How to choose the right melon


The very first important point. The main thing is that the melon is edible, that is, not recalled with nitrates. Therefore, at the end of August, it is time to take it, at the beginning of the summer, a melon without a "fit" do not ripen. The only sign is noticeable outside: the place of attachment of the stem is highlighted in color. To make sure more precisely, the fruit will still have to cut. No fragrance? Empty gray seeds? Rough residence in meakty? Melon, apparently, "pumped", better not to risk. The exact diagnosis is made only by the results of the analysis. Buy from those who show you a document from a special laboratory.

A little misappropriate melon is not trouble, but not quite a melon. First inspect the peel. Need to remember how your favorite grade looks like in complete readiness. If it is a torpedo, it should be yellow, without a pepper, covered with a shallow mesh. There are varieties with green leather. Ripe melon exudes a strong incomparable fragrance.

Signs of overripe - softness, dents. We do not take such, choose a dense, elastic, slightly pliable should be only "Nose". You can take into hand and evaluate weight. Prowing, melon, unlike watermelon, heavy. Pay attention to the "tail". If he is green and fresh, apparently, someone hurried, gathered a harvest ahead of time.

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