The group "Factory" starred in clip with maniac


Fortunately, this terrifying story is just the fruit of the imagination of the director Alan Badoeva, who removed the video with such a plot to the song "Factory". Despite the fact that the song is called "Love Films", the director for the creation of a video inspired horror films and American comedies. And what american horror shot without maniac! He was played by Alexey Vorobyev.

"We have heard a lot about Alan Badoev, but they worked with him for the first time. It was very interesting, "says Sasha Savelyev. "Alan always explains very vividly and shows that he wants to see in the frame. We laughed a lot on the set! "

Director Alan Badoev is always very clearly explaining what he wants to see in the frame. The girls from the Factory turned out to be very diligent actresses. .

Director Alan Badoev is always very clearly explaining what he wants to see in the frame. The girls from the Factory turned out to be very diligent actresses. .

The shooting took place 40 kilometers from Kiev. True, the girls did not have to sit in one place: they were constantly moving from one place to another.

"It was a feeling that we really went on a journey and fix all our movements on the video," Irina Tveva shares the impressions. In addition, each girl in the clip "appointed" his young man. At the same time, the actors from the "factory" on the casting on the choice of guys did not participate, so that they were a surprise for them. But I liked the result of the singers. The tastes of the director coincided with the tastes of "manufacturer."

The group

The "factory" trinity with benefit spent time on the site: and the clip took off, and the fresh air rinsed, and even sunk. .

"I liked that this time each of us got my boyfriend," Katya Li laughs. - Here in the previous video "I am a kisser" was one hero on three. Large! "

Despite the presence of a maniac, none of the artist in the shooting platform.

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