What should be perfect lips: expert opinion


Elena Vasilyeva graduated from the Moscow Medical Academy. I. M. Sechenov. Aesthetic medicine has been engaged since 1999. In 2007, founded the Belle Allure Beauty Institute in Moscow. At one of the congresses in Paris heard about the threads of polyolic acid, I realized that this novelty was a real breakthrough in cosmetology, and caught fire for the idea of ​​bringing the thread to Russia. I concluded a contract, I was convinced that this drug is absolutely necessary on our Russian market. In 2011, the threads were officially registered in the territory of the Russian Federation. At the moment, Elena is the head coach of non-level lifting experts not only in Russia and the CIS countries, but also around the world.

Today we decided to talk to Elena Vasilyeva about the beloved by many representatives of the finest floor the topic - perfect lips.

- Elena, what are the aesthetic problems associated with lips, and what decisions does your clinic offer?

- Immediately I want to say, "aesthetic problems" is not always the problem. Natural beauty will always be in fashion. Yes, of course, lips can be different, and sometimes girls and women wish some changes. But my personal opinion: what is natural, then beautiful. The Belle Allure Clinic, in addition to all other medical services, also offers cosmetology services related to lip correction. These are thin lips, the asymmetry of the lips, the correction of changes acquired with age - when we are older, then the skin around the lips is also not changing at the better, and it is the perioreral zone often produces our age; The volume damage to one lip with respect to the other - in the normal place we have the lower lip must be fluffing than the upper one third. But sometimes it happens that either they are the same or, on the contrary, the upper more - it may be a congenital feature or hyper correction with drugs, incorrectly conducted procedure of contour plastics or some operational interventions and so on.



- How to choose the right form and volume, if there are indications for correction?

"We all know that there are certain proportions of the face, and, relying on these proportions, I come to the lips correction. Normally, our face is divided into the upper, middle and lower third, and these thirds should be approximately the same. As for the lips, this is a bottom third of the person. The ideal proportions of the lower third is ⅓ over and ⅔ under the lines of lip closure. Before proceeding with the procedure, we definitely assess the proportions of the face with certain lines and points. We spend these lines, show the patient and discuss how best to do the lips to look harmoniously and fit into the face. Sometimes there are requests from which you have to refuse, if as a result, the required result will look inhaver. We focus on the typical parameters of the perfect lips. Suppose the horizontal lip size ideally should be on the same line with a perpendicular from the inner surface of the iris. Therefore, we can round the mouth slightly, and it will be very harmonious fit into the features of the face. According to the vertical dimensions of the lips, I have already said - this is a relation to two to two, that is, the lower lip in size should be like two tops. This is ideal. Also, ideally there must be a clear contour. With the age of the circuit, as a rule, becomes blurred, and we can hear complaints that, for example, lipstick spreads. It is curious that this is not always the problem of age, sometimes professions. For those who speak a lot on their work, especially in English, or smokes, the so-called brush mouth is formed, the contour becomes blurred. We can also help with such patients. Even the perfect lips include filter columns - these are two parallel lines that go from the protruding parts of the upper lip to the base of the nose.

The upper and lower lip have anatomically convex areas, they are laid back in the womb. Normally, on the upper lip, these are three specific points, and on the bottom - two. A vivid example of anatomically perfect lips is Angelina Jolie's lips. She just present all the convex parts that should be on perfect lips.

- Now the main fear of those who dream of increasing the lips is the transformation into a "opener" after visiting the cosmetologist. Why still have patients faced with such a result of the correction?

- Lips have several tissue layers. Often there are complications when everything seemed to do everything right, the technique is good, but the gel moves above the upper lip, and such rollers are formed in the form of a mustle over the upper lip. This suggests that the device was introduced incorrectly, he was introduced very deep into the satellite, because one of the layers of the lips is muscle tissue. And the gel begins to move, because the muscles push it out. And when the gel lies correctly, in the sublifting layer, it looks very beautiful and harmonious.

You still have to pay attention to the blood supply of lips. This is the most sensitive and most tender part, which is due to inertia and blood supply. There are certain vessels here, and it is very important for correction, so as not to get any complications. Innervation is the nervous endings that only competent specialists know about their location. With incorrect technique and choosing a drug, we can get unwanted complications. We often hear that with the increase in the lips, a hyalurone collective is used, but it has a different density, of different viscosity, and different times in the tissue time. For example, a single density preparation is used for the contour, and for the lips themselves, another density is needed.

It is still very important when the lip correction is to pay attention to the bite. Sometimes, when the wrong bite or the absence of some teeth, the position of the mouth changes. And there are cases when the patient comes with imperfect lips and the bite is far from being perfect, and then only the correction of the filler cannot correct the situation.

No less important and position of the mouth. Which, of course, everyone has its own. If our mouth is located at the same distance from the tip of the nasal and chin, then we easily correct both lips, and our beautiful faces will be saved, everything will look harmonious. If our mouth is located close to the nose, the distance between the base of the nose and the upper lip is very short, then if we will increase the upper lip, it will be ugly look, because so a short distance will be even more reduced. In these cases, we will work with filter columns along the entire length. And it happens that mouth, on the contrary, closer to the chin. As a rule, it is typical for age patients when all the tissues move down. In such cases, we correct the outline of the bottom lip, we increase the size of the upper lip, as well as correct the filter columns, but not along the entire length, but only the upper part in order for the upper lip to raise a bit, to imagine and thereby cut the distance between it and the base of the nose .

- In recent years, has the request changed and lips?

- on the volume - yes, has changed. In everything must be a measure. I believe that all the same doctor must leave the right to explain to the patient that, why and how it is better to do or not to do. The patient simply sees beautiful lips, not understanding how it all anatomically occurs. And when we all tell all this in consultation and explain, as a rule, most agrees with a specialist.

- There is an opinion that if you started to adjust the volume of the lips, it will have to do constantly, because the skin after the procedure is stretched. Is it so?

- It is not true. On the contrary, the introduction of the drug is additionally and departing, moisturizing the skin of the lips. In addition, at the primary procedure, the specialist will never make a lot. Sometimes there are very thin lips, and you understand that you will need a large amount of fillers, but I will never do it for one visit. After all, it is necessary that the drug is hammered by, the patient is used to, looked at how comfortable it is. And only in a month or two I invite the patient to a repeated visit, and we define, you need a further increase or not. If the patient still wants to even increase, the gel is superimposed on the gel - these are so-called the Sandwich effect, and the stated dates of the drugs in 9-12 months, as a rule, increase to 2-3 years - so well we stimulated the production of their hyaluronic acid. True, there are situations where you just want lips to update a little, revive the red bang. And in this case, too, there are also its drugs that are also stimulated the production of their hyaluronic acid.

- Can any lips can be corrected?

- There are congenital deformations, such as the holy lip where the operation is required. Miracles does not happen, but for each occasion I come individually. And if I understand that I can not help, then I say.

- Is it possible to combine the increase in lips with permanent makeup?

- It is possible to combine - and there is no dependence and order, because the permanent is introduced to higher layers.

- What are the restrictions before and after the procedure?

- In absentia, we do not give in absentia on preliminary preparation - this is all discussed at the consultation, because by phone the whole person you will not learn, the exception is if there are any features of health. After the procedure, in the first hours, it is impossible to drink hot drinks in the first hours, we recommend limiting the kisses for three days, the active sun and solarium - in the first few days.

Institute of Beauty Belleallure.

Address: ul. Small Dmitrovka, 25, p. 1 (Floor 4, Office 27)

Metro: Pushkinskaya, Mayakovskaya, Chekhovskaya

Tel.: +7 495 211-08-66, +7 495 650-33-66, +7 926 030-58-53

Site: Belle-allure.ru.

Opening hours: Mon-Sat 10: 00-21: 00

Instagram Elena Vasilyeva @elenaradion, the beauty institute Belleallure @Belle_allure. https://www.facebook.com/institutkrasotyba, https://vk.com/public197102798.

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