Homeopathy treats personality


The emergence and development of homeopathy (from the Greek HOMEOS - "similar" and Pathos - "suffering") is associated with the name of the German physician-natural scientist Christian Friedrich Samuel Haneman. In the distant 1796, this scientist made a brilliant conclusion: "To treat it is right, safely, quickly and reliably, select only such a medicine in each particular case, which can cause a condition similar to the suffering to heal." This was the first and basic principle of homeopathy, having received the definition of the "Laid Guide". Thus, Ganeman created a powerful theoretical base, which today is almost unchanged. The general meaning of homeopathy is that any violation in the work of the body is cured by a substance capable of calling a similar picture. For example, small doses of mercury can treat kidney diseases that are manifested by symptoms characteristic of mercury poisoning.

Today, homeopathy has become a full-fledged section of medicine, its use is allowed by the official order of the Ministry of Health, homeopathy is taught in medical institutes.

But even in the 50s, homeopaths were accused of real charctania, and the method itself was banned for use. Despite this, many still relate to this science very skeptical, which rather indicates the lack of necessary knowledge than about their own negative experience.

Of course, homeopathy is more subtle, you can say jewelry, requiring a specialist of the highest qualifications, but with a proper approach, it gives stunning results.

"Some people still compare homeopathy with phytotherapy, and homeopathic drugs are called Badami," says Alexander Kashpar, Chief Doctor of the Gomeopathic Center Darling. - Perhaps this is due to the fact that they, as well as ordinary medicines, are made on the basis of substances of mineral, animal or plant origin, including allocations of living organisms, such as snake poison. However, this is similarity and ends. Homeopathic preparations are prepared for complex technology, through consecutive multiple dilutions and shaking, which is called the dynamization. Before each stage of breeding, the container shakes ten times, as a result of which the substance acquires special drug power. If the ratio of the active substance and the solvent base is one to ten, we obtain the first decimal dilution, denoted by letters D or x, if one to one hundred - the first hundredth, denoted by the letter C. Thousands of dilution are denoted by the letter M. The higher the degree of breeding and the greater The solution was shaken during its preparation, the more deep and long the impact on the human body will be. The content of the initial substance after the 12th decimal dilution is reduced to no, only "the memory of water" on the dissolved substance remains. However, with further breeding, his therapeutic effect is only increasing, but toxic - decreases to a minimum. "

All individually

Despite the fact that homeopathy is officially recognized as science, to a greater extent this art. The diseased person can be safely compared with the musical instrument that requires not the change of strings and keys, and the competent work of the adjoint procedure, which is a homeopath, prescribing one or another homeopathic preparation. At the same time, it does not suppress or, on the contrary, does not stimulate certain processes, and harmonizes the general condition, cycling internal resources. That is why the efficiency of homeopathy is most brightly manifested

In cases of chronic diseases, where the usual doctor can offer only supporting therapy, and the homeopath will be in clarifying the deep causes of the disease to affect them. The keyword here is "individuality", because homeopathy is treated not to the disease itself, but the personality in the most direct sense of the word.

"We are all different, including in different ways expressing in this world," says Alexander Kaspar. "One cannot live without sweet, another loves salted, one forgives even enemies, the other remembers all the children's resentment and carries them through the whole adult life. Therefore, there are no ready-made recipes in homeopathy, the specialist will never prescribe a medicine based on the name of your illness or complaints on its symptoms. The traditional reception in the homeopath begins with a patient's survey, its psychotype is determined, the search for your personal medical agent begins. Be prepared to hear the most unexpected questions: what kind of relationships have been with your parents, friends, teachers, it is easy for learning how you were a child - quiet and calmly or duck and unsteady. A specialist may ask if you easily feel in a new company, as often cry, is there any need for sympathy and consolation or you prefer that in difficult moments you are left alone. All this is done exclusively for your good, so you should not be shy or sharply perceive such questions. Of course, a homeopath doctor will definitely pay attention to your physical state - for example, asks to describe the nature of the pains that you experience in one way or another, it will inhibit about the presence of problems with vision, hearing, smelling. What blood pressure figures are characteristic of you, there are no pain in the heart, heartbeat, interruptions. Women need to find out all the problems associated with the menstrual function. It should be noted that even the most insignificant symptom needs additional clarification, in homeopathy this is called modality. For example, to the already familiar to many phrase "I have a headache" I should add: "This happens in the afternoon, and the pain itself - stupid

and new. " All this information allows you to most individualize the case and make an optimal treatment plan. "

Modern homeopathic medicines are produced in the form of tinctures, pill or grains, mixtures of strongly divorced (dynamic) toxic drugs with a neutral solvent, and widespread use of ointments, candles and rubbing. For the preparation of tinctures, as a rule, extracts of the initial drug substance are used, the grains are prepared from sugar, which is then soaked in the drug substance. The most important rule - the dose must be minimal, which means not the number of droplets taken, but the frequency of reception. It is necessary to continuously interact with the doctor, especially in the first stages of treatment, to understand and anticipate the reaction of the body, because after a while he gradually gets used to the drug and ceases to react to it. Approximately every five to six weeks must be checked and adjusting the purpose. Tightening the process usually leads to a deterioration in the overall state. Responsibility for independent use of homeopathic preparations longer than this period lies with the entire patient.

What are we treat?

Of course, there are a number of diseases where the optimal solution is to use traditional allopathic agents, for example, acute states that require immediate surgery. In most cases, homeopathic treatment turns out to be the most effective, eliminating the patient from the problems with which he has almost tortured. Take a classic case: the problem of excess weight. Do not think that the doctor will appoint you the usual teas for weight loss, after which they will have to at least restore the broken intestinal microflora. In homeopathy, the focus is on the reasons that do not allow you to gain ideal forms. So, if you have a predisposition for abstract weight from birth, then the choice can be the so-called constitutional drug aimed at normalizing metabolism.

In the case of stress, which traditionally sends sweet, the work will be directed to the nervous system; If the reason lies in endocrine disorders, attention will be paid to the correction of the hormonal background. By the way, about stress. A modern man living in a metropolis, with its overwork, inappreciation, defective nutrition and a tense emotional environment, a homeopathic drug can replace a number of pharmacymic means of sedative, tranquilizing and antidepressant action. Of course, they improve well-being, but often cause dependence, which cannot be said about homeopathic preparations.

"Homeopathy is very effective in the treatment of a wide variety of diseases related

With a psyche, "says Alexander Kaspar. - Take, for example, children. In the arsenal of our homeopathic center "Darling" - a large number of successful cases of adenoids, bronchial asthma, atopic dermatitis, enuresis and other diseases in the smallest patients. And often parents lead them to a homeopath with some physical symptoms and are very surprised when mental problems are normalized as a result of homeopathic treatment: hyperactivity is leaving, the behavior is improved, the child becomes less capricious, because it is correctly selected homeopathic medicine begins to act with the normalization of the total mental state. Thanks to this impact, homeopathy helps well with mental disorders - from hyperactivity and destructiveness to autism.

It is very effective can be treated and diseases of the female sexual sphere, including chronic inflammation of the appendages and Mioma of the uterus. As for infertility, most often it is provoked by inflammatory or degenerative diseases of the genital organs, as well as hormonal disorders. In many cases, this is solved with the help of traditional medicine, but it happens that it is powerless. An example is the physiological incompatibility of spouses. In my practice there was a case when a single reception of a constitutionally selected drug helped a pregnancy at a woman for two months. In our center of homeopathy, it is used for diseases of the veins - it allows you to return the tone with smooth muscles of venous walls, which is accompanied by a visible reduction in the thickness of subcutaneous extended veins, improving blood circulation. There is a decrease in pain and cramps in the legs, reducing swelling and restoring the color of the skin of the limbs. Naturally, the earlier you begin treatment, the better there will be a result, and most importantly - it will be possible to prevent the progression of the disease, complications (thrombophlebitis, trophic skin ulcers), avoid the operation. Even with pronounced venous insufficiency, accompanied by trophic ulcers of the skin of the lower extremities, homeopathy should try. Sometimes we manage to improve the venous blood circulation that ulcers are healing. For a good homeopath, it is not a problem to dissolve the stone in the gallbladder, as well as prevent his re-education. Of course, for this you will have to change the diet and strengthen the motor activity. Treatment of chronic form is longer, there will be some patience here. "

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