Samba, rare cars and a little humor


What:Concert Alla Reed andAllaReedOrchestra.


Materials press services

Alla Reed Orchestra is a new project of the soloist of the Theater of Alexander Gradsky, the finalist of the show "Voice 4" Alla Reed and the famous jazz thrombonist, soloist and conductor of the State Orchestra of Jazz Music. Oleg Lundstrema Maxim Piganova. The program is the world hits of jazz and pop music in dance processing: Samba, Rumba, Waltz, Tango, Foxtrot, Cha-Cha Chaca, Rock and Roll, performed in Yiddish, Spanish, Italian, English. In front of the public, the public is rebirthed by all the favorite and recognizable musical masterpieces in topical hits of the new time. A high level of professionalism, impeccable taste, a sense of style and thrust to the beautiful - this is what the Maxim of Piganov and Alla Reed interspersed into a single creative gust. And precisely thanks to them, the music will sound with all the dance drive paints.

Where: Jazz Club "Union of Composers"

When: March 31

What: the performance "Hits for hire"


Materials press services

Oscar, for some reason, Oscar is perceived exclusively as TV presenter and Showman. Meanwhile, he is behind his back - Gitis (David Livnev's workshop), as well as a service in the theaters named after Yermolova, Mkate, "School of Modern Play". Recall that Oscar - a brilliant characteristic actor will be on this Saturday, March 30. In the comedy play, the "Hitney for hiring" directed by Nina Chusovoy in Kucers - the main role. The actor himself recalls that on the first tweet of the play, it was so laughing that Victor Loginov (who also plays in this formulation) asked if Kucher was familiar with the text. "I read the third time and I can't do anything with me!", "Answered the one. We will not retell the plot, but it is guaranteed that you will also laugh all the performance.

Where: Cdkzh

When: 30th of March

What: Annual and the only one in Russia and the CIS International Exhibition Custom Design of Car and Motorcycle - "Art Custom Draft"


For the fourth year in a row in Moscow, hundreds of participants and thousands of guests are encountered together on a large covered platform. On the Convention, you can meet rare Oldtimemers and simply unusual retro cars. For lovers of moto-technicians will be presented unique custom-projects and simply beautiful motorcycles of different brands. Even rare bicycles will be presented at the exhibition made in a single copy.

Where: Loft Street on paper pass

When: 29, 30 and 31 March

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