6 beneficial properties of chicken eggs


About the dangers and benefits of chicken eggs, scientists argued with decades, but now it is proved that this product is simply indispensable for the body. It turned out that 2-3 eggs are the optimal daily rate.

Eggs are needed for the brain

Holin - Vitamin, necessary for proper operation and restoration of the brain. Without it, we lose memory. Eat two eggs per day, and there will be no deficit of this substance.

Eggs improve brain

Eggs improve brain


Eggs are necessary for view

A person to see well, Lutein needs. Of course, you can purchase special tablets in the pharmacy, and you can simply have eggs in which it is contained in sufficient quantity.

Eggs increase visual sharpness

Eggs increase visual sharpness


Eggs are necessary for the heart

If earlier we were scared with cholesterol, which is contained in the eggs, now scientists have proven that it is balanced by phosphatides, so harmless to humans. Therefore, the use of eggs reduces the risk of cardiovascular diseases, since they contain omega-3 acid, which reduces the level of harmful triglyceride.

Eating eggs reduces the risk of heart disease

Eating eggs reduces the risk of heart disease


Eggs are needed for beauty

This product contains biotin, vitamin B12 and protein - this complex makes healthy skin and hair.

This product improves appearance

This product improves appearance


Eggs are needed to lose weight

According to nutritionists, if you eat two chicken eggs for breakfast, all day you will need less pedica, and therefore weight loss goes faster.

Tight breakfast will allow you to stay all day

Tight breakfast will allow you to stay all day


Eggs are necessary as the prevention of oncology

Holine is needed not only the brain. It reduces the likelihood of breast cancer.

You can avoid breast cancer

You can avoid breast cancer


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