Favorite Anfisa Czech threw his son


Gurama Bubishvili, Civil husband Anfisa Czech, from whom she is waiting for a child, in rumors, has an extramarital son, who threw the sake of a beautiful life, write days.ru. A certain girlfriend of Guram's abandoned civilian wife told about this scandalous history. At that moment, the young man just met Czech.

"Against the background of a luxury landscape and surrounded by luxury, abandoned children are forgotten !!! I wish Anfis, so that her baby never recognized what to be abandoned by the beloved dad !!! Gigolo!!!" - Quotes the girlfriend of the abandoned wife "Interlocutor". - Guram, at the peak of his "glory" playing the fifth flower in the third row, left my girlfriend, with which he lived for two years, in the fifth month of pregnancy, motivating this by the fact that he would be very soon superpopulates and she did not fit into his " Star "schedule. His prophecy came true: he lit up in a very popular magazine, but not because of his talent, but at the expense of a woman. I am very happy for my girlfriend, her wonderful son is growing, and I hope that he will receive decent upbringing, rather than his father !!! "

Correspondents managed to find out that Nikita's abandoned child is called. Comments Gurama Bublishvili on this topic did not succeed.

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