Larisa Verbicky: "I do not like memories"


Anton Chekhov argued that in a person everything should be fine: both face, and clothes, and soul, and thoughts. This is how it is impossible for Larisa Verbian, which gives the impression of a very harmonious personality. Her voice is called "Crystal" - first Larisa worked as a speaker, then more than twenty-five years led the program "Good morning" on the first channel. Now she helps to create an image of other people, being the vice-president of the League of professional image makers, leads concerts, is engaged in public activities. And she also has a wonderful family: a husband, two children - in general, there is something to learn from this wise and beautiful woman.

1. About work

So that the morning was good, you need to love life, people, their work. Regardless of what you have to sleep, get up early in the morning or it requires a very large tension. Just need to know what it needs it.

Behind the threshold of the television world so many difficulties rests. Each new air does not like the one that was before. The people with whom are talking to, themes, criteria are how much you correspond to the time in which you live.

I like that I am not standing on the spot: I was a speaker, a TV host, a journalist, participated in different TV shows, now became an imager. This my work is apotheosis to everything I learned from all the time. Being a successful person is much easier when you are pleasant, you have a sense of style, you know how to communicate.

For me, it was always important not to climb only on family well-being. It's fine when at home love you and are waiting for you, with your opinion they are considered, but it is very important to be implemented in the profession, to achieve something, feel joy from professional good luck.

2. About me

I do not like memories. It is a lot of those who do not see ahead of new landmarks. I have even at home there are no photos from the past, only pictures of children. The photo is reminded that there is such a category as time. No wonder they say: youth lives a dream, and old age - memories.

I love travel, fly by plane. Even if somewhere bad weather, the sun is always over the clouds. Although I love and rain: he soothes, it decesses, makes it possible to focus on the main thing, has to work, creativity.

Of course, I change. I became more tolerant, but I learned to say "no". Youth maximalism acquired some diplomatic forms that are much more convenient and correct in different, sometimes difficult, situations.

Probably, I am from those people for whom the glass is always half full. In difficult moments, I mobilize, realizing that much depends on me. Any problem pushes to a new solution, development and gives a new chance. Although first it is unpleasant and sad from what collapsed rhythm.

What would I like to change? I do not know ... I like me. Maybe, excessive gullibility sometimes fails. But I began to find an explanation, justify the circumstances, people. What is called, I try to "release the situation", forgive or cross out from my life those who caused pain. I can do it.

Larisa Verbickskaya and her husband together for 32 years

Larisa Verbickskaya and her husband together for 32 years


3. About the family

The closest person is my husband. I have friends with whom I can share my secrets, reflections, just a piece of my life to trust. And I do not consider it necessary to be open to everyone, to be such an affordable gloss.

You need to love everyone: myself, and those who are near. How can I love myself more my children? It even sounds not human. If you have a small child, he does not sleep at night - you have to get up, feed, swaded, care, and in the morning run to work, this is also a certain sacrifice. Or contain a house. My husband and I have never stood the question of dividing duties. Who is at home, that owner.

Family image is also a big science. For many years, Soviet women were a bike bathrobe as home clothing. You can say this is such an attribute of the era. Even at that time I hated him and persuaded my mother to get rid of this object of the wardrobe. At some point, I just myself began to buy her beautiful homework.

We are with Sasha thirty two years together. I think it is very cool! Sometimes we are just silent, and then suddenly he says out loud what I just thought about. Such is a deep emotional connection. It is important for me that in relationships remain trepid, heat. After all, it is so easy to destroy.

4. About love and happiness

When you fall in love, you feel absolutely happy. My son asked me: What is love? I said that when she comes, you will definitely understand it. When you feel this feeling, you just fly.

I had a few tricky dreams that I remember. One of them dreamed of me on the eve of meeting with my husband, my half. I flew over the ground. And then it happened what happened. Life was divided into before and after meeting with him.

When a person has emotional enthusiasm, sincerity, the ability to rejoice from the inside, you do not notice his age. Being beautiful in youth so natural. And to remain attractive in mature years - a lot of work. I have a few friends who met their fate, being people already far over forty. So the shape of the nose, the size of the chest or the waist amount is not always determining.

Happiness on the and happiness that you are rarely experiencing. These moments are so short, informat, so quickly pass. And then, after time, you understand that it was happiness. My husband sometimes says: again all things, when will we live?! I answer: this is life.

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