What actions say that you are neurotic


No wonder specialists joke: the main problem of the 21st century is self-esteem. Through her prism is manifested by our attitude towards himself and others, the perception of their own and someone else's behavior, the desire for goals and the daily mood. A person with a stable psyche is easier to apply to everything that happens to him, not counting the failures on the personal and working front familiar to the cessation of any contacts with the outside world. This material helps determine which your actions talk about problems with nerves.

Frequent mood change

If you notice that you can start crying or getting angry, then you should be concerned. Simultaneous symptoms will be the desire to speak at elevated colors, increased sensitivity to words, fatigue, apathy. Pass the blood test to the destination of the endocrinologist to make sure the problem is not in hormonal failure. Then sit in a relaxed setting with a clean piece of paper and write something that causes you negative emotions. The main task is to understand what you need to get rid of. If you understand that the reason for the change of mood in temporary problems like loading at work or unresolved conflicts with a young man, then you will be easier to get rid of them by making practical steps.

If you are often angry, then check the hormones

If you are often angry, then check the hormones

Photo: Pixabay.com.

Desire to control everything

Emotionally mature man will not think that he is indispensable. In your hands, the formation of a surroundings from people who can help you with the fulfillment of duties. If you, for example, are afraid to fly with her husband on vacation and leave a teenager at home alone, then think not about his discontenancy, but about your upbringing. The same at work: no need to think that the younger colleague is not able to fulfill its work and needs your uninhabited advice, otherwise you risk you like to go for a bore. Perform an effective practice: First, hide the cleaning service or take advantage of the help of the stylist, whose competences are confident. Then mark the slave task and check the results of the execution. Running on the "steps" from professionals in your eyes to the usual others, you can make sure that others are not more stupid and can well be replaced in any business.

Do not think that other people are more stupid

Do not think that other people are more stupid

Photo: Pixabay.com.

Doubt in loved ones

People who are constantly waiting for a trick from others, eventually remain alone. I do not like to see anyone that the partner does not trust him. It is not necessary to read the correspondence of a man in social networks, strive to meet it after work or make it a company in training if you want it only to monitor control. Insureness feels behind the mile, so trust a person, or let him go - let it find a more suitable pair. If you are confident, why doubt others? Psychologists see in this taking "mirrors": other people reflect our prominent and shadow side: prominent - our perception of life and desire, shadow - fears and doubts. For uncertainty lies the fear of being deceived and devoted. Slash it on sessions with a psychologist - the best way to find.

No one wants to doubt it.

No one wants to doubt it.

Photo: Pixabay.com.

Fear of sincere emotions

When you catch yourself thinking that you are trying to play a role, and not to be real, then it's time to beat the bell. Understand that people love you for what you are: Loudly laughing or incendiary dancing under your favorite music. Hiding the manifestations of their nature, you yourself drive yourself into the complexes that become obvious. Think that all men, for example, love long-legged cuties - absurdity. If you really want to change and pretend only for this - please work on yourself. But do not hold on to those who are important only the perfect picture - these people cannot figure out their psyche, so they are trying to switch their own uncertainty. Because of the influence of another person, it is important to realize it on time and get out of the "swamps".

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