I'm afraid of children: how to overcome panic


It may seem strange, but many adults are afraid of young children. It would seem, where does this fear come from, because the kid can hardly cause us harm. However, it's rather, in the fact that a person is unpleasant possible problems that a little child can bring. Hence the dislike. And it can happen even with people who have their own children.

What is the name of a similar phobia?

Fear has its own term - pedophobia. People who are experiencing such a disease is hard to join any contacts with children: communicate, play or raise. It comes to the point that people begin to keep away dolls resembling young children.

The most important problem with which people faces are the inability to make their own family. Moreover, the cause of fear may be incomprehensible to the person: he may simply be uncomfortable to be in the same room with a child.

Even throw off a couple of words with a child stands with their huge efforts, and in the end the mood will still determine: a person becomes irritable, hysteria can happen to him.

even games with children can drive a person in stress

even games with children can drive a person in stress

Photo: pixabay.com/ru.

Where does fear be started?

The main cause of the pedophobia is psychological trauma from childhood. Most often, this happens with people from families with several children: parents could pay more attention to one of the children than another. Hence some inferiority is formed. It seems to man that any child is his competitor. Children's psyche is very susceptible to all sorts of stress and stimuli, so any resentment for a long time remains in memory of an adult.

Another option: Parents are trying not to contact with a perturbed child, so that they themselves do not get a dose of stress, that is, avoid problems. As a result, a child in such a family grows uncontrollable, which leads to an even greater deterioration in relations between children and parents, and also contributes to the strengthening of fear of children.

Try to work out a problem with a psychologist

Try to work out a problem with a psychologist

Photo: pixabay.com/ru.

How does phobia manifest?

If you are not a psychologist, it is quite difficult to determine the pedophoba, you can only guess about it on the following signs:

- the pulse is expelled;

- intercepts breathing;

- pressure crawling up;

- The head begins to spin;

- tremor limbs;

- stupor;

- Possible loss of consciousness.

Children essentially absolutely harmless

Children essentially absolutely harmless

Photo: pixabay.com/ru.

What can the pedophobia lead to?

A woman can leave a child in the maternity hospital.

Lack of participation in the child's raising.

A person stops communicating with familiar and friends who have children.

As you understand, the pedophobia cannot be called a normal state, it leads to various unpleasant situations, and therefore it needs to be struggling with a psychologist.

How to defeat this fear?

In easy cases, it is possible to cope with this fear yourself, however, if you feel that the situation comes out of control, consult a psychologist. In any case, for a start, calm down and try to look at the situation in another key. Children for the time being - quite harmless creatures. More often, they show fear of adults, so you definitely should not panic at the sight of the baby.

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