Sergey Garmash: "Son - My Sick Place"


Participation of Sergey Harmash - a long-defined quality mark for the film. Today he has the right to choose, and, as a rule, the internal barometer does not fail. It is much more difficult in a personal plan: it happened to make mistakes in people, it was not always possible to keep friendship and find mutual understanding with children, sometimes they scolded himself for incontinence ... However, to sum up early. Sergey and now actively removes - the premieres are expecting eight paintings, his youngest son is only eleven years old, and also have to get used to the new role - six months ago, the actor was born grandson.

- Courage, judging by the filmography, you only increase from year to year. As a rule, your colleagues after the fifty years old, and even earlier, try to reduce the pace, so that the overwear and feeling of suggestion does not appear ...

- I do not work in such a way to do the hemochkump. I find time and rest. I go to little tricks: for example, I go somewhere on creative meetings, on tour, shooting and on schedule I add days at the beginning and at the end to move the spirit a little. Closing in the room, turn off your mobile phone. What kind of sin, we, artists who are removed and work in the theater in Moscow and in St. Petersburg, are very decent. And this is a bump, in some turns into a race to an exhaustion when the bills are placed at the head of the corner. And I love to relax very much. This year, we will definitely go with the wife and son of Wannei somewhere on the sea. Yes, there are times when there are a lot of work, and fatigue, as in any activity, accumulates, but I am not hay in the koss! And the word "satiety" for me sounds strange. I do not feel anything yet.

- did not happen that you abandon some role, and then saw that in vain?

- Not. I had a rather serious story with Pavel Lunkin, when I refused the film "Island", because I did not like the role, it seemed a little false. And in general I did not want to play a priest. And all this, I expressed Pavlu Semenovich. And he said that we would not be good together that I would drink blood out of it, but I don't want it. But when I saw the "island" at the premiere, I went to Lungin and said: "You killed all my doubts to one!". And immediately added that God helped, because as Mamonov's priest played, I would never play. Well, I am not a barometer that is never mistaken.

- Maybe your professional feeling does not coincide with the opinion of the director?

- We are generally not objective to ourselves. Now there is no barrier to see yourself on the screen - the children begin to be filmed from the breast, they have a video in their hands, they get used to it. And when I saw myself on samples to the first film, I experienced a real shock. I remember that we came out to smoke with Sasha Feklistov, and he said: "Garmash, I will never take a movie in the cinema," and - I absolutely sincerely said that I, too, because I wasn't me on the screen, not my voice . I had to get used to this for a long time.

Sergey Garmash:

Picture of Alexey Teacher "Edge", in which the actor fulfilled the role of Major, received four Golden Eagle Prizes

Frame from the movie "Edge"

- Are you waiting for your paintings? Often the actors say no, since the film already lives his life, and they are something new ...

- I'm waiting for the result. I categorically do not watch the material on the site, I do not come to the monitor at all. This, if you want, my technique. I started to act without a monitor, but it does not have terry conservatism, no, I can see when the director and the operator show me that I have to go such a trajectory in the frame. But then, as played, I do not check in any case. You have to feel everything on the site, and if you did not succeed, there is always the right of acting doubl. And when I finished the picture, you really live on something else, but still waiting for the result. And sometimes you know how to expect ... The appearance of "Master and Margarita" I expected fourteen years, and looking, once again I was convinced that there are works that do not even need to try to touch.

- And "Matilda" are you waiting with what feeling? So much noise around this film.

"I'm not talking about politics, but I just amazed such ambiguity, ignorance." Nicholas II and his mistress Matilda Kshesinskaya is blasphemy, they say ill-wishers. Well, although this is a well-known historical fact. And then how to be with Catherine Great? That is, Nicholas do not touch, he is Holy, and Catherine can? And she, by the way, one of the most serious managers of our country, who really did a lot for Russia: in military affairs, and in economic, and in education, and in culture. If you put the useful cases of this woman and Nikolai second on the scales, I'm afraid that it will very much. In addition, no one seen the picture: neither I nor those who want to ban it. We and so much I would like to ban: unreal oil, fake bread, fake tomatoes.

- How do you feel success? What did they receive in this sense and get the greatest joy?

- At different times in different ways. When your wings are starting to grow, you need to have time to tie them in time. I remember how after the premiere of the film "Armavir" in the restaurant at home the cinema is visited by Zinovy ​​Gerdt and Evgeny Evstigneev. And both are shown by the fingers ok (and I played in the picture not even a major role), and then still fit and tell me good words. It was just not to get up! Or after the "Cherry Garden" in New York Al Pacino kissed Galina Borisovna Wolchek, Marina Neelov, and I shook my hand and said: "Bravo, Lopakhin." That was also a fall on the fifth point, because I felt not a false admiration.

- For you, money was never put at the head of the corner and at the beginning of a career?

- I worked a lot after the institute and did not have anything except the room in the theater hostel. All I have now: Apartment, house outside the city, I earned myself. But I have never had a goal to shoot for money. Just first, daughter was born, then the time came when it was already necessary to help parents. Therefore, some obligations on me, of course, lay. I played many times not the best roles and sometimes I knew that I did not like the script, but I need to feed the family, and it was not temptation, but a reality. I didn't have such a temptation as rest, I also had, because I went a lot, including abroad, with a movie and at the time already with the theater. I will not believe, staying in my impulse for the first time I went when inna and I got married (spouse - Actress Inna Timofeev. - Approx. Auth), it was in 1984, and the second time Vanya was born, in 2006. For the first time, my wife and I went to the cruise of Odessa-Sukhumi on the Tajikistan ship, and the second time with his brother - in Montenegro. The wife already gave birth, was at home, and I just formed a "window". But I have long been choosing where to act. Life is not such a long thing to force yourself to work and do not get pleasure.

Sergey Garmash:

In the cinema, Harmash often plays brutal men. In the TV series "Murka" - a thief in law

Frame from the TV series "Murka"

- In the Soviet Union, jeans, tape recorder, leather jacket, whose owner you became, gave joy, delight, feeling of happiness ...

- Sure! I remember how at the end of the army service, I purchased my first Wrangler jeans through acquaintances. Or, even in his student years, Mom in Kherson bought the skin, and I was sewed in the studio of her jacket. And also, too, through acquaintances in Moscow, managed to get adidas crazy sneakers. And it was all great joy. And when we went to the Seattle on the game in the ninety year to the Seattle on the Games of Good Will, then through a certain firm, I ordered money from your daily, the first video recorders ordered. And it was also an event.

- Do you remember the sensation of the holiday about the premiere in the theater or in the movies, some beautiful gatherings? There are no such things now. Vladimir Ivanovich Khotinenko somehow said: "We all blocked the bustle" ...

- No, we all blocked, in my opinion, do not bust, but email and mobile phones. Previously, in order to chat with Volodyin Khotinenko, it was necessary to call on the usual phone, someone even from the machine, to find time and meet to talk. And now, even about the upcoming work, we can call, and the same Khotinenko will say: "Garmash, the script will bring you, you carefully read it." That's all. Therefore, it seems to me that our feasts, gathering in the kitchen, which were earlier incredibly fun, became boring, changed. Secondly, the Raututes appeared in stand. Pushkin wrote in a letter to a friend: "And now we have a new fashion in Moscow - have fun in stand. You go, you come to each other on my feet, apologize, here's a conversation and replacement. " In general, I have a theory with the conditional name "One Pressing". In the middle of the eighties, to call, it was necessary to find an automatic and stop at him, then the machine could have a queue, moreover, a "double room" (two-way coin) had to lie in his pocket, and in the other, a notebook. And it was necessary to get through. Now all this is carried out in "One Pressing". And microwave, and computer, and mobile, and washing machine too. And before it was necessary to download things into it, pour water, then unload, even in the best car. And to switch the channels on the TV, it was necessary to raise the ass, and now the TV, and the tape recorder - again one click. And with all the time, oddly enough, time and freedom does not become greater.

- Do you regret something serious?

- Sorry, in my opinion, you can about the bad act. You can truly mourn the loss of something close, dear, including in the literal sense. A few years ago, I suddenly died a dog ... But I was upset, for example, the picture was launched with a very good scenario, and you did not get there, - no, empty time spending.

Sergey Garmash:

In "ash" - investigator of the Ministry of Internal Affairs

Frame from the series "Sidel"

- You had periods when you could not normally exist, because they suffered very much because of something?

"You know, you can suffer not only because you lose your loved ones, friends." We sometimes begin to do this due to the fact that tomorrow you need to go to the Dentist, and this story will be long. I really love Fedor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky and I believe him, and he says that the Russian man without suffering is not a person. And sometimes it happens not harmful, because you do not find a common language with my daughter, with my wife, with parents. But I have never said in my life: "I have a depressive mood," because I knew a considerable number of people who came to this terrible state, and saw how they were chosen from there. I can say that I have an unemployed, bad, apathetic mood. The most important thing is not to love your sufferings or experiences. Sometimes a person is so tormented: "I can't find myself in life," and when a psychologist begins to deal with his situation, it turns out that he loves his problem to such an extent that it feels comfortable in it. Large self-deception is lighted in this. I make such conclusions, because psychology is part of my profession. So I'm talking to you, but I am watching you (smiles), as you listen to how you sit, look. Moreover, this happens automatically, because this is the first course of the Studio MCAT.

- So you are little deceived in people?

- No, why, who did not be deceived in people?

- But maybe you are intuitively feel?

- Intuition is a "aunt" that I love very much and is in the state of the game. I constantly imagine her with a cunning, smiling face, she always posts me two answers or even, as in the program "Who wants to become a millionaire?", Four. And sometimes it seems to me that after choosing it winks: "Here, I told you! You must trust me more. " And at some point I say to her: "You see, I trusted you, and what?", And she replies: "And I am this - today I can trust, and tomorrow - no." So I think fifty-fifty hits.

- You somehow said that not only winnings are very important in life, but also losses. You passed this with receipts to the theater Institute. And later, they still happened?

- Certainly, but, let's say, not such catastrophic, if we talk about the profession. I entered the theater "Contemporary" with the monologue of the Mitya Karamazov. And he, I probably got a famous one, since I was taken to the troupe. And after some time, Valery Fokin came to the theater to put "Karamazov" and gave me the role of Mitya. And I had joy mixed with wild confidence that I would succeed. Many praised the performance, and me too, but I admitted to myself that I still play what Fokin wanted, could not. Perhaps I fell in love too in love with this monologue, and when it was necessary to make it even deeper, it did not work out. Or: I really love "grief from the mind" and its role in it, but still connect with the theater and with those thoughts that Rimas Tinas brought to the end. And I would really like to work with him yet. I lose a lot in family disagreements, I can be tough, screaming, categorical, but it takes time, and I understand that it was wrong. The main thing in the profession, and in relationships - do not miss your lens. And this is very easy, it's enough just not to wipe it.

Daria's daughter did not give Sergey's grandsch

Daria's daughter did not give Sergey's grandsch

- Feeling envy you familiar?

- Everything will answer this question, and I am not an exception that happens a black and white envy. And I clearly remember how sometimes I experienced it in childhood and youth. As a child, there was a toy, in his youth - fashionable clothes, plates. This is normal. I can now be internally, to envy himself something, it's like physiology, we just don't love to admit it. But, thank God, envy and blind jealousy were never absorbed so that I or someone else experiencing discomfort. Just the other day I read one very good scenario, and I was offered a role in this picture. But the role is quite simple, not the one from which it would be captivated inside, and there was still another. And I said: "A good scenario, but I would like to play this role here"; And they tell me: "Sorry, she already plays ..."; And this actor is my comrade, with whom I shot a lot. Well, I told them: "In a good hour, in a good way!", SE WA.

- You mentioned the comrade. Have you had cases when friendship crumbled because of something?

- Was, but for life a lot of times. There were many people who were friends with, then they were not quarreled, but simply distorted from each other. Most often passed the period of collaboration, admit, filming, and friendship, which began in it, disappeared.

- Recently, it was more recently heard: "It's better not to work with friends, do not borrow money and not borrowing, not to enter business relationships at all.

- This is a complete nonsense. When I bought a country area where the house was built, then if you are not my close friends and comrades who trusted me, I would simply have it, because it took a large amount of money for a month. And when I can, then always getting money. What does not work with friends? If your friend is a director, and you actor, then with all the most hot, friendship the moment of subordination exists, but it never hurt me. They say: "There are no friends a lot," but this is not quite so. If someone had made me to draw up a list, then Volodya Biryukov would be the first, my friend, the main director of the theater of dolls in Penza. We are together from fifteen years old, with income to theatrical school, where they studied at the puppet faculty. Only he went further in this direction and achieved serious success, became one of the best directories of puppet theaters in Russia. There are more friends and buddies that can ask the Council, and it will be important to me. Very quickly, unexpectedly, the film "Lover" shoved us with Oleg Yankovsky. How it was important for me to call Oleg Ivanovich and tell about my doubts! I could share them far from everyone, fearing that they would laugh or wonder how I myself do not understand. But he could tell anything.

- Have you ever been friends with a woman? Not on Chekhov "already or else", but just like that?

- I consider Galina Borisovna Wolchek not just with his artistic director, mentor, chief director, but, of course, and the friend I can trust. And it is because she is a woman, I lived all my life in the theater "Contemporary". She was like a mother in something. Not only that I brought me up as an artist, as well as a person. And it did it in different ways, including hard, but always fair. I do not want to say that I am a conflict person, but unrestrained, and be immensely gusty with a man lighter than with a woman. Especially if you like it, you honor her high. Therefore, of course, a big plus is that Galina Borisovna Lada.

- You are now a lot of time dedicate the theater not only as an actor ...

- I help Galina Borisovna, I am doing with young people. When I came to the theater and did not play anything yet, then Galina Mikhailovna Sokolovah dragged me into some cell, and I have made friends with her, which has always participated in their creation, and eventually began to make them yourself. When Galina Mikhailovna died, for a long time the initiative of all internal, family events lay on me, but the cabbagers, fun, fun - the lot of young people, and I have long handed it, although I continue to organize everything. And I will introduce Galina Borisovna with directors who meet in different cities. Yes, I give a lot of time the theater. And who else give? I just have a family, theater and movies in life.

- Well, I could leave more time for the family. Your son is Vana eleven years old. Do you communicate with him a lot, talk?

"Son is my sick place, because I can't give him so much time as I would like." But nevertheless, I still find some strength on his upbringing. We love to think, joking, tinker, go through bicycles together and go to the bath. Vanya gladly looks with me the American documentary series "Cosmos" and also adores to play different board games.

The difference between the eldest daughter of Dasha and the youngest son of Vanya - eighteen

The difference between the eldest daughter of Dasha and the youngest son of Vanya - eighteen

Photo: Personal archive of Sergey Harmash

- Is he already for you?

- Yes, we are friends. I categorically do not force it into any circles to walk. He, like all the children, is fond of a skate, scooter and plays in Kraft. I walked one time for swimming, then - on football, and he is a third student in the class of academic performance. Plus, he now has two languages ​​- English and German with tutoring. Therefore, if you add something else, there will be a very large load. But what I need categorically, so it is reading. My dad also showed rigidity in this matter. And from six Years, Vanya is consciously looking at Soviet paintings. He knows modern cinema, but once a week, the Soviet films are obligatory for him. I recently said: "Vanya, you will watch" Liberation ". There is not a single frame of computer graphics in this film, no special effects, there is a real. " And when he saw it, was stunned, said: "Dad, it can not be." Very impressed by his "Ballad about a soldier." I show him and funny ribbons, he seen all Leonid Gaidai. And the first film, which he himself hooked at a five-year-old age was a "striped flight". And I do not have installation so that Vanya certainwise became an artist or cinematographer. I just gave me a lot of movies, it is incredibly rich, it is extremely useful. But if you seriously understand, I myself have so much restored! I discover stunning things. Recently, hooked on top American serials that are made on a highly artistic level. And we have a wonderful documentary movies, so there is something to watch.

- What do you understand under education?

- Education is love, mutual understanding, the ability to hear, and not only certain rules, borders, prohibitions, although they are at Vanya. For example, until Friday, it does not fit the computer. And on Friday it sits down for him, only making a homework.

- And daughter you have given enough time?

- When my daughter was born, I was filmed, probably even more than now. But Dasha had a completely different childhood, because my mom and dad were younger and she lived to two and a half years old. And then the class until the eighth of the summer went to the grandfather with his grandmother. She was even more dealt with my attention. And in general, the difference between children in eighteen years is so big that the attitude towards Vana is different. After all, he is becoming an adult and a little bit smarter. Then it seemed that everything, the debt was completed: the family is, there is a child, and you yourself are still young, and you have a lot of friends, different entertainment ... And when a little child appears in eighteen years, it is certainly a little clearance affects. And I feel the jealousy of Dasha and my own, strange, because I probably did not apply to her as I am going to Wan. I now understand this. But thank God that it does not turn into something conflict.

- You half a year ago became my grandfather. Have any new emotions experienced?

- I still do not feel enough in this role in this role, because the grandson was born when I had a long sophisticated and busy period. But I get acquaintance and friendship with him ahead and even very close. This is definitely a new stage, he is waiting for me, and I feel that it will be joyful and helpful.

- We talked about all members of your family, except for my wife. Inna Timofeyev is also an actress "contemporary", but you have left far forward in a professional plan. Have you ever had any friction on this, professional jealousy?

- My wife and my wife. The theater came in one year. But her novel with cinema did not happen, she starred just a few times. My movie and theatrical history was different. Such is our profession. I am glad that the work has never got up between us. And I want to say that half of my merit in the movie and the theater, I absolutely seriously give my wife, as it has always been and is my moral, cultural and human rear. And if there was no such thing, it was not that me.

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