Box, cardboard and little dog: with whom to leave pet


You dreamed of a dog all my life, but in my childhood parents strictly-setting forbade any animal life. And now, when you are already an adult and independent person, you can afford to start any pet. However, the question arises: where to go an animal when you are traveling on a business trip or vacation?

Of course, in many hotels in Europe there is an option to stay with pet, but moving around the city, especially with a large dog, will deliver many small troubles. Therefore, you have two options: either refuse to travel, or choose the appropriate conditions for the animal during your absence.

Animal is better to leave on its territory

Animal is better to leave on its territory


Familiar and friends

Not every relatives will agree to take your animal even for a while, especially if they do not have their pets or in the apartment there are small children. But familiar, neighbors and friends may well help you out. You can send an animal for temporary accommodation to a friend, but best, as experts advise, leave the four friend on their territory to avoid unnecessary stress.

Before serving into the warm edges, take care of purchasing the necessary amount of feed, explain to a friend how to care for a pet, buy the right medicines if necessary. If you leave a friend to look after the dog with which you need to walk, first take a walk with her together so that the animal is accustomed to someone else's person.


The so-called animal hotels are increasingly gaining popularity where you can leave a pet for a specific fee. Here you can not worry about the state of your pet, because in hotels there are professionals who will provide decent care. In addition, many hotels have a veterinarian who will provide the necessary assistance in the event of an unforeseen situation.

However, not every owner can afford this service, since it costs pretty well in our country.

Be sure to check the person with whom leave a friend

Be sure to check the person with whom leave a friend



Budget version of the hotel, but already at a private person who may have nothing to do with veterinary medicine. These are usually people who have their own pets, and they agree for a certain amount, much smaller than in the hotel, walking your pet, and also to feed and treat with drugs.

On the Internet you will find many proposals about a similar service, however, you need to understand that a person may be anything, and not the fact that he can handle animals. Therefore, always use only proven contacts.

If necessary, show a person how to contact and care for your pet

If necessary, show a person how to contact and care for your pet


Automatic drinkers and bowls

If you plan to remove for a few days, and your animal does not require long walks, you can leave it one with a sufficient feed.

The essence of automated devices is that at certain times they serve water and food, so there is no chance of moving in the animal, but it will not remain hungry.

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