Rules for cleaning that we constantly break


Speaking about life issues, every woman will offer at least a couple of secrets of rapid cleaning. However, experts in this area believe that women spend a lot of energy in vain. The effective organization of space allows you to save a lot of time in the future. We give several effective advice so that you can maintain the order without difficulty.

Movement from top to bottom

It is not entirely clear why it is taken first to clean the floor, and then disassemble things in the cabinets, wipe the dust and perform other small things. The European cleaning system clearly says: it is necessary to start causing order from the highest point of the room, moving down. For example, you first erase the dust from the top of the cabinets and door jambs, then lay out the strokes and only at the very end of the vacuuming floor and wipe it with a damp cloth.

Clean starting from the shelves

Clean starting from the shelves


Vertical storage

When designing cabinets, many forget about the correct storage system and replace comfortable rates with useless shelves. The main mistake here is that most people, the tricks dressing, take the top items from the stack with clothing. After socks, it is dropped into the basket for linen, erased and fold to the previous place. As a result, things lying down in the bottom of the stacks are very rarely worn, which, you see, irrational. With a vertical storage system, you see the entire wardrobe simultaneously - it is more convenient to pick clothes. Decorations We also recommend hanging out on a special vertical stand, and not fold into a cosmetic bag or box.

Instant bathroom cleaning

Surely you wash the bathroom immediately, how did the cleaner applied? This is an incorrect approach for the reason that the active substances do not have time to act on the surface and soften pollution. You have to spend a lot of strength on what you can handle in a couple of minutes. First, pour the bathroom with water out of the shower, then run the cleaning agent along the side and on the center. Wait 5-10 minutes and wipe the bathroom with a wet sponge, then re-rinse with water. With the cleaning of the toilet, the same thing is to pour the tool and wait, then clean the toilet to the brush and wash the water.

Give the Time to act

Give the Time to act


Cleaning machinery

Although the rules of operation are prohibited to clean the monitors of the funds unpredictable for this, most people regularly make this error. Know that the compositions of napkins for hygiene and cleaning napkins for cleaning screens are different - secondly more than the content of alcohol and a small percentage of soaps. Cleaning the liquid crystal screen with hygienic napkins forms a soap film on it, which reduces the image quality.

Wash the dishes immediately

Well, if you have a dishwasher, which easily cleanses the dishes from pollution. But those who have not installed, have to regret his laziness. Cookware with traces of croup, milk, tea, coloring vegetables and fruits is poorly laundered, if you do not give time cleaning immediately after meals. Believe me, wash the plate, mug and cutlery is one minute. So why not do it instead of sapping dishes in the sink?

wash the dishes right after eating

wash the dishes right after eating


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