Pregnancy: Guide for nine months


Part of the first 9 months - day after day

The health of the future child and his mother depends on the competent maintenance of pregnancy and childbirth, so one of the first important decisions should be the choice of place where you will be observed throughout the term. It may be a female consultation in the nearest clinic, a paid medical center or "his" specialist recommended by familiar. The most important thing -

You must feel the doctor comfortably and find a common language with it. Do not hesitate to change doctors in search of a reliable, attentive, knowledgeable gynecologist who can prepare you for the birth of a child. Even in a free women's consultation, you can ask for a doctor's change, if for some reason you do not suit you.

"Immediately after a positive home test, you need to see the doctor and make an ultrasound to eliminate the ectopic pregnancy, which can threaten the life of a woman," warns Dorin Muntean, an obstetrician-gynecologist, a specialist in anti-aging medicine and aesthetic gynecology, the head of Expert Clinics. - Making sure that everything is in order, you can start weighing everything "for" and "against" and choose an optimal option for health care for the coming months. A specialist to whom you trust should develop an individual plan that will include not only the generally accepted visits to the gynecologist and the surrender of analyzes, but also monitoring your potentially weaknesses. Unfortunately, there are few people who can boast of perfect health, and "raise straws" will be odd.

In our clinic, there is a unique program "Pregnancy and childbirth without risks", thanks to which we do not admit to the exacerbation of chronic diseases in pregnant women, we maximally reduce the likelihood of pathologies, if necessary, we carry out comprehensive treatment with minimal use of drugs (using therapeutic herbs), prepare Light and prosperous childbirth.

Women should understand that pregnancy does not boil down to the appointment of vitamins and surrender analyzes. The future mother must be able to regularly communicate with competent specialists who own the situation and clearly control both the changes occurring in the human body and the dynamics of the child's development. "

Life in trimesters

IN First trimester (the first 12 weeks) There is a formation of the main bodies of the child, so at the 7-8th week, an ultrasound study is required to determine the amount of fruits in this pregnancy, the fetus age, to evaluate its livelihood and make sure that there are no coarse pathologies. A little later, on the 9-10th week, comprehensive blood tests and urine tests are made: research on the blood group and a rhesus factor, biochemical blood test, blood test on infections and congenital pathologies, HIV, syphilis, hepatitis B and C, study Vaginal separated on the microflora. At 11 weeks it is necessary to conduct an ultrasound to determine the malformations of the fetus and the first prenatal screening (complex laboratory and instrumental study, which allows to identify the risk of deviation in the development of the fetus - for example, the likelihood of the child's birth with Down syndrome). Especially this study is shown to women after 40 years. If there is a possibility of malformations, a genetics doctor is consulted. Unfortunately, there are pathologies incompatible with the life of a child, and then it is necessary to artificially interfere with pregnancy.

The second trimester (from the 12th to the 23rd week) No longer requires the delivery of such a large number of analyzes, but regular inspections by a gynecologist remain mandatory. At this time, the well-being of a pregnant woman is improving, and the resulting weight is still not preventing it easy to move. The doctor continues to monitor the development of the child and the state of the mother's health, if necessary, selects the Vitamin complex, appoints an ultrasound between the 18th and 22nd weeks to assess the growth of the fetus and eliminate vices that are visualized after the 12-14th week of pregnancy. In the second trimester, ultrasound makes it possible to determine the sex of the child with high reliability, as well as listen to his heartbeat and get the first rather distinct image of the baby.

"Many women are concerned about the question: can the teeth be treated during pregnancy or better to wait until the birth of a child? - continues Dorina Muntyan. - The answer is to definitely treat! After all, incomprehensible teeth are becoming a source of infection that represents the danger to the whole body, and for the child, including. It is not worth refusing to anesthesia, because strong pain, tested by mom, is stress and for the baby. It is important to make sure that the woman has allergies to Lidocaine, so before the introduction of the medicine is done

Allergic test.

As for the admission of painkillers and other drugs, it is best to contact your doctor and clarify the full list of drugs prohibited during pregnancy and lactation. And of course, you should not swallow any tablets without prior consultation with a specialist.

The third trimester begins with the 24th week And represents the greatest difficulty for pregnant women. Weight rapidly increases faster rolling fatigue, pain may arise

In the lower back, swelling, varicose, shortness of breath, insomnia. In the third trimester, in addition to the delivery of all the analyzes planned for this period, it is recommended to hold two ultrasound surveys: on the 28-32th week and closer to childbirth - on the 37-38th. The doctor observes the dynamics of the child's development, checks, in what condition is the placenta and whether its development of the fetus corresponds to the absence of hypoxia (oxygen starvation) in the child. Such comprehensive control will allow a woman to be sure that the childbirth will be successful,

And the child will be healthy. "

General recommendations:

- It is advisable to monitor your weight and not gain more than 10-12 kg for pregnancy. Extra kilograms can cause complications in pregnancy and childbirth, problems with blood circulation in a child.

- Provide a full-fledged sleep and rest - only in this case the correct dominant of labor is formed (they will be easily and less painful). Woman must be hurt well

and too frequent (more than once per night) hiking to the toilet indicate an increased tone of the uterus or bladder infection, which can lead to premature birth

or miscarriage.

- If there are no contraindications, lead an active lifestyle, engage in yoga, work

(But do not recycle!). It has been proven that women, early go on the decret and "living

On the sofa, "often suffer from overeating, edema, poor well-being and drops


Part Two: Care every day

Together with the joy about the upcoming addition in the family, the young mother begins to set in other questions. For example: how to care for yourself? What restrictions imposes an interesting position on the use of cosmetics?

"Now in the first place is concerned about the safety and health of the child, therefore it is worth checking the composition of the jars that you used to pregnancy, because some ingredients can be harmful to the fetus," says Eleanor Zhenina, General Director of Profit Cosmetics Group LLC. - It is better to abandon the means containing retinoids (a variety of vitamin A), salicylic acid, triclosan and alcohol. Traditionally, retinoids are used to restore skin elasticity or for the treatment of acne. Finding into the body of a pregnant woman, they can cause malformations of the child's development, especially when used inside. And although the negative effect of their outdoor use is less, still do not be subject to unnecessary risky itself and the baby. Salicylic acid is the same aspirin that is generally contraindicated pregnant, and in skin care products, this substance is contained in considerable quantities. Triklozan is an antibacterial drug, and it is not necessary to resort to it without any particular need. As for alcohol, it strongly dries the skin, and the increased amount of estrogen in the body already contributes to its dryness. Many women who complained before pregnancy for fatty problem skin, note that it became normal, but the owner of normal and dry skin can face its heightened dryness. In trying to soften and moisturize the skin with natural oils it is necessary to avoid soy oils

And Bergamota, as they strengthen the formation of pigment spots.

The optimal solution will be the use of natural cosmetics or means specifically designed for pregnant women. You can recommend Holistic Beauty funds from RVB (Italy), which are absolutely safe for mom, and for the baby, it is absolutely natural and anti-allergenic, do not contain artificial flavors, dyes, preservatives and alcohol. For sensitive skin, the Biocalm Sensitive line will be indispensable from Holistic Beauty RVB, in particular, soothing moisturizing cream with linseed seed extract and hyaluronic acid or nutritious regenerating cream 24 hours with squalene and allantoin.

Due to the change of hormonal background, acne may unexpectedly appear, which, as a rule, go through after delivery. To support the skin in a normal state, you need to pay special attention to its cleansing. For daily washings, neutral means based on vegetable components intended for problem skin. Creams and masks should have a regulatory action, do not overload and do not overdo the face. The non-encased Biopurity Biopurity Formulas from Holistic Beauty RVB is well tolerated even very sensitive skin future mothers, have a slight exfoliating effect, harmony - the work of the sebaceous skin glands.

As a result of the regular use of the balancing gel cream, 24 hours with the extract of mountain Ivan tea and bisabolol reduces the production of the skin, the amount of inflammation and spots decrease, the pores are narrowed.

Many pregnant women face a fluid delay in the body and, as a result, with edema edema and face. With this problem, a revitalizing fluid for a century from Holistic Beauty RVB is superbly coped. Its special formula eliminates swelling, bruises and bags under the eyes, has a rejuvenating and antioxidant action. "

Women often fear for the beauty and shape of their breast, which during pregnancy is noticeably increasing in size. To preserve the elasticity of the skin, already in the earliest period you need to carefully moisten and nourish it. At home, a cream for elasticity of breasts Platinum (Push-Up) from RVB should be applied. Due to its composition of natural oils, algae extract, vitamin E and multilayer Liposomes, Nanochloropsis Oculate, the cream effectively protects breasts from sagging, stimulates the processes of tissue regeneration, prevents the loss of tone and the appearance of stretch marks. The cream is enriched with chronoactive tightening ingredients that cover the skin with an irrevomable film and for a long time act as an invisible cosmetic bra.

"Hormonal changes and rapidly growing fruit can cause the appearance of Striya (stretch marks), continues the Eleanor of the groom. - It is important during this period to keep drying the skin, you should abandon aggressive detergents and ordinary soap, as they wash off natural fats, which are produced in the skin, and lead to dehydration. Choose gels with a strengthening and moisturizing effect, turn on in your care products that increase the elasticity of the skin. For example, use oil that increases the elasticity of the skin Dermoelast Holistic Beauty Thay RVB line, containing orange tonic oil, mandarin and grapefruit, the invigorating aroma of which helps to vigorously start the day, or cream that increases the elasticity of the skin with argan oils and mono de Taiti.

Salon body procedures for future mothers possess high efficiency. During the course application, they retain the tone and quality of the skin, minimize the risk of stretch marks. Very effective, for example, the Yam Amma DEVA prenatal and postpartum care program, developed by Holistic Beauty Thay RVB, with active ingredients and natural oils, restoring skin elasticity and accelerating tissue regeneration.

The procedure is carried out using a special massage, affecting all lymphatic ducts, and is accompanied by pleasant music. Massage has soothing

and the healing effect, contributes to deep relaxation, allows mom and baby even more emotionally close. Massage movements are conducted by argan oil - this is valuable and rare oil slows the aging of the skin, feeds it, prevents dehydration, protects the connective tissue. The full cycle of procedures consists of 20 sessions lasting 75 minutes with an interval of two weeks before the fifth month inclusive. And starting from the sixth month of pregnancy, sessions should be held once a week to 15 days before the expected date of birth of the child. "

If there are no contraindications, enhance the active lifestyle, do yoga, work. Photo: fotolia /

If there are no contraindications, enhance the active lifestyle, do yoga, work. Photo: fotolia /

Part Three: Health under control

Doctors constantly emphasize: Pregnancy is not a disease, which, unfortunately, does not eliminate future mom from a number of intelligible sensations. Because of squeezing internal organs, heartburn arise, nausea and digestion disorder, the work of the kidneys is disturbed, which can provoke swelling, venous insufficiency and increased blood pressure. An increase in body weight leads to changes in the spine, which causes pain in the back and joints, and due to the overvoltage of the neck muscles, headaches appear.

All these phenomena may even have healthy women, not to mention those who have been inclined to any other diseases before pregnancy. Many of these problems are associated with the individual characteristics of the body of a particular woman, with the structure of its body and the psychological state. The increasing body mass changes the reflexes of the vertical position and walk (hence the "duck" gait of pregnant women), the position of the bones is changing relative to each other, the load on the foot increases. The well-being influenced by the previously transferred injuries of the spine and the tailbone, operations (even banal appendectomy), chronic diseases. So, there are no exit from pregnant women, all

To endure?

"Of course not! - Elena Treipkin assures, Osteopath doctor of the aesthetics clinic and rejuvenation Telo`s beauty. - There is a unique and safe way not only to remove unpleasant symptoms, but also to remove their cause. We are talking about osteopathy, which is a mild and effective method of assisting a woman's body, oriented to adapt to all changes during pregnancy. Osteopathian helps to adapt to the new state of all systems, reduce the squeezing of internal organs, restore their normal functioning, improve the venous and lymphatic current, remove the voltage from the spine, adjust the posture, remove various pains. Moreover, osteopathic treatment comes to help with toxicosis, hypoxia, dizziness, increased tone of the uterus, disturbed by psycho-emotional equilibrium. "

The procedure itself is very comfortable for both mom and child. Mom after the session leaves dizziness, headache, shortness of breath, heartburn, heaviness and back pain, stomach becomes soft, disappears tension in the uterus.

If a woman does not bother any unpleasant feeling, it is recommended to apply a preventive visit to osteopath two weeks before delivery to prepare the bones of the pelvis

And the muscles of the crotch towards childbirth. Optimally to go through two or three sessions with a period of seven or ten days.

Osteopathy Indispensable when preparing for childbirth, she Helps:

- improve the intrauterine development of the fetus;

- prepare a pelvic bottom and cervix for childbirth;

- significantly reduce the risk of breaks and generic injuries;

- increase the mobility of pelvic bones;

- adjust the position of the sacrum and the waist;

- eliminate dysfunctions of internal organs;

- Provide safe and soft childbirth.

"Quite often, Moms waiting for the firstborn, mistakenly believe that immediately after delivery, when the pregnancy end, the body will immediately come to its initial state," Elena Tipkin continues. - In fact, with the birth of a child, the countdown of return to the norm begins, this period may take certain time and accompanied by some discomfort, because internal organs and systems need to restore their familiar functions.

It is best to carry out the first correction within a week after delivery, while ligaments and fabric are still very elastic and pliable. First of all, the doctor restores the correct position of the pelvis and the uterus, which could be shifted as a result of generic activities. In addition, work with seams, scars, the location of the liver, kidneys, intestines is checked. If you lose the moment, the woman can begin chronic pelvic pain and back pain, pain during sexual intercourse

And during and menstruation, hemorrhoids will arise, varicose veins, disorders of the tract (meteorism, heartburn).

Few people understand that the remnimensions of the ligaments in some one place can be transmitted throughout the body, cause headaches, increased blood pressure and other troubles. And just a couple of osteopathy sessions will return good health and vigor.

It would be a mistake to think that osteopathy dealt only with bones and bundles, during the session, osteopath regulates much more subtle systems, such as neuroendocrine. It is no secret that changes in the hormonal background lead to the drumps of the mood at the newly born women. The doctor will help to restore the emotional balance, to establish the work of the central nervous system, avoid hormonal jumps and related mood drops. After the patient's session, even breathing in another rhythm - balanced and measured. It is recommended to pass three or four procedures with an interval in one or two weeks.

It is advisable to show a specialist and a newborn. The fact is that the process of childbirth was a real test not only for Mom, but also for him. If the mother, for example, was twisted at that time, then the likelihood is that the baby will have an asymmetric head that it may later lead to various diseases. The doctor will carefully place gentle bones and restore their normal position. It should be remembered that one hundred percent correction is possible only during the first three months of the child's life, and not to miss this moment. "

Part Four: Personal Experience

Tatiana, programmer, 29 years old, Mom 3-year nickname:

"The first months of pregnancy I saved from the toxicosis and the descent of aromatherapy, mainly used citrus smells in the aroma lamp or pendant. They helped me relieve nausea and stabilized the mood. In the later dates, it did not part with the pool, which was greatly removed the load from the spine. I always loved the bath, but during pregnancy ceased to walk there because of the fear of the stuff. A month after childbirth, he renewed the visits to the bath, first rustic, and then - all the diversity of the bath of the fitness club. After childbirth, the first pleasure was a simple hot shower or a bath with fragrant salt.

And now quite recently, when Nick turned 2.5 years old, I visited the chic Esthetic medicine clinic in Moscow. The certificate presented me with a close friend ... For the first time in my life I learned what Stounterapia and a plasticizer mask. Thanks to the massage with hot stones, he felt the harmony of the body and soul for a whole week! Muscle tension completely lost, lightness, peacekeeping appeared. The face "remembered the mask at least 5 days, the skin is all glowing.

I try to follow myself. I am sure that a woman should be able to be beautiful - for himself, first of all, as well as for their loved ones. "

Ksenia, political scientist, 30 years old, Mom 2-year-old Leonardo:

"We live in Venice, there are practically no beauty salons here, at least a good level,

To which I got used to Russia. I managed to find specialists only at the spa hotel of one resort, which is 1.5 hours from home. I visited the cosmetologist

both before pregnancy and during her. Changed hormonal status can give rack on the skin, and I wanted to be beautiful all 9 mediats. In the spa hotel, I periodically made cleaning faces at the cosmetologist, plus masks moisturizing and cleansing at home. Also, I went to special courses for pregnant women - 2 times a week, which included an hour of gymnastics in the hall and an hour of occupation in the pool. Very pleased with this choice. In general, I did not have the discomfort of pregnancy, it was very easy - I didn't feel at all, I did not smoke, nothing was sick. After childbirth, I continue to follow the face (cleaning faces at the beautician

And various care at home), periodically I go to body massage, but only when we are going to rest in some spa hotel. For the soul and body, I have a swimming pool 2-3 times a week - I adore it! I plan to start doing yoga in the near future. "

Maria, journalist, 29 years old, Mom 5-year-old Grisha:

"During pregnancy, I absolutely did not notice changes in the figure. Clear business - the stomach increased, but the addition of centimeters in the thighs, buttocks I did not see

And did not feel. Obviously, because I wore free pants for future mothers. Yes, and by kilograms I scored a little - 12 kg for the whole pregnancy. However, after childbirth, looking at himself in the mirror, I came to indescribable horror. I not only could not get into the "DEVERY" jeans - I completely disappeared the waist! Given the low growth, the extra 7 kg seemed to me a disaster. And I resolutely took up the correction of the figure. I bought Hula-HUP, a massage hoop, thanks to which, literally for the month, the former flat belly gained. And walking with the child to walk, did not sit on the bench, but took the player with lectures in art and intensively walked intensively in the park, Katya stroller, in which my baby peacefully slept. Extra kilo "evaporated" for 3 months, despite the fact that I continued to breastfeed and did not sit on any diets. As a result, my figure was slimmer and more elegant than before pregnancy! "

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