Sensitive Head Skin - Reason for Survey


Sensitive scalp - the concept of relative, each person is manifested in its own way. Some are concerned about the unpleasant feeling of depth, arising after washing, slight irritation, for example, after staining, but this is not the biggest problem. It also happens that it is simply impossible to touch the head, itching becomes unbearable, a strong peel appears. Such signs are not the disease itself, but symptoms indicating either local violations of physiological processes in the scalp, or about malfunctions in your body. After all, the culprits of the itch can be like Seborrhea and allergic or atopic dermatitis, neurodermatitis, fungal or parasitic infections, as well as stress or unfavorable environmental situation, especially if you arrived in a completely unfamiliar region.

If itching becomes unbearable, and the hair began to fall hard, it should not be carried out experiments using old good grandmother's recipes, perhaps suitable for a friend, but not for you. Sign up for a reception to the dermatologist to eliminate the problems that require careful treatment, and go on a consultation with a trichologist's doctor. In trichological clinics there is a special instrument, which allows you to accurately assess the state of the scalp. As for therapeutic drugs, as a rule, these are lotions

And dermatological shampoos that are sold only in pharmacies or in the clinic itself. As active ingredients, camphor, menthol and extracts of medicinal herbs, as well as essential oils, such as tea tree or peppermint, are used in them.


Characteristic symptoms peculiar to sensitive skin are not always a manifestation of any disease. If a specialist excluded its presence, the reason should be sought

In your daily life. After all, the increased sensitivity of the scalp is the result of the effect of a number of aggressive factors that weaken its natural protection, primarily stress and environmental situation. As a result, a film from malicious chemicals is formed on the surface of the scalp. All this leads to increased production of free radicals, the physiological microflora of the skin changes, the natural immunity is reduced, the skin microorganisms are actively beginning to multiply on the skin. Such a negative impact has unbalanced nutrition, frequent drying and hair styling with a hair dryer, wearing close and airproof headpapers, aggressive lightening and frequent staining, ultraviolet, as well as incorrect everyday care.

"The head of the head requires attention no less than a person," says Olga Antonova, the stylist-technologist of the company "Sharm Distribusch". - It also needs to be properly cleaned, moisturizing, nourishing and protecting from the effects of any aggressive factors that destroy the natural hydrolyphid barrier consisting of lipids. They are contained directly in the skin itself, as well as in the natural lubricant highlighted by the head of the scalp, ensuring not only elasticity, but also reliable protection. When it is broken, the physiological microflora of the skin changes, as a result, natural immunity decreases, the skin becomes vulnerable to pathogenic microorganisms. It is much more difficult to restore this barrier than to disturb it (and the violation is almost every day). The classic example is a frequent washing of the head, this loves to abuse many clients. At the same time, they consider their duty to rinse the hair literally to the squeak, leaving them absolutely defenseless in front of the environment. Many heads for washing heads are also aggressive, since they contain a large number of sulfates, parabens and pavs, which, in aggregate with chlorinated water, is a very powerful blow. Remember the main rule: wash your head only as necessary, and not following a certain ritual (for example, every morning). Be sure to use the most soft shampoo with a neutral pH that will support the scalp skin in the optimal state. For example, a nutritious shampoo for thinned unpainted hair Nourishing Shampoo Visibly Thinning Non-Color Treated Hair from Bosley Professional Strenght gently cleans, restores and rejuvenates the hair and scalp, without causing irritation. Displays toxins, creating a healthy hair environment and scalp with Lifextend ™ complex, which improves the production of lipids, collagen and elastin. Be sure to use air conditioning (imagine that you cleared the skin of the face with the help of a foam or gel and did not use the cream). There are air conditioners that are specially designed to care for sensitive skin of the head, maintaining its optimal PH-balance, so they can be safely applied both along the entire length of the hair and on the scalp. Especially relevant this procedure becomes after multiple staining or clarification, as well as after a chemical curling, because the composition of any (even the highest quality) drugs instantly disrupts the integrity of the hydrolypide film, causes an unpleasant itching and burningFor example, the K-PAK intensive Joico K-PAK brand moisturizer solves all the problems caused by chemical treatment, thermal damage and negative impact of environmental factors, since 80 percent consists of moisturizing components, including macadamia and shelving oils, feed and moisturizing Skin. This drug for days will remove unpleasant itching, ensures maximum comfort of sensitive and irritable skin. Another product is air conditioning for creating volume on thinned unpainted hair Volumizing Conditioner Visibly Thinning Non-Color Treated Hair - can be used daily, immediately after shampoo. Algae extract helps to protect against photoregation, frequent washing and mechanical damage as a result of combing. It contains the Lifextend ™ complex, which helps to stimulate the production of keratin protein in a bulb and strengthens the hair structure. "

Caring - every day

If your everyday procedure is washing the head with a soft shampoo, after which you are limited to natural drying and careful combing, most likely the problems of the scalp you will no longer disturb you, of course, in the absence of aggressive factors. Those who experiment with styling will have to take additional precautions. First of all, review your arsenal of styling. "In case of sensitive scalp, it is not recommended to use stamping products containing alcohol," says Olga Antonova. - This is characteristic of drugs that are in tanks under pressure, for example, dry varnishes, mousses and foams. Try to go on a liquid with a mechanical pump or liquid varnishes, such as Spritz and Stay Non-Aerosol Hairspray (lacquer non-aerosol extracene fixation for volume) from SexyHair. Small spraying, uniform distribution of varnish on the hair, does not leave white plaque. Does not contain alcohol, protects hair and skin from the negative effects of the environment, quickly dries, gives intense shine and silkiness.

In the presence of a strong itching and the sensation of the depths, give up time from the use of fixtures for hot laying. These include hair dryers, straightening, stylers and curls. Hot air from these devices is even stronger than the skin of the head, the same applies to the water that you use for washing the head. Let it be a pleasant room temperature, and even better - set a special cleaning filter or use drinking water from bottles, especially during the exacerbation. Remember that hair brushes with plastic or metal bristles can also damage the sensitive skin of the head. It is better to use a soft brush with a rather thick natural bristle, it will benefit both on her hair and on the skin. "

To ensure the normal functioning of the scalp, try to stick to a balanced diet. The most important component for maintaining the optimal balance is fatty acids whose source is fatty fish, such as tuna, salmon, herring, sardine or mackerel. Among the vegetable products - seeds, nuts, olives, avocado. One of the most important fatty acids is contained in vitamin F, it helps to preserve the integrity of the hydrolynid film. Many vitamin F in linen and sunflower oils, soybeans, nuts (especially walnut and almonds) and seeds, as well as in fish and seafood. Sources of vitamin, and fish oil, beef liver, egg yolks, cream, solid milk and dairy products, quite a lot of this vitamin contain green and yellow vegetables - carrots, pumpkin, sweet pepper, broccoli, green onions and parsley. Such a "Menu" will help you not only maintain the scalp in a healthy condition, but also ensure the growth of strong and strong hair.

Tenderness for the head

"Careful ritual" Tenderness "from silicium + soothes the sensitive skin of the head, gives a feeling of freshness and gives shine and tone to dim and weakened hair," says Eduard Shishlov, hairdresser-stylist salon "Black Swan" hairdresser. - At the first stage, you prepare the hair and the skin of the head to the subsequent care. My hair is caring shampoo for frequent use, then thoroughly wash and apply a daily lotion. Application technique: Easy rubbing with the initial massage. The wizard produces sliding presses with the tips of the fingers from the nape to the top. Palm moves the scalp in place. Massage is completed by hair smoothing over the entire length. This phase allows you to stimulate the scalp and prepare the hair to further care. This stage gives a feeling of freshness and calm, revitalizes and allows you to gently start care. The "Heart" of the procedure - a specialist causes a refreshing care and massages the scalp under the ferry. Makes smoothing drainage massage. Then splashes the daily lotion over the entire length of the hair and leaves (without covering) for ten minutes. She washes her hair with shampoo on the type of hair and gently rins for five minutes. The final inflicts a spray for combing or smoothing milk (depending on the type of hair). Places hair at the request of the client. "

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