Four rules for those who go to casting


Nowadays, participation in castings for representatives of creative professions, such as actors, singers, musicians, dancers, TV presenters are the usual business. From how successful you will pass the casting, depends in many ways to success in the profession. Each experienced artist has its secrets, how to pass the casting. Someone reads the mantras, engaged in meditations, uses exercises from breathing practices, drinks soothing teas ... if it helps and instills confidence, then it is definitely worth useing. However, it is not necessary to forget about the general rules for the passing of castings, which, in my opinion, are mandatory for everyone.

To any casting you need to prepare

To any casting you need to prepare

Firstly , unambiguously need to understand where you go! If there is no vocal and acting, it is useless to go to casting! If your appearance does not meet the requests and types - all the more.

Secondly , To any casting you need to be ready! If this is a role in a film or a performance, and you have to read the passage, you must know it by heart. But this is not enough! It is necessary to get into the image: if you come and just read your text perfectly, you will not get a role. It is necessary to live this passage so that there is no doubt that this role is yours. Many come to the casting and even elementary do not know what to sing, because they carried irresponsible and not prepared. If the artist cannot sing - this is not an artist!

From how successful you will pass the casting, depends in many ways to success in the profession

From how successful you will pass the casting, depends in many ways to success in the profession

Thirdly , pay attention to appearance! In no case can not come to listen to remembered and not allowed. To try too far to impress your appearance, it is also not worth it. It is better to avoid the hips in makeup and in clothes. Stop your choice on simple, but at the same time elegant classics.

Fourth , do not forget about the workout! Be sure to spend a small workout before the beginning of the casting: say the words known to you known to you, take the front muscles - take the face, if you dance, make a pa vap, pull the muscles. Council for singers: melting it is necessary in advance, some come and say that they did not have time to get together, and begin to justify the weather, passersby on the street, which prevented and the like. And this is an indicator of a non-serious attitude to the case.

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