Otari Gogiberidze: "Do not chase over other people's ideals"


I have all family members far from the profession of doctors, so my choice was absolutely independent. I think the fact is that I was very impressed by the image of a doctor in a white coat, when I, being another boy, fell ill and lay in the hospital. The doctor seemed to me very serious and somehow incredibly significant. And already in fifteen years I went to work by Sanitar in the hospital, where the soap floors, collected diapers and most importantly - watched the doctors. All this influenced the fact that after school, I was a confident step in the medical institute to take exams.

I graduated from the Russian University of Friendship of Peoples named Patrice Lumumba. During his studies, I was always interested in surgical aspects. Even studying infectious diseases, I gladly immersed in surveys associated with manipulation manipulations. So I revealed concrete interest in surgery. And since in the student years we had many famous plastic surgeons at the department, I began to engage in this direction and now I am infinitely glad to my choice. Despite the past years, I did not part with the university, and at present I am an associatetle of the Department of Maxillofacial Surgery, where teaching medical staff to improve the qualifications.

When you own your own clinic, you have the opportunity to create the most comfortable, ideal conditions for patients. In the past, I was already co-owner of the clinic, and for three years I managed to turn it into a successful and recognizable in Moscow. Then I worked for a long time for other medical institutions, until he opened his own clinic - "Beauty Time." Many patients come to me because they know my name and quality of my work. I am well acquainted all the subtleties and nuances of the internal kitchen of a medical institution. It is very important that the patient felt convenient in all respects: it should be surrounded by a pleasant atmosphere and friendly staff, to its services there should be quick rehabilitation programs after operations. Each little thing has a value, even the composition of the daily menu. It is important that everything allows you to satisfy the wishes of customers and build a competent relationship between the patient and the clinic.

Otari Gogiberidze:

Otari Gogiberidze and his wife Yana Laputin. To the question of journalists: "Who is the ideal of beauty?" "He always answers:" The embodiment of the ideal of female beauty is my wife. " .

During the plastic surgery, the surgeon, which is engaged in a favorite thing, is resting. The head clearly knows what to do at every particular moment, and their hands themselves do everything you need. When you understand that everything goes great, you see a good result, you get tremendous satisfaction from work. The most difficult thing in our profession is communication with the patient. It is necessary for a great patience, the ability to find an approach to people, convey to them the necessary information and hear what they want. It happens, patients misunderstand something, and have to be explained again and again, to be ready at any time to help.

Plastic surgery makes sense to do at the place of residence. W. A roving qualifications of specialists are now about the same with us and abroad (in Moscow, for example, there are surgeons of the highest world-class). Choosing a clinic, it is necessary to understand that it is always better that the doctor is near, and not in another country. Of course, if you have the opportunity to leave for a month to Europe or America, and then come to planned inspections, the location is removed.

Today's patients have become more educated and informed than ten years ago. Previously, they were interested in whether the surgeon could do what they want, and how much the bruises would last. Now comes to funny: armed with information from the Internet, they come and tell a doctor, which technique it should be applied during surgery. On the other hand, spent patients are more prepared and know what to expect from plastics, as will pass the postoperative period.

In recent years, the number of men's customers has increased. Most often they want to change the shape of the nose, tighten the eyelids and remove excess fat from the waist, belly. Women have become much less likely to resort to a circular facelift, but they still lead the breast increasing operations, nose and eyelid correction.

In my work, every case is interesting because I am engaged in aesthetic correction. But There are amazing cases. Once, many years ago, a man came to me with the desire to make Otoplassic. He showed me his photo in a circle of friends, where he has absolutely normal ears. And in front of me was a clearly leoping patient. As it turned out, he stuck his ears for a bilateral scotch for many years and was absolutely satisfied with his appearance. But the point came when he fell in love with the girl and told her that he had a special device for his ears to better hear. The girl mercifully began to speak very loudly to help her beloved her best to hear. He also became ready to hurt her tonality, but admitted that he was just a burdock, and not a bit loose, would mean to undermine confidence in the root. And the desire to live with this girl his life pushed him to make plastic surgery. So under the pretext of the hearing correction, he got to me and came out by a person not only with a beautiful hearing, but also with the perfect form of ears.

Otari and his wife Yana on vacation. The surgeon admitted that I would like to make rhinoplastics in order to correct the nasal partition, which is twisted. .

Otari and his wife Yana on vacation. The surgeon admitted that I would like to make rhinoplastics in order to correct the nasal partition, which is twisted. .

Endoscopic techniques that are of great interest as an alternative to the scalpel, actually possess very limited features. With their help, you can pull the forehead and the average one third of the person, but they will not remove the second chin, "broke" and surplus skin. In general, while cosmetology, some kind of magical way, will not learn to reduce or remove excess stretched skin fabrics, occurring with age, without plastic surgery can not do.

To some extent, the hardware and injecting cosmetology is able to replace or at least remove surgery. If you compare what a forty-year-old woman looked fifteen to twenty years ago and now, then we can see explicit tendency to rejuvenate. Today, excellent sex has access to high-quality bioactive cosmetics, professional salon procedures and hardware technologies, allowing to push the appearance of explicit signs of aging for ten and fifteen years. In addition, playing a role and psychological factor: Previously, a woman in fifty years has already prepared to retire and nurse with grandchildren, and modern "pensioners" are energetic and purposeful, they work, keep themselves in shape, fashionably dress up. Youth depends on the internal mood.

If the patient does not fully understand the need for a plastic surgery or he does not know what he wants, he should refuse at the moment. There is a category of people suffering from dysmorphophobia (rejection of their own appearance), and no way well have worked as a surgeon, they will still remain unhappy with the result. No less complex patients are those who are trying to solve their vital problems (no personal life, work, and so on) by changing appearance. Because after straightening the nose, the husband will not return and the relationship with the boss will not improve, but accuses to the surgeon. In general, a person in strong stress cannot be operated because it will affect the rehabilitation process.

Do not chase over other people's ideals. To the honor of our women, it should be noted that if many years ago some of them came with photographs of celebrities and asked to make a nose, like Kim Bacyinger, then now everyone is trying to preserve their individuality. Russian women are in principle very beautiful, why should they chase after someone?

At forty-one, the birth of a daughter is perceived differently than twenty. Now I take care of the child more sensitively, it became more careful, I want to have time to give a daughter a lot of useful and good. I was present at the time of childbirth, although I went out at the time of birth. I had a surgical bathrobe, bootheels, and I felt like a surgeon in a medical institution, but at the same time did not fulfill the usual functions, but was a little stunned father. He kept his wife to his hand, tried to support her and show care. It seems to me that this is normal behavior for a man, there is nothing to brag here. Particularly exciting and memorable moment - when you take a newborn tiny lump in my hands. Previously, the newly new fathers were not allowed, they could observe their child only in the Roadom window. Although when the first daughter appears to the world, eighteen years ago, I used my medical practice in the same maternity hospital, and I could see the daughter immediately after birth.

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