How to lose weight with laughter


Yoga laughter classes pursue three goals. First - This is, of course, health promotion. Scientists have repeatedly been proven that laughter really prolongs life and increases its quality, strengthens immunity.

Second goal of yoga laughter - This is a psychological unloading. During laughter, endorphin is produced - the hormone of joy, which, accordingly, has a favorable affects the emotional background, helps to get rid of depression, stress.

Third reason for yoga laughter - Peace worldwide. It is known that a person whose life is filled with joy and positive, will not unleash conflicts, a fight or even wars. And Yoga laughter just contributes to the formation of positive thinking and fills the life of a man with joy.

What muscles work during laughter yoga exercises?

Basically, of course, the press muscles are involved. During laughter, a person actively exhales, a diaphragm is reduced, as a result of which all the muscles of the press (straight, oblique) and muscles of the back work. Mimic muscles are actively involved, blood sticks to the face, and the skin is rejuvenated due to the effect of natural facebilding.

In class student, students also jump, jump, lean, that is, there are almost all muscle groups.

The University of California conducted studies, the results of which showed that 15 minutes of laughter are equal to the hour of work on the rowing simulator. On average, 500 kilocalories are lost in the hour of laughter - almost as much as the occurrence of occupations on the treadmill is burned.

Mitya Efimov

Mitya Efimov

Is it possible to completely replace classes in the gym yoga laughter?

It depends on what result a person expects. If the goal is to become an Olympic champion, then, of course, no, in this case, Yoga laughter cannot act as a replacement training. But if we are talking about physical education classes, then daily charging in Yoga laughter will be very helpful. Today in many countries, and in India almost everywhere, every morning and every evening people go to the parks to do yoga laughter. Many combine elementary gymnastics with this practice.

When I started practicing Yoga laughter, the founder of this technique - Indian doctor Madan Catari - gave me a task: laugh 40 days in a row on the hour per day. During this time I lost eight kilograms. My body received sufficient physical activity only from laughter. When I was doing fitness, I could not achieve such a result.

How not to harm yourself, doing yoga laughter?

It is difficult to harm yourself laughter, of course, since too much you still can not laugh. There are no side effects from the yoga of the laughter, but there are contraindications. It is impossible to laugh to people with chronic heart disease and respiratory tract, since these systems are actively working during exercise. It is impossible to engage in people with hernias, especially the hernias of the back, because the spine muscles get a larger load. People who recently operated on cannot do yoga laughter. Those who are sick with any viral diseases so that they are not infected with anyone, since Yoga laughter is a group practice. It is impossible to actively engage in people with epilepsy, since Yoga laughter is an emotional charging, and an attack can begin with epilepsy from overvoltage. All the rest at any age this charging is great.

Do I need to do it anything "right" to breathe in order to start doing yoga laughter?

Yes. The classes explains how to breathe correctly. Yoga laughter is a breathing practice. She is very similar to yoga pranayama.

If you explain the principles of proper breathing for the yoga of laughter in a nutshell, it looks like this: we make a deep breath in the nose, blow the stomach, delay your breath, we consider to ten (who is obtained), and after completely exhaling all air.

How to laugh correctly? Some simplest tips.

In fact, every person can laugh. We start laughing from three months. Everyone has its own laughing style. To laugh was easier, I repeat, you need to take a deep breath, to inflate the stomach, delay your breath, try to calculate up to ten and exhale completely all air. And at the time of the exhalation - laugh. To make it easier to start, say the letter A and start laughing, something like this: "a ha ha ha ha". At the same time, try not to "throw" laughter, but to shine to the end. Reduce the stomach so that all the accumulated air will be released, after - deep breath, in order to saturate the body with fresh oxygen.

Finally, I want to ask you right now to throw one or two minutes and laugh. Feel on yourself how your mood change. It is possible to imagine a certain "scale of joy" in the range from 1 to 10 points and evaluate its condition along it to laughter and after. I guarantee that after laughter, the joy will "grow" at least two units.

On average, 500 kilocalories are lost in the hour of laughter - almost as much as it burns in the hour of classes on the treadmill

On average, 500 kilocalories are lost in the hour of laughter - almost as much as it burns in the hour of classes on the treadmill

To make it easier to start practicing Yoga laughter, we offer some exercises that will help start laughing.

"Aloha". Do every day in the morning, it will help to recharge yourself with a positive mood.

Standing, the legs are a little wider shoulders, lean forward, try to get to the floor, take a deep breath and start climbing. At this time, say "Aloooooooo", and then, straightening, saying "ha ha ha!", Hand spread widely to the sides. So you welcome the new day. Exercise need eight times.

"Rainbow Shake." Imagine that you have two glasses in your hands and in one of them is a rainbow. "Overflow" this rainbow from the glass into the glass, then, well "shaking", "drink" a rainbow. During "drinking" laugh. Imagine how the rainbow fills you, and you glow and emit joy. Make three or four such "throat".

"Magnifier". Imagine that someone calls you. Apply the phone to the ear and imagine that someone tells you something funny. You can respond, not only to "listen". And, of course, laugh. Mix so at least a minute, and the emotional background will immediately become much more positive, and well-being is better.

Another exercise associated with the phone is "MCSCHAMS". Here you already need not to imagine a loved one in the tube of a relative person in the tube, but to give your laughter to people. To perform this exercise, you need to take the phone, open any messenger, say something like: "Mom (if you want to pay mom), I give you my laughter" and start laughing at the phone, recording your laughter. And after send this message to the addressee. Surely, having received such a message, your close person will smile and feel better, and you will be happier from the fact that you were able to make someone.

Practicing laugh in the morning day and evening, you will become more healthy physically, more stable emotionally and fill your life and the life of your children and loved ones.

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