Rhinoplasty: reveal the secrets of perfection


Rhinoplasty has a rich history. The operation was known in the ancient India 3,000 years ago, in Persia, Arabia and even in the "dark" middle ages in Italy and in France, but officially recognized by European surgeons only at the beginning of the XIX century. At first, the rhinoplasty was carried out by injuries after injuries, but over time began to use aesthetic surgery, eliminating patients from external defects: a crumpled tip, reducing a large, massive nose.

According to experts, rhinoplasty, though incredibly sought-after, but the most capricious

and complex operation. The problem is that absolute beauty standards does not exist. Just as there are no ideal proportions. Classical generally accepted norms are not suitable for each type of face, so the nose correction can be called individual jewelry work, where every millimeter radically changes the appearance.

The peculiarity of rhinoplasty consists also in the unpredictability of the healing process. The properties of the skin, and the age of the patient, and the tendency towards the coarse scar. "Usually, such a predisposition can be judged by previous surgical interventions and analyzes, it comments on the leading plastic surgeon of the clinic of aesthetic surgery" Ottimo "Igor White. - In this situation, before the operation, we appoint a course of physiotherapies aimed at improving the condition of the skin, an increase in its elasticity. Therefore, the patient must be ready for additional spending forces, time and money. "

But, perhaps, the most difficult - psychologically uncomfortable moment of long-lasting waiting: after surgery, at least six months should pass before the final one will manifest


"Of course, after a month, the nose takes the right form, but the" final version "can be seen after 6 months. We, for our part, try to speed up the rehabilitation process.

And minimize negative effects, "says Igor White. - Surgical intervention takes place only in safe zones, away from large arteries and nerves. And in order to avoid bleeding, a special vascular laser is used, which allows you to reduce the hematomas and shorten the recovery period. "

A day after surgery, the patient is carried out in the hospital, and for 7-14 days wears a locking gypsum bandage. Usually on the restoration of nasal respiration, the disappearance of bruises under the eyes takes about 14 days, however, the output is desirable to plan no earlier than 1.5-2 months, when traces after rhinoplasty become invisible.

In the first months after surgery, doctors advise comply with some restrictions. So it is important to avoid staying in the sun, postpone sports and swimming, not overvolt, do not blow the rooking and not even wearing glasses.

In difficult cases - with significant deformations, severe injuries - the secondary correctional plastic of the nose is required, allowing you to fix as scrapping, so

and side negative effects. In addition, it is often necessary to adjust the height of the nostril or the tip of the nose. This is a standard practice to which 25-30% of cases are resorted. The secondary correction takes only 10-15 minutes and is carried out under local anesthesia.

"There is also a category of patients who are not at all suited the result, so they insist on a re-operation. The point is that predicted exactly the future shape of the nose

And the face of the face is generally impossible. Yes, there are programs that allow the patient's portrait, but they do not give a 100% hit. And many patients are waiting for the operation of the "new blouse" effect: when I bought a thing in the store, put on a couple of times, and if I didn't like it - changed. Therefore, the task of the surgeon is still on the primary consultation to convey to the patient that rhinoplasty is not a blouse, but a serious surgical operation, "explains Igor White.

Before the operation, a number of necessary surveys are carried out. In addition to the standard set: blood and urine tests, the radiography of the chest organs (fluorography) and the ECG - the patient is recommended to make radiography and computed tomography of the incomplete sinuses. After that, choose an option to carry out an operation that can be "open" or "closed". In the first case, the incision passes both inside and outside - on the skin jumper between the nostrils, in the second - only inside the nose. The choice of type of operation depends on the state

And the wishes of the patient. For example, for narrowing the nose, preferably closed removal of cartilage in the backrest area of ​​the nose.

"And thanks to the reconstructive rhinoplasty, the complete restoration of the nose is possible, for example, after injury or burn, - Igor continues white. - In some situations, in addition to the solution of aesthetic problem, it is necessary to establish a disturbed nasal breathing or eliminate the curvature of the nasal partition. However, rhinoplasty after injury can be carried out only for the first five days, since from the 3rd day there are extensive edema, which is a serious problem when performing a plastic surgery. If time is missed, it is advisable to resort to rhinoplasty only after 6 months, not earlier. "

Secrets of perfection

Sometimes, specialists use implants to achieve the perfect result. Alloimplants exist when the so-called silicone backs are used, implants from the Rulex - coarse-grained silicone having a porous structure. Silicone allows you to create a smooth back of the nose, a neat end department, however, since the implants are seen in the capsule, in the event of internal inflammation, they will have to be deleted.

"And the inserts from the Rulebs can germinate, and if in the future the patient wants to change the shape of the nose, remove the races will be extremely difficult," says Igor White. - Of course, such consequences are rare, in just 5% of cases. "

Another type of implants - the body's own fabrics. Most often, they serve as partners of the partition cartilage, which are placed on the back or tip of the nose. However, any

Floors - both foreign and its own - may disperse, which also happens extremely rarely. "All implants have their pros and cons. Success largely depends on both the patient choosing and from the skill and experience of the doctor, "concludes Igor White.

Sometimes after surgery, the patient notices a light asymmetry of the nostrils. She is barely underwritten and completely imperceptible to unauthorized people, but the patient is experiencing and worrying. However, the problem is not in bad plastic, but in natural disproportions inherent in each of us. "Asymmetry-ryry is present in the face of any person - due to the structure of the bones of the nose, skull, spine. To the surgical intervention, we do not notice any disharmony simply because we do not pay attention to it. But after rhinoplasty, patients are pickyly consider reflection in the mirror, almost a ruler measure the size of the nose, the location of the nostrils and often reveal the difference in millimeters, networks on the unprofessionalism of the surgeon. And until you demonstrate snapshots before surgery and after convincing alarmed patients happens

Not easy, "adds Igor White.

By the way, not everyone wants to reduce the nose. There are also people who dream to make an extension operation, increasing. For example, some men believe that

With a large, massive nose, they look courageous and solid. The task of the surgeon is to understand the wishes and taking into account the properties of the skin and the features of the face to help the patient improve appearance.

Of course, the change in the shape of the nose does not solve all the psychological difficulties that lead the patient to the surgeon's office, but in most cases it helps to significantly increase self-esteem, thereby contributing to the construction of a successful career and a happy personal life.

Question answer

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Igor White, the leading plastic surgeon of the Esthetic surgery "Ottimo" is responsible for questions.

"Several years ago broke your nose, he processed incorrectly and was now twisted. Can I somehow fix the defect? Alexandra".

"Yes, of course, it is possible. Post-traumatic rhinoplasty helps to recreate the previous form, restore the functions of a broken nose and completely eliminate curvature. "

"Good day! After the nasal injury, his curvature arose, because of what respiration disorders appeared. I want to make an operation to align the nose, but the surrounding discourages, considering that the nose will completely stop breathing. I would like to hear the opinion of the specialist: can it really be worse? Elizabeth".

"The task of plastics consists not just in creating a beautiful nose that does not breathe. A competent operation allows you to achieve both a high aesthetic result and eliminating nasal respiratory disorders, which is a medical point for rhinoplasty. "

"I read that thick skin can be a problem with rhinoplasty. This is true? What difficulties may arise after surgery? Nina".

"Indeed, skin properties are of paramount importance. The fact is that in the presence of oily and thick skin, get thin, "puppet" nose is almost impossible. And to achieve the desired aesthetic effect is difficult. Most often, the thickening of the skin and slowing the processes of regeneration occurs after 45 years, so plastic is recommended to be carried out before this age. However, there are conservative methods and physiotheredres, aimed at improving skin characteristics, after which it is possible and appropriate to carry out rhinoplasty. "

"Tell me, is it possible to make rhinoplastics to patients suffering from chronic and allergic rhinitis."

"Inflammation or chronic disease in the aggravation stage is always a contraindication to the operation. Even in the event of a light cold, the operation is postponed, not to mention the permanent rheore, which is disturbed by the patient with an allergic rhine. Therefore, first you need to wait until the stage of exacerbation of allergies passes, allergic symptoms will disappear, and then carry out rhinoplasty. "

"I have a large, massive nose with a hubber. I would like to reduce it, removing the bumps.

Is it possible? And how will I look like a new nose? "

"Understand how you will look after the operation, you can thanks to computer nose modeling, but it will be a relative projection. The final result most likely will be slightly different. Reduce the nose and eliminate the Gubility, Certainly, maybe, but first you need to come to consult and pass the necessary tests. "

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