Happiness Yulia Delos and Dmitry Miller began with Stepa


They are together fourteen years old. During this time, Julin's son Danya managed to grow and graduate from school. All who sees them together, in one voice they say that the boy looks like dad. On Dima. They do not dissuade anyone. After all, during this time, Julia and Dima really became their relatives, and their feelings were only strengthened to each other. No wonder three years ago they decided to officially issue their relations. Very often, watching a pair with experience, you understand that the habit of spouses. Not so from the acting couple Delos and Miller. Looking at them, right at the physical level you feel how some light energy circulates between them. These people are like two reporting vessels. They have a clear interest to each other, sometimes they tear each other, and it gives them great pleasure, but already the next moment they look so that a unauthorized observer becomes a little embarrassing of the intimacy of the moment.

At first you had a phone novel for two months. You, two unfamiliar people, communicated for hours. How is this possible?

Julia Delos: "We just liked each other's voices."

Dmitry Miller: "Yes, Julia somehow very languidly talked. Then, she showed interest in my person, asked some questions. It flattered me. "

Julia: "I was interested in you as my future dance teacher. (Laughs.) I was then in a very difficult situation ... You can say my life was broken. I removed the little apartment on the "Avtozavodskaya" and simply "lay down in Berloga" - to lick the wounds. At such moments, people are thinking about suicide. I asked this question to myself, listened and got the answer that I want to live. So, it was necessary to look for some threads that stretch me upstairs. And I rolled up in Izmailovo, chosen to classes in Step. And the studio was at the other end of the city, it was necessary to get up at five in the morning. The teacher said: "What will you rise in such an early early one?" And gave the contacts Dima, recommended him as a good dancer. I actually was not going to live in Moscow. In St. Petersburg, I had parents and the Son, for which I missed you. We first broke up with a nurse so long. I even took him on tour until the theater rebelled: there is nothing to carry a child! (Julia played on the stage of the Small Dramatic Theater. - Approx. Auth.) Our son is Cosmo-Polit. In Strasbourg, his teeth were cut down, he did his first step in Nice - there I bought him the first shoes. And in Paris he drove it, where we played a performance for two months. "

And how did you find yourself in Moscow?

Julia: "I starred in the" Kamenskaya "series. After France, it seemed to return to Peter - Moscow, more and more powerful. But I was terribly lonely here. And then Dima appeared. In communication, he was so easy, charming and pleasant that I myself did not notice how the abundance was smoked, in which it was psychologically. When he called, I even forgot about friends who sometimes visited me, they brought some products (there was no money, "Kamenskaya" starred with great breaks). I remember the moment when one buddy left, without waiting for our end of our phone conversation with Miller. And Dima told interesting things. He promised that he would take me to Karelia, - I dreamed of this since childhood. "

Dmitry and Julia for a long time went to a serious solution. They played a wedding after 9 years of living together. Photo: Personal archive Dmitry Miller and Yulia Delos.

Dmitry and Julia for a long time went to a serious solution. They played a wedding after 9 years of living together. Photo: Personal archive Dmitry Miller and Yulia Delos.


Dmitry: "We traveled with Danka, even twice. Julia, unfortunately, did not let go from the shooting. "

Julia: "Dima found himself in Karelia alone with ten-year dances and vodka box. They had to meet with friends who, in fact, ordered this vodka, but did not work out. I had to change it on mushrooms and berries ... Well, Dima told that we would live in a hut among the pines, look at the stars, burn a bonfire. (He knows how to handle fire - he worked in Yakutia in Yakutia.) And he said that you could arrange a bath in the forest: to split the stones on fire and pour them with water. In general, he told some amazing romantic things in the style of Kupper, whose works I read in school. Still Dima struck me by not one of my theatrical idols knew. These people were so important to me, but some of them were very disappointed. " (Julia had an affair with theatrical director. - Approx. Auth.)

Dmitry: "Maybe you will seem strange my position, but I believe that until something has come to me (for example, some kind of invention) - it is simply no. Until I bought the iPhone, it did not exist for me. Also, if I have not seen a movie or a performance with the participation of some actor, I don't know about it. "

Julia: "And imagine: I tell me about someone from my idols, and Dima on the blue eye asks:" And who is it? "I had a coup in consciousness: it turns out that you can not know these idols and live quietly. And I thought: "God, with this man I can start a new page in my life!" I mean communication, friendship. I didn't have forces for a new novel. "

Julia, and your depression apparently was associated with unhappy love?

Julia: "Yes, but I don't want to remember it. It was not even depression, but the abyss, full of collapse. I had no permanent work, nor a loved one. But Dima, too, at that time survived a personal drama. We helped each other to recover. "

Dmitry: "I had unfortunate love in the first year of the institute. Everything happened very violently and bright. I did not remember myself. And then the relationship ended, it was very painful. But at the time of the meeting, the wounds were already delayed. "

Dima, you did not know July at all, but invented all sorts of stories to entertain it, calm. What for?

Dmitry: "I didn't seem that she was bad. On the contrary, it was nice that Julia is interested in my life. I just studied at the Theater Institute. Prior to that was unfinished medical, and also unforgettable trips to Yakutia. And I wanted to tell someone about them, share emotions. "

Julia: "We spoke two or three hours. I had to dial each other several times, because Moscow phones are automatically disconnected every half hour. "

Well, and then, when you met, what was the impression? Surely you in the mind there was some kind of image?

Julia: "Honestly, I did not expect Dima to be so attractive man."

Dmitry: "By the way, and then, after we met, we continued to communicate by phone?"

Julia: "Of course, I left Peter every two weeks to the child."

Dmitry: "I was jealous of her terribly. There was a moment when Julia left and just disappeared. Did not call, did not respond to SMS. I suffered, I thought: "She is a beautiful girl. Surely she has someone there ... "

Julia: "You just called at an inappropriate moment - in the evening, when I laid my son. I was not up to you. Sometimes I fell asleep with Dané, and Dima could not get through, and it seemed to him that I learning something there. I have always been very independent, and it infuriated many of my men. "

Dima, did you have to conquer July?

Dmitry: "It was a siege. So the city was deposited in the old days. People tried to live for some time, as before, fir, drank, until their products ended. Then they threw the white flag. At some point I just moved to live to Julia. Erlanda Lou has a story "Naive. Super". There, the girl unexpectedly settled by the guy in the apartment. What he was surprised, but did not let it. Also, Julia at some point discovered me on his housing. "

And you moved with things?

Dmitry: "Gradually. At first I brought a toothbrush and interchangeable clothes. "

Julia: "When I went to St. Petersburg, left Dima keys to his removable apartment. He studied in theatrical, and lived in the area. It was far away ... Dima, remember, you sang a song Grebenchikov about the keys from the door? "

Dmitry: "Yes. There are words: "Meanwhile, whom I was, and who I became, is the endless way. But I walked all day, and I was tired, and I wanted to fall asleep. And she did not ask who I am so and with what I knocked to her. She said: "Take the keys from my doors with you."

Princess and Lev.

Julia, realizing what happened, did you scare?

Dmitry: "She was afraid of about six months."

Julia: "I never met anyone so long. I belonged to theater. While it was a removable apartment, the changes in my life were not perceived so globally. But then I sold my accommodation in St. Petersburg and bought an apartment here. Repaired her, brought her son. And just a week later, Dima settled. He helped me passing things. "

Dmitry: "The apartment actually turned out to be chic. I liked it there. I decided: I need to stay. " (Laughs.)

Julia: "I invited the father to be sanctified the house. And at that moment Dima came. The father asks: "And this to sanctify to accommodation?" I waved my hand: "Well, let's". So we got a blessing for a joint life. The turning point in our relationship occurred on April 28. We walked, passed from the "Dobryninskaya" to the Torpedo stadium, through Tula, some bridges. And so reached my house. Dima stayed with my spending night, but we slept on different sofas. And he told me about white flowers that bloom at night in Kazakhstan. "

Julia and Dima by nature experimenters. Now they were fascinated by a popular diet - raw food. Photo: Personal archive Dmitry Miller and Yulia Delos.

Julia and Dima by nature experimenters. Now they were fascinated by a popular diet - raw food. Photo: Personal archive Dmitry Miller and Yulia Delos.

Dima, what is it for wonderful flowers?

Dmitry: "I studied then in the first grade, and my parents and I went to Kazakhstan to my tet, my father's sister. Every evening we went to the neighbors to look at these flowers. Sit down on a bench under the flashlight and waited. Flowers blurted out only at night, right in front. In my opinion, they were called Luna.

Julia: "With Dima, it was possible to talk about everything: about chemistry, physics, earthquakes, dances. And in the evening he himself walked his clothes to go to the institute in the morning. And still cooked some breakfast in the morning. It is not clear from what, because I did not have products. "

And since then he began to live with you?

Julia: "Yes. But first as a friend. We did not even kiss. It was not clear to me what was happening. I thought: "Maybe something is wrong with him? Or maybe with me? "And one day, when he went to the institute, I reached out to kiss him into the cheek, and he renewed and for some reason he was angry. Gone, slammed the door. After that, we did not see each other for a couple of days, and then met in classes on the scenit. I went to him: "Hello!" He was very surprised - probably thought that everything was over between us. And then says: "Let's play the game that you are a princess, and I am a lion. Want, I will sing you? "I got up on all fours and began to carry me around the hall. In general, knowing Dimin character, no one was not very surprised by this. "

Dima, you satisfied friendship or did you still want more?

Dmitry: "It seemed to me that everything was clear without words and explanations. But, as it turns out with experience, you need to voice what you feel. For me, this was not originally friendship. There were serious relationships that are still developing. "

And your dances?

Dmitry: "We managed to go on the steppe only one."

Julia: "I guessed that girls had similar stories with dance teachers. Dima says that we did not have love at first sight, but it seems to me that we have started to meet. I repeat, I just did not expect Dima also looks so good. "

Dmitry: "And I did not imagine that Julia is such an aristocrat, white bone."

Julia, and the truth is that your ancestor served in the retinue of King Henry Navarre?

Julia: "My dad is fond of history and read out somewhere about this graph Delos. But the information is untested. Of course, I would be happy if I had a couple of castles in Loire. "

What do you live in Paris, did not find out such an important detail about the locks?

Julia: "Yes, I feel so good, without castles. I was not concerned about the material values ​​never. My parents brought up in the category "Poor, but proud." When I worked in the theater, we sometimes lacked even on the subway. I have been offered the main roles in the movie several times, but I was not allowed from the theater. And forces to wave a handle, say "Farewell!" I didn't have at that time. I was afraid to lose a permanent job. In addition, I "Dodinskaya", they inspired to us that the theater is one family, one team. (Julia graduated from Ligitmik, Leo Course Dodina. - Approx. Auth.) Dodin always said: "Want to act - go from the theater." And I stayed, although on the fee that I was offered for the role, you could buy an apartment in Moscow. "

Regret now?

Julia: "I already spied my own. At that time I could not do otherwise - lacked courage. Dima taught me to make decisive actions. "

Dmitry: "Yes, and you taught me! Julia has always been a guide for me to the world of adult things. We are constantly discussing some serious topics, she throws me literature. And Yulya gave me courage to remove a huge apartment in the center of the city. "

Julia: "Danya grew up, and our apartment seemed small to us. At one time we thought about buying a housing. But we wanted a gorgeous apartment, in Malaya Nikitskaya. We were on the verge of taking a huge mortgage loan. I seriously went to watch at home for one and a half million dollars, dreaming about what both suddenly get a good role. And then I suddenly frightened my health terribly: it's how much you have to work, we will not see each other! Well, they decided: anything terrible, in Europe many families live on removable apartments. "

Dmitry: "And by the way, then I thought:" Why not take this loan? It's time to become a man. " But the loan did not work. The apartment question we postponed. But thanks to Yulia, I began to think about global things. I get an adult, smarter, calmer. "

Julia: "In personal battles and fights, we fastened. There was no such thing that Dima immediately said: "Julia, I want us to be together, marry me!" At first we "divided the territory." Diar to, went away. Dima could safely go drinking with friends. (But always returned home.) I also went with my friends on fashion shows. It is now we want to spend more time together, we are better us together than with other people. "

In Sardinia, lovers rested for a whole month. And now there are permanent accommodation there. Photo: Personal archive Dmitry Miller and Yulia Delos.

In Sardinia, lovers rested for a whole month. And now there are permanent accommodation there. Photo: Personal archive Dmitry Miller and Yulia Delos.

Dima, are you interested in fashion shows?

Dmitry: "In fact, yes. Julia taught me. Beautiful, I like it. Romantically go to such an event with his girlfriend. "

Julia (Dreamy): "Buy then some beautiful dress ..."

Dmitry: "Women! I recently went to the pet shop on Arbat for the feed for the turtle. But did not react. Meets on the road Gallery shoes ... "

Three in the boat, not counting the dog

Dima, in this story there was another third character - Son Yulia. How did you have a relationship with him?

Dmitry: "I did not put myself in relationships with some super-defense nan. I was told: here is a child, you need to feed it, take a walk or lay sleep. And I acted within the framework of the authority allocated to me. I did not suck, I did not try to conquer his location somehow. Danya was no longer a baby - a seven-year-old boy. He knew who his father. And we must give Danka with due: he accepted my "courtship", and everything happened by itself. "

Julia: "I remembered one episode ... As I said, it was tight then with money. All my savings have eaten the apartment. We even fed on the coupons, which Dima was issued at the Theater Institute. And once I gave Dima and Dana three hundred rubles for food, and they bought a gun in the real holster. "

Dmitry: "Cobura I found at the institute."

Julia: "No! She cost ninety nine rubles! They came so happy. The son began to brag about buying, and I was brown in my soul. I wanted to scream: "What you have done, you have spent the last money and did not file!" But I understood that Dima carried out some kind of children's cherished dream. And this is a wonderful act. "

Dmitry: "There were uneasy moments in that situation. Despite the fact that I was twenty-six years old, I still studied at the institute, did not earn a lot of money. And then began to live with a girl who has a child, it seems like a burden for them. "

Julia: "You have come with a huge dog! (Laughs.) In fact, Lises are a wonderful dog. I remember one moment ... We are fond of Tai Chi and somehow decided to work right on the football field, took a dog with you. We did the exercises, Lisa happily drove around us. And suddenly he went warm May rain. Dima and I went on the grass head to my head and looked into the sky. Just so lay, did not think about anything. And it was so great! One of the happiest moments in my life. "

Dmitry: "I brought everything to this house that I had better. (Laughs.) Then, I knew how to cook, fried potatoes. "

Julia: "This conquered me. But he killed, he did his lemon boxers with his lemon boxers. It happened before we began to live together. I arrived at Dima to visit. And he in these lemon shorts and with a naked torso moved along a three-meter kitchen, cooked coffee. And between us there has not been close relationship! I looked at him, and I became scary with this show. "

Dmitry: "I am not special! And I remember that there were some conversations when Julia just "revealed" me as a psychologist, helped to sort it up. It concerned the problems of personal growth, self-realization, my relationship with parents. For some reason, I was terribly worried when Julia and Julia came to visit them. "

Julia: "He just tantrum began at the stage of fees. I first did not understand what was the matter, and it took me out of equilibrium. "

Dmitry: "The process of bringing my mother from Yulya was difficult. Mom gave birth to me in forty years, I am a late child for her. But most likely I screwed myself. And parents, feeling my tension, also kept cowardly. Now I calmed down, and the relationship with your relatives has become established. "

Probably, they reconciled: you are so many years from Yulya and hardly you already part.

Dmitry: "Well, yes. I remember, my father asked everything: "Do you seriously with Yulya?" And my mother defended me: "Well, you climb into the soul, they will figure it out." Funny: Now the same story happens to me with a nurse. I am very worried about the relationship of the son with his girlfriend of the Dasha. They live with us for some time, then disappear. Somewhere else live. "

Do you even know where?

Dmitry: "Yes. Divine parents or in Julina Apartment in Matveyevka. But we are not talking about it. I wonder what they happen to them, and Julia (as well as at one time, my mother stayed his father) keeps me from the question. "

I can not believe that you have an adult son!

Julia: "Danka is already twenty-one, he is so beautiful, similar to Dima."

Dmitry: "All this is celebrated. They say, they say, the son in Pope went, and I do not divide anyone. "

What made you make a relationship?

Julia: "Katya Strizhenova forced. She all got seed Dima: "What don't you marry where you find a woman better?"

Dmitry: "Since Julia and I have already lived a long time and happily without marriage, I did not ask this question. And then suddenly at some point I wanted to become her husband, I completely own it. And to say: "Yes, I am a husband, here's a ring. I have the right to this woman. "

Julia, what do you feel?

Julia: "I also liked to be my wife. Tired of everyone to explain that yes, I have a young man, we live together. "Who does he work?" - Ask. "He is an actor". Ha ha ha! (There is such theatrical laughs.) No one seriously perceived my words. Although the whole world lives in a civil marriage. In France, such couples even relieve social benefits. "

Dmitry: "In fact, I probably began to feel more confident as a man, the head of the family. Now everything is in order with the work, I can provide myself, and Julia, and Danya. Still want a child. Tighted a little with this question, but we hope that everything will work out. "

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