Office + air conditioning = runny nose and sore throat


The simplest and most common things can cause negative emotions from workers, right up to despair. Such resentment is quite justified, especially in offices, where there is a large number of people and air conditioners, from which it is impossible to hide.

Opinions of office workers

Most work in an unbearable atmosphere, what they are sharing with their friends on social networks: "... today I will take a monthly report today, and the head of the cast iron, the air conditioner hangs on top, the warmth, colleagues, and I freeze, even for 10 minutes it is not allowed to turn off , periodically run into the corridor to warm up. "," ... In our office today is pretty cool, they have turned on the split system in the morning, and they have forgotten, earned, they worked only for dinner, went out to the street, after a stupid, you can say Paradise ... And by the end of the day my throat got sick, probably heated, "such different complaints places office workers today.

Benefit or damage to air conditioners?

Of course, air conditioners / split systems create coolness or, on the contrary, warming the air, bringing people relief, improving performance. However, with a long stay in a closed space in such an atmosphere and the transition from one heated or cool environment, not only the temperature imbalance arises to another, but also a high risk of cold. Even with a strong immunite, no one is insured against an infection in the office space.

Who lives in the air conditioner?

There is also an infectious danger emanating directly from air conditioners. Closed premises even with frequent cleaning and moisture - the source of harmful bacteria. Scientists have accumulated a mass of data pointing to it as a seatingman for infection. Specialists are confident that the most modern cleaning filters of air conditioners do not save from dangerous pathogens. The most common "residents" of air conditioners are considered as staphylococcus, intestinal wand and streptococcus. The latter often causes inflammation in the throat and nasal strokes. It can be enough to spend next to the air conditioner literally a couple of hours and hello, - cold!

Competent treatment

With a sore throat and runny nose, you need not to let everything on samonek, but quickly start therapy. In this case, treatment will require minimal time spending, finance and will be most efficient. The doctor is usually appointed by bioparox, which should irrigate the throat and nose. As part of the drug, the natural antibiotic of the local action - Fuzafungin. Fuzafungin not only helps to remove the pathogenic flora, but also has its own anti-inflammatory action, with its help, the edema of the mucous membrane is reduced, the eraser is reduced, the perfense and painful feelings in the throat. Before using the drug, you need to get acquainted with the instructions for use and consult with a specialist. There are contraindications.

Protection against infection

It is almost impossible to avoid air conditioners in the office. The jet of the "miracle" of the technique sooner or later will overtake. However, it is possible to take certain steps that, if not saved, will reduce the risk of cold infections. Standard prevention methods, of course, are known to everyone, but in the conditions of permanent operation of the air conditioner - ineffective. Do not let the colleagues dramatically change the temperature indicators, insist on the periodic shutdown of the air conditioner. Stay away from those comrades who have a runny nose or cough. Make breaks on vacation, for example, when working at a computer, you can leave the room for 2-5 minutes every 40-50 minutes. At dinner, try not to load the body in fat and sweet, and consume only fresh and useful food - vegetables, fruits, fish.

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