Sexy woman - who is she?


Just as ideas about fashion are changing, the ideas about female sexuality are changing. The fashion industry asks its rules of the game, they depend on the economy, the political situation, public sentiment in general. To be able to predict the main trends - it means to understand these areas.

Despite the return of the images of the hippie or the 90s, they have fresh, modern sound. Fringe, pants-glue, natural materials, massive "ugly" shoes, crop-tops, high fit of the trousers - on the one hand, minimalism and laconicity of forms, and on the other - historical romanticism, which is about to take the top over all that offer Now in stores. Whatever it was at the peak of popularity, no matter how the image of the desired woman is described, the main criterion of sexuality is self-confidence, ease and calm.

If you are sure that you are worthy of all the best, then you will not prove it by others: you will be enough for your confidence in this, and the surroundings will believe these confident tranquility. If you consider yourself feminine, any outfit will look at you seductive. Women's sexuality begins not with a short dress, but from the feeling inside itself. Pretending, you have anxiety, voltage, in such a state it is difficult to be attractive.

Can be denoted Two options sexuality:

- causing a desire to use;

- Causeing a desire to possess.

Only you decide what kind of woman you want to be. In the first case, an excellent option will be defiantly open outfits, which will tell about the frivolousness of intentions.

In the second case, you will be disturbing, stylish, dressed with a great taste. For this, the high costs for the wardrobe are not required, just look closely at yourself and pick up what is really suitable for you. Choose your color, your style, emphasize the merits, straighten the posture and confidently carry yourself into the world.

Communicating with familiar men of age from 25 to 40 years of completely different social status, I found out that a woman who can create intrigue around him attracts significantly more attention and causes more hot interest. According to them, such a woman is interesting to recognize, to solve, such a victory will be much more valuable. Men attracts the mystery and mystery, you can use this passion for your own purposes.

Some of the interlocutors confessed that they were attracted to long skirts on women to those who walked when walking - it introduces into a trance state and want to follow such a woman; someone likes long earrings that emphasize the neckline; Others sit outdoor shoulders and clavicle, curls descending from hairstyles ... This list can be continued further, because, as you know, how many people, so many opinions. All this is a game with clothing, with appearance, with your way. You can be sexy in any outfit.

And, of course, the naked body attracts his eyes, wakes up instincts, however, how quickly they appear, as quickly and fade.

I wish you to appreciate myself, develop confidence, choose that clothes that suitable exactly to you, hunches individuality, tells a little story about you, after which I want to know more.

Karina Efimova,

Expert on the creation of an authentic female wardrobe

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