Cary Mulling: "I got married in a couple of weeks after dating"


Delicate, sweet, forever young - all this about her. Cary Malligan battled by his smile. But at the same time, no appearance does not occupy. At the thirty-three, she already knows how to prove to any director that it is she who needs to give a role. Focusing the films of the charming Englishwoman, we did not notice her novel with actor Shay Labafe. And about the fact that she unexpectedly married, found out only at the Grammy ceremony, when she went out to hug her husband Marcus Mamford. Girl knows how to keep the tongue behind the teeth. But some details of her life she still shared.

- Carey, hello! I wanted to congratulate you on the birth of the second child, but I know that you hold your personal life secret. Why is that?

- Yes, I generally infrequently give an interview. My attitude to publicity has changed dramatically after breaking with Shay LaBuff. If you remember, we met for almost two years. It seemed to me that we would spend together all my life. And, frankly, I am very worried very painfully. Now I understand that it is nonsense.

- Sorry for the indiscreet question, but why did you break up?

- It will be trite to talk about some irreconcilable contradictions, but perhaps it was that it was. I still feel very good for him. I know that he is also happy for me. But we were actively filmed and seen rarely. Quarrel because of this. We decided to acquaint parents. And then the bluff, they did not compare the characters. In addition, I wanted a family, children, and Schaya was not ready for this. He told me then that he wants to marry only once, and this time has not come yet. But then I realized that I was not the girl of his dreams, since he does not arise such desires with me. It was painful, but I had to recognize this and disperse.

Cary Malligan and Schaya Labafe met on the set of paintings

Cary Malligan and Schaya Labafe met on the set of paintings "Wall Street: no money slept"

Photo: Frame from the movie

- Now you have everything you dreamed of. Husband - Musician Mamford Mamford, two young children Evelin and Wilfred. You are happy?

- To begin with, I will say that we are familiar with Markus almost since childhood. But then our family moved, and the connection was lost. We again saw on the filming of the film "Inside Lewin Davis" many years later. Almost a service story happened, at least Marcus and was behind the scenes. It turned out to be insanely easily together, and everything was twisted - we got married after a few weeks, and then I almost got pregnant. Nightmare, what I only thought! Probably, if I were unhappy with Marcus, nothing would have happened. So life itself answered your question.

"You said that your parents have not been revealed with Shay." And what are your parents? What was your childhood?

- Normal, but a little turmoil. I was born in London, but Dad was managers hotels around the world, so when I turned three, we all moved together to Germany. I studied for five years there at the International School, until we finally returned home. But, by the way, it was there that I first came to mind the idea that I want to become an actress. Repeated the brother, to be honest. He played in the drama "King and I," and I was left to suffer from all my might, so that I was noticed too. At first, nothing turned out, but then I made my way at the rehearsal and slowly reached the scene. Long was the way. (Laughs.) And so I was an exemplary child, even went to the church. Do something bad? God forbid! I will catch me! Upset parents for me was the main fear of life. I sang in the church choir, and in general was very religious. I even find something similar in films in films: you are all the time among people, you are doing a common cause, surrounded by some common fluids - in general, really as in the church. For me, this is a solid positive. I and now, when I find yourself at home, with every opportunity I go to that temple, where everyone knows me where I sang, and I try to help than I can.

Cary Malligan and Leonardo di Caprio

Cary Malligan and Leonardo di Caprio

Photo: Frame from the film "Great Gatsby"

- Approximate student, solid "fives", church choir ... When did you finally release the claws?

- Everything happened by chance. When I was seventeen, I just went to my parents and stated that I would not go to the university, and I will study at the Drama School. They were shocked. Tried to dissuade me with all possible ways. They said that work worse will not find that I will never make a career, disappointed. I did not listen to them. I did not want to change my decision.

- And what did you do?

"I had a single contact in the theater world - this director Kentt Brah. Well, not contact, of course, I just saw his play, well, I got courage to write him a letter. I expressed everything that was in my soul: that parents do not want me to do an actor, and I feel that this is my vocation, and I will not retreat. I was answered by his sister. From her letter, I forever remembered one phrase: "Kynett said that if you feel that it is yours, then go to the goal." And then I met the director Julian Felloous. Again through the letter. He said that it was touched by him, and invited dinner. And already just a few months later I was filmed in "pride and prejudice" with Kira Knightley. In general, the dramatic school did not happen. I just plunged into the profession. For some reason they believed in me.

"You not only give a little interview, but also shoot quite rarely." Why?

- I am very picky. A trip to my life gave me the film "Education of the Sovereigns" of 2008. I was nominated for him for him even for Oscar. Did not handed it, of course, but apparently not yet deserved. I will try. (Smiles.) And then I was looking for a whole year at least something that would be as interesting to me. But, thank God, life began to toss me gorgeous projects Base Lurmante and Cohen brothers, my partners on the set became Leonardo Dicaprio, Michael Fassbender and Ryan Gosling. Correct what is there to complain about? Perhaps I'm not removing non-stop, but I come across diamonds. I speak without false modesty. I am proud of every film. And nothing terrible, if for the sake of the new project you will have to wait a year or another. Moreover, now I have a family, and I want to spend as much time as possible with them. We live on a farm, surrounded by nature, bring up children, so our quiet happiness.

In film

In the movie "Wild Life" Partner of Carey Malligan became Jake Gillanhol

Photo: Frame from the movie

- Everyone is considered a cutie. Such an appearance. What are you doing with it?

"Cohen's brothers, I didn't even want to take me because of this. They said: "God, well, she is so good, and in life the charm itself, also modest. How to work with her?! We are here serious gloomy movie removed! " (Laughs.) And then, for some reason, they changed their mind. They say: "We want a paradox." And everything turned out. But in general, my heroines are quite passive, remember at least "Drive" with Ryan Gosling. And with this I can not have anything yet. But for the sake of really good roles, I am ready for a lot. Here for "shame" even went and made a tattoo. I wanted to prove myself that I could.

"Let's talk a little about one of your recent projects -" wild life ", which took your friend the floor given, but wrote a girlfriend Zoya Kazan.

- For sex, it was generally debut, terribly wanted to support him. And with Zoe, we are familiar with a huge amount of time. With her, I played together in the "Seagull" Chekhov on Broadway. It was ten years ago. Joys and I have already dreamed that someday can again work together. We were so easy! I even spurled her, said that she was more like something to write something. So it happened. And I did not know about anything until the floor sent me a script. And literally twenty minutes called him and shouted into the phone: "Take me, please!

I madly want to shoot in your film! "

- What attracted you in it?

- Rather, I did not even attract me, but scared. I first had to play not a young girl, I have long been accustomed to such roles. Here it was necessary to portray the mother of the teenager. But I decided that after all, my children would also grow soon and most time to imagine how it would be. Prepare, so to speak. Already in the process of filming, I realized that the most important sense of mother of the grown child is a loss of control. He himself makes decisions, you have no effect on anything. And I began to better understand my own parents. Yes, I was a painka for the most part, but in the end I still presented them with an unexpected surprise.

Cary Mulling:

Cary Mulling in the film "Inside Lewin Davis"

Photo: Frame from the movie

- Did you take with you children on shooting?

- Only the older. We shot in Oklahoma. To be honest, worse than the place for the child is not found. There are nothing to do there. Thank God, in the vicinity there was a huge hypermarket. That's where Evelin and I walked and went. It became the only entertainment. Well, I also remember our wonderful joint dinner with a floor, Zoe and the entire film crew that we arranged as soon as they arrived. We got very close to us, and my daughter was not bored.

- How do you share your professional life and personal?

- Honestly, there is nothing difficult for me. They were always separate from each other. And now, when I was less likely to share with the press details of my private existence, it became even easier. After all, my ordinary life is not part of the contract. I'm free to live it as I want. Of course, sometimes you have to take, as they say, work at home, or rather, a house for work, as happened to this film and my daughter. But I tried to be wondering to take it to perceive it as a kind of vacation.

- What do you do when you ask stupid questions? We will not hide, the journalists sometimes are famous.

- No need to say! It's time to get used to it, but, honestly, sometimes just infuriates. Somehow I came to a press conference with a small child, tired terribly, and constantly chewing the lollipops to not fall asleep. So one woman asked me three times about them! Imagine, three times! I was already sitting with round eyes and did not understand where I was. As a result, I just told her: "We will actually talk about the lollipops?!" As a result, I did not remember anything from that conference. I still ask me a question: "How did mother change your career?" I fall into the sediment every time. All women give birth, why should it change something? And why the fathers do not ask similar questions? They seem to take part in the process. (Laughs.)

- And what is the worst question as you asked?

- I was asked: "Your heroine in the film" Inside Lewin Davis "took an abortion. Would you go to this? "

- God, and what did you answer?

- said: 'Are you kidding, or what? " - And as soon as possible ended the conversation. It is just inconspile arrogance. Again, you need to get used to this, but sometimes I just can not stop.

- With your appearance, you are a very straightforward person and clearly endure too much. Have you always been like that?

- I became such. In our world, if you want to achieve something, you need to defend your interests and make your way with all my might. Otherwise, everything will be as someone else will decide for you - parents, a husband, anyone. I never wanted it.

- What else has changed in you?

- I began to pay less attention to things that do not seem important to me. My friend Sienna Miller said somehow: "There is so much seriousness in it, it seems to be stuck in the past." I wanted to fasten her! (Smiles.) I'm not really serious! Maybe before the children were not born, I was so. But now I learned to exhale and relax. For example, if I fall on the red carpet, everything will be spit. Well, make some photos and forget. That I put on, what I will say - all this is nonsense. A maximum of a couple of days on the Internet is concerned. So why experience?

- Wait, and did you fall on the red carpet?

- No, just once stumbled. Fall is prerogative Jennifer Lawrence. (Laughs.) But she is all forgiven. It is gorgeous, even when stretching on the floor. (Laughs.) Probably, I would like to achieve such an attitude towards myself, but still I am another person. In the end, I am British. We have a special character. We are very modest.

- But at the same time punching!

- for sure. Therefore, so many magnificent actors and actresses are the British. Colin Firth, Gary Oldman, Daniel Craig, Benedict Cambarbetch, Kate Winslett, Keira Knightley - This list can be continued infinitely. I really hope that I ever get into it. But for this you need to work and work.

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