5 surveys that need to be held regularly


An indisputable fact: over time the needs and the possibilities of the body change markedly. But you can also keep health and well-being. Gives important tips to help sow full life.

Save health will help regular passing key preventive inspections:

1. Mammography

Breast cancer in Russia ranks first in the death rate among oncological

Diseases, and after 30 years, the risk of developing the disease is increased at times. Mammography is the most effective way to identify breast cancer. It is a kind of x-ray and allows you to see even the smallest neoplasms.

Breast cancer occupies 1 place among oncological diseases

Breast cancer occupies 1 place among oncological diseases


2. Colonoscopy

Intestinal cancer (colorectal cancer) was published on the second level of mortality from cancer in Russia. Every year, more than 50,000 new cases are recorded in the country. It is necessary to know that at the initial stages of the CRP, it is asymptomatic and often revealed at the moment when to help almost nothing. In this case, timely diagnosis of the disease allows you to save 9 out of 10 patients.

Endoscopic studies of the colon (colonoscopy) - "Golden Standard" of the diagnosis of colorectal cancer. Its advantage is that even the smallest education can be found in the survey in the survey, as well as immediately hold a biopsy or remove the revealed neoplasm to prevent the further development of the tumor. That is, all potential problems are not only promptly determined, but also immediately eliminate. After 40 years, doctors recommend spending a colonoscopy at least once every 5 years, and people suffering from intestinal diseases or habitual risks every year.

Not all the procedures are pleasant, but the doctor is your friend

Not all the procedures are pleasant, but the doctor is your friend


3. Checking the work of the thyroid gland

The thyroid gland highlights the hormones necessary for the correct normal functioning of all organs and systems throughout life. The failures in the functioning of the thyroid gland are quite difficult to diagnose, as often expressed in a variety of disadvantages - here and depression, and the disorders of the heart, and the decrease in libido. Fortunately, the blood test will help to recognize the cause, showing the overabundance or lack of specific thyroid hormones. In case of detection of violations, an endocrinologist will select treatment or replacement therapy.

Check the hormones regularly

Check the hormones regularly


4. Lipidogram

Cholesterol is one of the most important components of our organism. However, its excessive amount is negatively reflected in the state of the vessels and the functioning of a number of internal organs, including the liver, gallbladder and the pancreas. In time, making a lipidogram, you can identify potentially hazardous shear of fat metabolism undergoing cardiovascular diseases.

Better warn you than treat

Better warn you than treat


5. Papanicolau test (cytological smear)

Cervical cancer is a very common malignant neoplasm among women around the world, statistics show more than half a million new cases per year.

The cytological smear allows you to identify precancerous or cancer cells in the vagina and the cervix. It is worth it and before the onset of the Solfolatia, if the HPV (human papilloma virus) was revealed (human papilloma virus) and in the case of using hormonal contraceptives, with a violation of the menstrual cycle and a large number of sexual partners.

In a timely manner undergoing major surveys, you can not doubt: health and life under control. And it gives confidence - both in yourself and in the future.

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