Why do the stars fall into the accident?


Dysflow Karina

The shock in the literal sense of the word met the May Day singer Karina. Together with the girlfriend, the girl lately hurried at a concert in one of the metropolitan gay clubs. Apparently, the singer was so in a hurry that he decided not to comply with the rules of movement, as a result of which she encountered another machine. Inspectors who arrived at the scene were very surprised by the fact that Karina had no driver's license. Accompanied by traffic police officers, she went home to provide relevant documents and confirm their identity. Celestiality should be given due: she did not make a scandal and unconditionally recognized her guilt.

Irakli Pizkhalava. Photo: Gennady Cherkasov.

Irakli Pizkhalava. Photo: Gennady Cherkasov.

Bit Heraclia Pitzhalava

At the end of April 2012, an unpleasant incident on the road was seen a graduate of the second "stars factory" Irakli Pizza. On his Audi, the singer, rebuilding from a number of in a row, hooked Renault. But the worst thing is that after an accident, the musician began to scandal. Now on the Internet, more and more details of the incident appear. Irakli not only demanded money from the affected driver, but crushed him and the car bat. As far as this is true, it will find out the consequence, while Prankhalava does not give any comments about this.

Anna Semenovich. Photo: Lilia Sharlovskaya.

Anna Semenovich. Photo: Lilia Sharlovskaya.

Naza Anna Semenovich

While being a soloist "brilliant", Anya Semenovich managed to come on the FSB. It happened in December 2006 not far from the famous Lubyanka. The singer rushed to the concert and asked her driver to drive around the cork on the sidewalk. One of the pedestrians jeep taped the rearview mirror. They turned out to be an employee of the FSB. This violation noted the traffic police officers and stopped the Porsche Stars. While the inspectors disassembled, an offended pedestrian with her friend rank to the car, and a fight soon began. Neither the cries of the celebrity celebrities, no appeals of traffic cops. Having calm down the men could still arrive patrol. And Semenovich had long had to be met in all sorts of instances.

Boris Moiseev. Photo: Gennady Avramenko.

Boris Moiseev. Photo: Gennady Avramenko.

Oranges Boris Moiseev

In the early autumn of 2005, Boris Moiseev traveled to furniture stores in search of a new bed. He was so carried away by shopping that he did not have time to eat. Therefore, having stopped in the first supermarket, I bought a few oranges. They played a singer with a singer. Package with fruit Boris Mikhailovich put on the front seat. And while Moiseev challenged in the capital traffic jams, one of the oranges fell to his feet. And, parked in the parking lot of the next megamolla, the star instead of the brake pressed on the flowing citrus. As a result, the auto singer drove into a shop window and, ironically, slowed down near the bed, which Boris dreamed of. Fortunately for all sides, the incident was without a scandal.

Chris Kielmi. Photo: Mikhail Kovalev.

Chris Kielmi. Photo: Mikhail Kovalev.

Chris Kelmy's drunkenness

A month ago, Chris Kelmy spent five days behind bars for having got drunk behind the wheel. Since the musician is no longer for the first time in a failure to state, the court decided on administrative arrest. After the liberation, Chris told that he says the punishment too harsh, but he learned from this lesson and will never sit behind the wheel drunk. The singer spent 5 days in the company 10 more prisoners. He thought a lot, played chess and read poems.

Yuri Antonov. Photo: Gennady Avramenko.

Yuri Antonov. Photo: Gennady Avramenko.

Draka Yuri Antonova

Yuri Antonov is known for its difficult character, so it is not surprising that he often gets into road disassembly. So, in November last year, the composer looked at the gas station with a motorcyclist. The singer was outraged by how Biker was parked. As a result, the verbal switter ended in a fight and hospital: Yuri Mikhailovich began his eyes, and the doctors left him two sutures. The singer wrote a statement so that the police sort out in this situation.

This is the case yet.

Igor Nikolaev. Photo: Schalovskaya Lilia

Igor Nikolaev. Photo: Schalovskaya Lilia

Escape Igor Nikolaev

In March 2008, Igor Nikolaev left the accident, without finding any damage on his Lexus. However, the second participant of the accident inspectors caused, since his car had a rear left wing and the door, and also remembered and said Lexus. The famous car owner was announced in the search, and when the person was established - sent a summons to the court. The composer threatened the deprivation of rights for a year and a half or 15 days of arrest. However, the first meeting was postponed due to the lack of some documents. And the second singer asked to move due to tour. Two months later, it was discontinued.

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