How not to become a victim of home tyrant


Alas, the facts of beating and humiliation in families of wives and mothers still occur often. The media constantly appear the stories of famous, intelligent, beautiful and talented women who lived in hell for several years, or became a sacrifice of an unexpected surge of monstrous aggression from the beloved man.

Who is in the risk group, how to avoid such relationships in his family, to whom first of all should be asked for help, how to get rid of Tirana - this was helped by a psychologist "Center for Social Assistance Family and Children" Alis Altergott.

She believes that it is necessary to leave a man who at least once allowed himself to raise your hand on you, because, as a rule, it will definitely repeat. Your self-esteem will fall from each time and the depression will arise, which will lead to other diseases and, possibly, to suicide.

Of course, there are cases when a man is afraid of losing loved ones, becomes another, but, unfortunately, it is a rarity.

Music-tyrant is required psychological help to change. And in Russia, this is not accepted. "What am I, Cry or what to go to psychologists?" - So the majority thinks. Make an appointment with a specialist and consult for men is often humiliation.

There are women who, in their psychological type, have a high probability of becoming a victim of home tyran. They are very dependent on the partner, they strive to dissolve in a man, do not consider themselves a separate full-fledged person. Conditionally, they can be called "women-rugs", they seek to please the partner, make up him, but no one loves such women.

If suddenly it happened that you fell in love, but a man is not responsible, then it is not necessary to seek him. It is necessary to find another object, because, as a rule, the partner will feel over you and humiliate you. Love should be mutual, based on respect and self-esteem each of the partners, only then will be a happy family.

Need to leave a man who at least once allowed himself to raise your hand

Need to leave a man who at least once allowed himself to raise your hand


Often, women themselves cannot get rid of such patient love-dependencies. Then you need to seek help to a psychologist.

Left alone with his problem, a woman may not cope, it is inside the problem and does not see the exit. Only a psychologist knows the solutions. He becomes a conductor. Some women should apply to a psychotherapist for medication support if they are already depressed, which is treated only with certain drugs.

Also most often, women who grew up in a similar family become victims of domestic violence, they know such a model of childhood behavior. She was definitely a terrible, frightening, but they did not see any other behavior. Unfortunately, the same nightmare is later transferred to adulthood.

In addition, the society in which we grow, also imposes a significant imprint. After all, from early years, teachers often scream on us, they can sway in the clinic, grandmother at the entrance says how to behave and dress. We are constantly humiliated, and it becomes the norm, we begin to believe that it should be in relation to us.

It is, of course, to try initially not to associate itself with relations with a person who does not respect you.

To do this, first of all, you need to look at the relationship in the family of your chosen one, as they treat mom. It is very important how he originally belongs to you. If a man allows himself to let the disrespectful jokes in your address, does not care about you, can humiliate with friends, then you should not continue these relationships.

Another modern woman should not fully depend on the man, it is simply necessary to have a profession that is proactious, and housing where it can always move.

And you never need to lose self-esteem and allow others to relate to yourself unworthy.

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