Geraldine Chaplin will walk along the Potemkin stairs


Charlie Chaplin's daughter and the granddaughter of the Nobel laureate of Eugene O'Neill, Actress Geraldine Chaplin will be the guest of the Odessa International Film Festival. On July 14, she will open a grand showing of the "Lights of the Big City" on the Potterkin staircase, along with the grandson and T-azka Chaplin Charlie Sisalkius. This show will become the most large-scale painting.

"Lights of the Big City" is one of the greatest romantic comedies of all time, which occupies the leading places in numerous film buildings. The film was created in the period of the Great Depression and is dumb, although they are removed after the occurrence of the audio movie era. At the same time, the picture is accompanied by music and sound effects. Chaphelina had to use his entire authority and influence in Hollywood to resist the pressure of the industry, by the time the film completely switched to the use of sound (no matter how paradoxically, the film was not nominated for any of the awards of the American Film Academy because of the position of academics, rattling For more progressive, in their opinion, sound cinema). "Lights of the Big City" is considered the best film Charlie Chaplin, who spoke in this tape by the director, producer, co-author of the scenario, composer and the executor of the leading role.

In the eight of the age, debuting in the film of his father "Lights Ramps", Geraldine decided to make a career of the English royal ballet dancer. After three years of the royal ballet school, she began to perform on the theater scene of Paris. Lines are known from the letter Charlie Chaplin those years facing her daughter: "My girl! ... Your portrait is here on the table, and here, near my heart. And where are you? There, in fabulous Paris, you dance on the majestic theatrical scene on the Champs Elysees ... "

In the Paris scene, Geraldine was noticed by the director David Lin, who invited her to the role of Tony in his picture "Dr. Zhivago" (1965). She was also filmed from such directors as Robert Ostman (Nashville, 1975), Pedro Almodovar ("Talk to her", 2003), and played Broadway. In 1992, she got the role of Hannah's own grandmother in the Biographical film "Chaplin". With the Spanish director Carlos Sauroy, her for a long time was associated with creative and personal relationships.

At the expense of a dozen film, including awards of international film festivals in Munich and Miami, Spanish Actors Union, Goya, Capri Legend and others. In numerous interviews, Geraldine Chaplin was repeatedly recognized that the Father inspired her: "Soak inside out," so he sounded his philosophy of acting skill. Forget about talent and run. "

Grand Cinema, accompanied by a symphony orchestra on the Potterkin staircase, annually collecting almost 15 thousand spectators, will traditionally be devoted to the classics of world movies. In previous years, Sergei Eisenstein "Bramenos Potemkin" and Fritz Lang Metropolis were shown in this open-air cinema.

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