Stars "Games of Thrones" in the frame and for the scenes


Keith Harington

Role: John Snow

Keith Harington

Keith Harington

In the series: The former costumeumer of the series recently admitted that the famous fur cape of John Snow in order to save budget was made of rugs and rugs of the Swedish company for home.

Kita Harington is a rich pedigree

Kita Harington is a rich pedigree


In life: China has a very rich pedigree. His father is the 15th Baronet Harington. The actor is the great-grandfather of King Charles II in the eighth generation. And among his ancestors, the court poet and the Queen of the Queen Elizabeth I Tudor John Harington. Since 2012, Keith meets with the actress Leslie Rose - the executor of the role of igritt in the "Game of Thrones".

Where else can you see: "Pompeii", "Memories of the Future", "Seventh Son".

Lina Hidi

Lina Hidi

Lina Hidi

Role: Sersa Lannister

In the series: Lina Hidi and Peter Dinklage long-standing friends. And it was Peter who recommended Lina to Serne's role. And with Jerome Flynn, who played in the series of Mercenary Bronno, Hidi once had a novel. But the couple broke up with a big scandal. And therefore, when both were approved by the role of the game of the throne, they asked not to give them joint scenes.

In real life at Lina and Dark Hair

In real life at Lina and Dark Hair


In life: In 2007, Hidi married the musician Peter Lograne. Removing in the first season of the Games of the Thrones, the actress was pregnant with their son Wilely, who was born in 2010. However, a year later, the spouses broke up and in 2013 issued a divorce. Now Lina is engaged with director Dan Cadan. In 2015, they had a daughter Teddy.

Where else can you see: "300 Spartans", "Brothers Grimm", "Obsession".

Emilia Clark

Emilia Clark

Emilia Clark

Role: Deeeneris Targary

In the series: Agreeing to the role in the series, Emilia - a born brunette - refused to paint hair. Her blonde chapels - a wig. But at the same time, the actress agreed to remove nude. However, starting from the fifth season, in the scenes where her heroine needed to undress, instead of Clark, a double was removed.

Emilia Clark on the shot wore a wig

Emilia Clark on the shot wore a wig


In life: In 2012, Emilia met with a director and screenwriter by McFarley ("Third Extra"). After the couple broke up, the actress is still in the search for a life satellite.

There were rumors that Kita Harington and Emilia Clark began a novel on the set

There were rumors that Kita Harington and Emilia Clark began a novel on the set


Where else can you see: "Terminator: Genesis", "House Hemingway", "See you with you."

Sophie Turner

Sophie Turner

Sophie Turner


In the series: Sophie still studied at school, when it began to be filmed in the "Game of Thrones". Therefore, until the end of studying at the site was a tutor who helped her do homework.

At the beginning of the shooting

At the beginning of the shooting "Games of the throne" Sophie Turner was still a schoolgirl


In life: Since last year, a 21-year-old actress meets with a popular singer Joe Jonas, who had previously twisted the novels with the singer Taylor Swift, actress Ashley Green and the Jiji Hadid model.

Where else can you see: "Xu People: Apocalypse."

Macy Williams

Macy Williams

Macy Williams

Role: Arya Stark

In the series: Williams is actually right-hander. But according to the books of Arya Levsh. Therefore, the actress decided on the screen also to become left-handed and even learned to brilliantly fencing with his left hand.

Macy Williams and Sophie Turner became friends

Macy Williams and Sophie Turner became friends


In life: Macy Junior Sophie Turner who plays the series Her older sister Sansu, just a year. Therefore, girls quickly became close friends and outside the set.

Where else can you see: Soon the films "Mary Shelly" and "X-People: New Mutants" with Maisi starring.

Peter Dinklaj

Peter Dinklaj

Peter Dinklaj

Role: Tyrion Lannister

In the series: With the release of the "Games of the Thrones", the demand for dogs of the hassiness breed has sharply increased, which are similar to Lutovolkov. Peter, as an active animal rights defender, calls on the series fans to refuse to buy husky solely due to fashion trends.

In life: The growth of the actor is 135 centimeters. Since 2005, Peter is married to theatrical director Eric Schmidt, the growth of which is 168 centimeters. In 2011, the spouses became parents of the daughter, and now Eric is pregnant with a second child.

Where else can you see: "X-Men: the days of the last future", "admit me guilty", "Life in oblivion."

Nikolai Koster-Waldau

Nikolai Koster-Waldau

Nikolai Koster-Waldau

Role: Jamie Lannister

In the series: Nikolai loves to run around rough terrain and ride a bike in the forest and the mountains, so the role of Jamie did not require any special physical training.

In life: Since 1998, Nikolay is married to the Greenland singer and actress, the former Miss Greenland Nukak. Spouses have two daughters - 16 and 13 years old. The eldest is already filming the cinema.

Where else can you see: "Mom", "Oblivion", "Kingdom of Heaven."

5 ways to support the conversation about the "game of thrones", even if you have not seen a single series:

Speak all your favorite character - dragon.

This will allow you not to go into the discussion of its past actions and likely future acts. He is the dragon, what to take from him?

Close your ears and truth: "No need spoilers! I have not reached this point. "

All viewers of the "Games of the Thrones" regards the rule "no spoilers", so after your phrase they will start or whisper with each other, or will be silent to continue the discussion without you.

Repeat: "I can't believe that this hero died. Horrible!"

Given the fact that in the "Game of Thrones" all the characters die terrible death, your interlocutors will discuss. And if you accidentally call the name of another living hero, click with your fingers and say, pretending that you remember: "Oh, I meant this, like his ..." and you will immediately come to the rescue, falling asleep with a dozen names. Choose any you like: "Yes, I'm about him!"

Tell me meaningful: "Winter is close." Everyone will agree with you. Because it really is. And what exactly did you want to say, leave with you, giving the opportunity to otherwise speculate on this topic.

And the crown phrase: "I love John Snow." Everyone loves him.

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