5 Rules perfect backpack


Erasers, rules, notebooks - all this is necessary. But the backpack is the main element of school equipment. Different manufacturers offer hundreds of models. Tell me how from all this manifold choose the right one.

Rule number 1

The material of the backpack must endure snow, heat and rain pouring. Also, remember that your child can shove in a bag food without a container, felt-tumbers without caps, unlocked paints, which means that the backpack will sometimes be erased. Therefore, it is better to prefer fabric with water-repellent impregnation. This thing will have a long service life and an acceptable price.

Outdoor marker easy to spoil a new bag

Outdoor marker easy to spoil a new bag


Rule number 2.

The color of the backpack can be any: pink, blue, even peas or depicting characters from favorite cartoons, the main thing is not that. On the bag must be reflective elements - this is the security deposit of your child. In twilight or in bad weather it will be easier to notice on the road.

Reflective elements - need

Reflective elements - need


Rule number 3.

The backpack must correspond to the size of the child: the upper edge at the level of the blades, the lower - on the waist. Straps products should be adjusted so that the baby is comfortable. Well, if there are additional ribbons on the bag on the bag. So the weight will be distributed correctly, and your first-grader will retain a good posture. Some manufacturers strengthen the rear wall of the product, making it anatomical - it is correct.

Do not try first grader to buy a backpack with a size of it

Do not try first grader to buy a backpack with a size of it


Rule number 4.

Buy a backpack with a lot of pockets. This should not be a bag with one compartment. Better, if the handles, notebooks, the phone and the keys from home will not be labeled in one pile. The child will come in handy and a mesh on the side for a water bottle, and a hole at the top for headphones, and pockets for all small things.

For each subject - your pockets

For each subject - your pockets


Pay attention to the castle - not every child can cope with complex latches, so double lightning is the most convenient option. It allows you to decompose the bag almost two halves and get to the bottom.

Rule number 5.

Do not save. It is desirable that one backpack is enough for your child for a year, or even two, if he does not grow. A cheap product is rarely high-quality. Such backpacks quickly rush along the seams, they break down the lightning and plastic parts fall off. The product should be high quality and easy.

Do not save on quality

Do not save on quality


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