Sun protection: cream, spray, milk or oil


In the summer, the soul asks for light, and the body is affectionate sunlight. However, in the pursuit of the lined tan, you should not forget about the precautionary measures. But how to choose a protective agent? After all, today such a number of different Sanrins appeared - creams, sprays, poems, lotions. What preferred?


This is the most familiar sunscreen that many users usually choose. Creams have a saturated texture and are suitable for owners of normal, combined and dry skin. In addition to protection against ultraviolet rays, such products moisturize and nourish the skin, and sometimes solve a number of other problems.

New season


Sunscreen cream with UVA protection factor, UVB-radiation 50 + Bioderma PhotoDerm Spot-Age In parallel with ultraviolet protection slows down the processes of premature aging and helps prevent or reduce pigmentation due to vitamin C, as well as vitamin E and Asian centers in the composition. The perfect protection from the sun in the city and the base under makeup. 2% ascorbil glucoside prevent the appearance of pigmentation and fight with already existing. Vitamin E complements the effect of vitamin C and has a strong antioxidant effect. The Asian Celebration increases the synthesis of collagen and, thereby, increases skin elasticity and minimizes wrinkles.


Pluses of sprays are undoubted. First, they are convenient to apply. The spray himself falls to a smooth layer and absorbs well. There is no risk that the tool will turn over and burst. The dispenser increases the shelf life. As a rule, consisting of sprays are serving elements.

At that time, it should be remembered that on the pair of spray, even rarely, but there is an allergic reaction. Another minus: if you suddenly broke the dispenser, then apply the spray becomes very problematic.

And remember that the spray should be applied on the face very carefully - the tool can get into the eyes.

New season


The transparent moisture-resistant sunscreen SPF 50 from Babé is instantly absorbed even when applied to wet skin. Thanks to which saves time and guarantees a high degree of protection from the Sun. Spray has a double action: antioxidant + soothing. Vitamin E as part of the means protects cells from the oxidative process and the effects of free radicals. Calendula has anti-inflammatory, soothing, antiseptic and healing effect, and also contributes to the regeneration of the skin.


For children, spray is the most optimal choice: often a child cannot make a long time to stand "at a snarling stand", and the spray is valid instantly. Sunscreen spray for children SPF50 + Capital Soleil from Vichy is designed to meet the peculiarities of delicate children's skin and increased activity of children. The tool has a hypoallergenic formula, and its texture is a supervodistoy - the protection factor is not reduced even when the water contact, withstanding 6 bunges for 15 minutes. Spray provides a very high degree of protection thanks to the sunscreen filters [MEXORYL SX + MEXORYL XL] - SPF and PPD protection, and in parallel cares for delicate children's skin due to the active components - vitamin E and volcanic thermal water Vichy.

Dry butter

It has all the same advantages as spray (ease of application, convenience of packaging). Plus, oils can often be used to care for hair (for some reason, your curls also need to protect against ultraviolet, many forget). More oils love fans of all natural: even if the means is a complex formula, based on how to guess, after all, oils.

New season


SPF50 dry oil from a new gamut "Safe Sun" from the French Laboratory SVR provides very high dermatological protection against UV rays (UVB + UVA + visible light + infrared rays). Silky oil of vegetable origin (coconut oil) is ideal for those who want to get a shining and even tan. Designed for sensitive skin and body skin, can also be applied to the hair. Its unique nelite oil texture prevents dry skin, moisturizes it and protects her hair from sunlight. Can be applied to wet skin.


Sunscreen poems - similar to hard pencils - usually used when leaving the most delicate zones. This is usually a zone around the eyes, lips, neckline nose, ears. Washes are good because they do not leave sticky tracks on the face, they are comfortable to wear in the lady's handbag. In addition, you can not worry that they will randomly flashes and stain all around

New season


The Targeted Protection Stick SPF 35 from Clinique protects the sensitive areas of the skin, which often suffer during the long exposure of the Sun. Its convenient form allows you to most comfortably apply to such tender zones as lips, eyelids and ears. In addition to protecting against ultraviolet radiation, this formula also softens the skin and with the help of antioxidants protects it from free radicals resulting from the influence of the Sun. Formula Water-and Potrupt, does not contain fat and does not score pores, suitable for any type of skin, even for the most sensitive skin.

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