balance. Suppose we have some funny household inconsistencies with Yana. Yana loves when the room is cold, really cold. Of course, sometimes it annoys: you come back from a walk, I want to warm up, especially in the winter, when the Tooth tooth does not fall on the street, and at home - the refrigeration is seventeen degrees! And you think: "Damn, right now, finally, I'll break everyone!" But then calm down and understand: Well, indeed, this is not a frown, but a person's thermal exchange in a person! Nothing terrible - put on a shirt, cap, boots, gloves, a kerching and sitting watching a TV at home. No problem! And if every time you will treat it as assignments, then one day you just zadolbat and you say: "Listen, how much can you give? I'll go still with Marius a day, a month will not, there is nothing to give up. "

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