"Lenin!" - shouted at the Cannes Festival


A month ago, one of my star friend in an envious spa publicly in public in the restaurant on Rublevka, why it was Lenin invited to the Cannes Festival. I disabled the question of Cynthia, the Almighty Stargent, who met me at the airport. She listed three reasons. The first: I am known in France. And Cannes, as you know, the French city. Second: I speak French perfectly. "And I even write," I would add, because of the 22 Lenin books, 6 written in French. The third reason was convincing, but I could not utter it out loud, without quarreling from Sobchak, Kandelaki or Brezhneva. Cynthia something told something about the absence of beauty, the length of the legs and the mind, but I do not remember, in what order. In general, I found that they were here in Cannes, more visible and went with their prudently discharged from Moscow ingenious makeup artist and hairdresser to the hotel, prepare for the stair of the stairs.

I must say that for the first time I learned about more than the fifty-year-old existence of the Cannes Film Festival in 2000. When I saw in one French magazine Charon Stone in a very beautiful dress. But at first I wanted only a dress. The festival appeared to me later. Three years later, at the invitation of the first French television channel TF1, as a headlinener of one of their TV programs, I already stood in the middle of the red walkway and watched with pride, as Schwarznegger is not allowed for her until all the few thousand photographers from all World. The pair of minutes became a bright spot in my and so kaleidoscopic show business-life. And if I were offered to become the president of any African country, I would not be surprised at that moment. Yes, and in my place the self-conception would be in due order. This year, on the 65th Cannes Film Festival, I was again invited to a solemn opening ceremony. What is very honorable and many actresses and model clas are fighting for this honor. The photographers accredited to the track from Russia were to be filled with patriotic pride, when they saw who comes out of the very first limousine, who came up to the foot of the famous staircase. The first stepped onto the red carpet path your submissive maid. French photographers again shouted with an emphasis on the last syllable: "Elena! Elena! ", And I deflined the virgin track of this year and rejuvenated the pathos badly acceptance to the public with his half-meter hair masterpiece and a stunning dress from Sergio Bellini. The fur cape was not a reminder of Siberian origin, but the subject of essentially, because May this year on the Cote d'Azur was terribly cold.

Lena Lenin at the Cannes Film Festival. .

Lena Lenin at the Cannes Film Festival. .

The festival, like every year, gathered a lot of people: stars, photographers, stylists, producers, curious billionaires and even fighters for justice all sorts. For example, for animal rights. From which I suffered. More precisely, my fur protection from the Ice Circuit of the May evening. Palantine caused a storm of passions in the hearts of opponents of the glamorous exploitation of crocodiles and chinshill. Me, descending from the Palace of Film Festivals, met at the exit to the exit of activists with angry cries, and one, the most brazen of them, poured my fox luxury beer residues from his bottle. I optimally found that if the beer is useful for the hair, then the fur does not hurt. But the SERGIO Bellini silk dress suffered, but it is so sewed specifically for raising through the Cannes stairs, so the second time it is already never useful. Well, except after many years, for sale at auction. After all, according to star customs, dresses, "spotted" with such a cluster of photographers, indecent to wear a second time.

Another, not at all funny, the tragedy of the festival was the lack of assistant Cynthia, Mila Amelie, who last year throughout the festival was a magical fairy for all questions. This year, on the day of the opening of the festival, the poor of our Amelie, driving up in the morning to Cannes on the motorway, fell into a terrible accident and turned out to be horror, in a coma. And her three-year-old tiny son, who was with her in the car, although survived, but she spent his hands and legs in several places. Sintias were terribly worried and worried about them, which immediately after my raise on the red carpet staircase, violating the protocol and not remaining to watch the film, rushed to the hospital to the crying relatives of Amelie.

The rest of the Cannes Festival as always blown up the abundance of stars, diamonds, men in tuxedo, lobster, agents and producers of all nationalities. And I continue to be proud of myself and wish all envious languages ​​to be sick.

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