Irina and Vitaly Gogunski: "We raise each other's self-esteem"


No wonder they say: you will not leave destiny. In relation to Vitaly Gogunsky, it worked for a hundred. Nine years ago on the set of the series "Univer", the actor met the beautiful model Irina Mairco. The novel was rapid and bright, but alas: this pair separated a dense work schedule and ... evil tongues. But in April of this year it became known that the actor married. And his chosen one is the longest beloved Irina, which is also the mother of his child.

- Such stories, like yours, happen quite rarely: so that people after parting reiterate their destinies, and even raised relationships to a new level. Did you surprise these your friends familiar?

Vitaly: They were surprised to find out that I was not Kuzya. How, ask, are you not Kuzya? (Laughs.)

Irina: Everyone says the same thing: "Well, finally!"

- That is, everyone considered you a suitable pair?

Vitaly: Alexander Revva said: "I always knew that you would be together." Shooting in the series we separated us. This work requires immersion.

- You somehow said that Irina is your fate, and everything else is the experience. Did you need to compare to rate this woman, who is near?

Vitaly: It took time. There were not only those who sincerely rejoiced for us, but those who envied us. And these people dismissed some gossip, the ambiguous phrases said. Now we remember this with a laugh, and then, according to youth and nonsense, perceived liars seriously. But it defines a person not what they say about him, and not even his own words, but a deed. Time passed, and I appreciated the actions of Irina, who showed me the sincerity of her feelings, her love. And she gave me such a wonderful daughter Milan.

- Irina, and during this time did any attempts to arrange a personal life?

Vitaly : Well, it is interesting to listen. I don't know anything about it.

Irina: Waiting for eight years. (Smiles.) No, I sat everything. I enjoyed freedom.

Milan: And the daughter at that time lived with her mother.

Vitaly: And dad was a flyer-raid.

- How did you get that you got together again?

Vitaly: I went raining in Moscow, but I have no place to live. And I arrived at Irina and Milan to visit and asked: "Can I spend you speach?" Well, and then they could not drive me out. (Laughs.)

Irina and Vitaly Gogunski:

"Time passed, and I appreciated the actions of Irina, the sincerity of her feelings, her love. And she gave me such a wonderful daughter Milan, "Vitaly Gogunsky admits

Photo: Alina Pigeon

- Probably, it is still difficult to glue the broken cup after parting, when something bad was.

Irina: It is difficult to establish relations at the moment when you are still in the authority of negative emotions, copy the insult. And when you already release the situation, cease to be angry, to make a claim, then you begin to treat another person in kind.

Vitaly: And then here he, the fruit of our senses. When you look at her, you understand that such children are beautiful and talented - only in love is born.

- And for Milan something has changed now, did you spend more time together?

Irina: All the time only with Milan, threesome.

Vitaly: Only sometimes computer toys are separated.

Milan: That's for sure. I like to play the computer more, but dad sits longer.

- What are you public people, imposes a print on your lifestyle?

Vitaly: Yes, and it is terrible. When I started doing creativity, I somehow did not think about this side - recognition and its "side effects". Now I already have a definite hardening: I just don't pay attention to some things. I try not to listen to what they tell me and what they write on the Internet. I think about normal, adequate people the news that I got married, should call good emotions. After all, it is joyful that such unions are concluded, disinterested, honest. Irina - Beauty, and I do not Abramovich. Could probably find a more profitable party. But the love of evil, love and actor.

Irina: Now in our life we ​​no longer let outsiders. And someone's opinion is not determining. Apparently, we just before we were weak, people felt and began to put pressure on corn patients.

- How did you meet?

Vitaly: It was in December 2008, on the set of the series "University".

- Irina, and you also starred there?

Irina: Yes, he played a terrible student who was all in acne and moles, and Kuzya sold her cream, which will help solve all the problems.

Vitaly: I remember how the director shouted: "Make it even worse!" But under the layer of makeup and opened by a terry bathrobe considered all the beauty of the inner. (Laughs.)

- Irina, what did you like Vitaly?

Irina: He took all my free time. I paid a lot of attention, showed care and gave some kind of delivable life advice. Very raised my self-esteem.

- How?! Beautiful has low self-esteem?

Irina: Yes, but Vitaly managed to somehow inspire me, reveal.

Vitaly: And Irusik - me. So we have no such disinterested union - we raise each other's self-esteem. (Smiles.)

- I understand that you and the creative breakthrough happened - the team "La Lamina" was formed.

Vitaly: Sing together is just space! At first we wanted to call our trio - "Cosmos". But "Surname", which means "family", is also great. Family is the same seven "I": Dad, Mom and you, Milan.

Irina and Vitaly Gogunski:

"Vitaly made me a sentence a month after dating," says Irina

Photo: Alina Pigeon

- Still, probably, brothers and sisters will be.

Milan: Not! I do not want, I do not want. I will have to go as older to roll them on yourself, diapers change.

Irina: Toys are sorry to share, for brothers and sisters, we have not yet matured. (Smiles.)

- How did you still decide to sing together?

Vitaly: It's no secret that the defining role is now playing competent PR - as you are presented. Sometimes PR is even more creativity. It used to be wrong. But I, as a man of old hardening, I think that it is better to hear once than a hundred times to read. The song "re-live", which I wrote with Nikita Cherry, just perfectly falls on the history of our relationship with Irina. Her close girlfriends who heard it were touched to tears. Then we decided to remove the music video, Irina and Milan joined - and I realized that the girls on the stage look much better than me, - it is impossible to break away from them!

Irina: Milan already mom teaches vocals and gives advice, how to behave during the performance. (Laughs.)

Vitaly: Now Milan has, already in seven years, there is a diploma of the studio of Alla Pugacheva. Moreover, Alla Borisovna is very high opinion about its abilities. She told me how, during the speech, Milan wanted to knock her down, check the reaction - and gave her a flower. But the daughter was not confused and managed to competently beat. So in our family the artist will grow up.

Irina: And why "La Surname" - because Vitaly can sing both with me and with Milan. They have another wonderful song "Peace" - they performed it on the day of popular unity.

- Irina, have you dreamed of a professional scene?

Irina: No, did not dreamed. I would sat yourself at home quietly. (Laughs.) Me to give an interview, it is necessary to prepare morally for a week.

Vitaly: Probably another sign of talented people - they do not protrude themselves. Live in their created world - beautiful, talented, poems write. I do not want to be imjective, but honestly, I didn't even imagine that Ira can write such poems is very cool! And Milan I do not want to pull on the stage. But she came out with me in the One-One show and just broke everyone! So this is not me, and my family pulls me to show business.

Irina: Indeed, it was the desire of Milan - sing with duet duet. And at home she rehearsed, represented how they play the song Leps and Ani Lorak. I always say my daughter: dreams come true! And I believe it myself. That's what it is a happy case, luck? For the first time in the history of the show, the TV channel "Russia" on the day of protection of children decided to offer participants to sing along with their children. Milan then was still very small, four years old, but when Vitaly called and told us about this opportunity, he made an idea with delight and chose the song herself.

- And in the studio to Alla Borisovna, she got like?

Vitaly: Maxim Galkin was in the jury show "one to one". And after the program, Milan was invited to the studio as a talented child.

- Milan, do you dream of being famous?

Milan: No, I dream to go to Disneyland.

- And to become famous as dad, to recognize on the street, autographs asked?

Milan: And then journalists run behind me? No.

- But now you give an interview.

Milan: No, now I play a mobile phone.

- What are your interests? In addition to singing and games in your mobile phone?

Irina: She is engaged in gymnastics ... What are you building face? (Laughs.) Yes, it is really hard work. We also have a piano music school.

Milan: I like choreography!

Vitaly: In Alla Borisovna, she is in love with Alla Borisovna.

Vitaly and Irina got married in April of this year

Vitaly and Irina got married in April of this year

Photo: Alina Pigeon

- Is there such a thing in your family: the child's upbringing?

Vitaly: There is. We yourself are brought up with Milan.

Irina: The paradox is that when you allow a lot, the child behaves much more more than when he has many prohibitions. I believe that the main thing in the upbringing is love. Of course, we have some rules. For example, go to bed at a certain time. This year, Milan will go to school - you will have to get up early early, so we will arrange the feather.

- Who is a more strict parent?

Milan: Mum.

Irina: Dad is not strict at all.

- What do you think, who is more like Milan?

Vitaly: The character, as I think, mine. And beautiful she, like mom.

Milan: I want to be the opposite.

Vitaly: Beautiful like me? With beard? (Laughs.) We and Ira are like something, once I was also attractive.

- Irina, did you feel that Vitaly will make you an offer?

Irina: Of course, a woman always feels. This can be understood by the behavior of a man: he begins to somehow fuss, nervous. (Laughs.) But I all from the side of Vitaly waited for a trick: now he will do something wrong - and then everything is exactly! And he is all the perfect and perfect, somehow too good and smooth.

- But as I understand it, he made you a new sentence nine years ago?

Irina: And here you are about what! Yes, it happened somewhere a month after our acquaintance. It was the day of lovers, February 14. We looked at the movie "Love-Carrot". We drove through the night city, and he stopped the car on some bridge. We came out, the snow fell - it was romantic and very beautiful.

- That is, you can say, you had such a long-long engagement.

Vitaly: Yes, my proposal remained in force. Ira just thought nine years old and finally said: "I agree."

- Deciding for the second time to start a joint life ...

Irina: This is not the second, but forty fifth, probably.

- What lessons removed for yourself? Maybe you need to be tolerant to each other?

Vitaly: It is necessary to live a moment. Tomorrow may not be, you need to give each other love now. Not tolerant. Rather, it is more suitable - it is more careful to treat each other. And on some generally insignificant things simply not to pay attention.

- But, probably, there are habits that are just furious?

Irina: Oh, do not ask me! Well, now you can do? I loved, you have to take as it is. In the most nervous cases to drink Valerian.

Milan: Repair is honest!

Vitaly: I, when I start talking about it, blindfold. One TV program came to us and made repairs in the apartment. Now we do not know how to survive. I would have forgiven everything, but when my dear windows and doors were replaced and replaced them with a cheap craft, there was no limit to indignation.

- Why did you go for it?

Irina: Thought that it would be beautiful. (Sighs.)

- Irina, do you have a comfort in the house? What is your mistress?

Irina: Yes, I love everything to be done with taste. I like to do decor, I always have flowers in the house. But in cleaning it helps me a household assistant, since no one will do any better professional. But I am preparing with great pleasure.

- What is your husband's favorite dish?

Irina: Buckwheat porridge with honey. Everything is simple - perfect for a woman.

Vitaly: I try to eat natural products, preferably without all sorts of shattered sauces and lulled. An exception is made on the set. There are usually in abundance of sandwiches with cheese and doctoral sausage. And they all get them for a cute business - and meatseeds, and vegetarian. For some reason, these sandwiches seem very tasty.

Milan: By the way, about habits. Dad also always loses his socks.

Vitaly: Daughter passed me with guts! This is some kind of mystic! I really do not know where my socks disappear. We cannot find them in a washing machine, nor among clean linen.

- This is the mistake of fans.

Vitaly: Fans-fetishists, if you read this interview, please give my socks! I put them in the safe. In fact, I want to buy such a suitcase, in which in the drawers a hundred pairs of socks.

- Irina Do you affect the style of my husband? Do you like how it dresses?

Irina: If we are going somewhere "in the light", then yes, like it. And so we live in the country, so we go to home clothes.

Irina and Vitaly Gogunski:

"It is necessary to live a moment - tomorrow may not be. You need to give each other Love now and more careful to treat each other," Call Gogun

Photo: Alina Pigeon

- Do you like secular outputs?

Irina: Only if it is really interesting. Girlfriends tell me: "Irina, how cool, you have a photo session for a photo shoot!" And I think: That's this evening to hold at home. (Laughs.)

Vitaly: Many factors must coincide: and our interest in the event, and the company that will meet there: whether people with whom I personally nice to meet, talk to. How long to get there, whether to park easily there - also plays a role.

Irina: As soon as the difficulties arise on our path, we are mad.

Vitaly: This is Moscow - so much time is eaten on the road. Why even rape yourself. In the movie we go there, where closer. Cinema I watch anyone, without a difference - Russian or done in Hollywood.

Irina: Especially he loves cartoons.

Vitaly: With Milanka, we basically go to cartoons. This is a win-win version, so much positive you get! "Beast", "Zverstopolis", "Muan", "Shrek" - the same space, no film is so talented.

Milan: I like "Ivan Tsarevich and a gray wolf."

Vitaly: Yes, and me too! I learned that the script wrote the guys from the Quartet, and I thought everything: who is this source of the universe mind? A talented cartoon, and it's nice that it is made in Russia. I looked at it four times. An intelligent person is everything clear. It is not necessary to even analyze news releases in order to understand that the country occurs. You can just watch the cartoon.

- You have not had a wedding trip?

Irina: No, while we dream.

Milan: Disneyland!

Vitaly: How?! I drove you into the Tver region. We rode there on horseback, it was a wedding trip.

Milan: No, we do not agree! You just watched a place to shoot.

Irina: Vitaly, nonsense: You misled, it was work. Schengen visas today with Milan received for five years - so the journey is ready. The case is behind the dad.

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