Josh Brolin: "I'm sure: women rule the world"


The names of the director who happened to work Josh Broolin can envy Many: Woody Allen, Quentin Tarantino, Oliver Stone, Gas Wang Saint, Ridley Scott, Cohen's brothers ... The actor himself is proud of this too, but he considers not so much luck as the result of its focused work . Recently, this list was replenished with the name of Barry Zonnenfeld, from whom Broolin starred in the picture "People in Black-3" and thereby fulfilled her dream. Josh told about all this personally.

- Josh, it is known that you are a fan of paintings "People in Black". What feelings did you experience when you were invited to shoot in the third movie?

- Fear. Because I understood that if I would like to play my role correctly, it will distort the whole world of "people in black". And even delight, of course. These feelings are similar to those that I feel every time, when I participate in the car racing. You never know, will this be your best race or worse, you will win or shorten whether some outstanding result will show if the record will beat ... and with the beginning of work on a new film.

"In the film you played a young Kay agent, which Tommy Li Jones played in adulthood. How many times did you need to revise the first films to enter the image?

- A lot, once fifty, probably. I, of course, talked to Tommy, watched his photos, read about him articles. But the key point, of course, there was a multiple review of the film, and the first, not the second. Because it is Kay in youth, not Tommy, and do not need to forget about it. Especially in Tommy's life is completely different. And, oddly enough, I still love this film, he is not tired of me. I do not know how this is possible, but it is. (Laughs.)

- And in life you wear a black suit?

- Only if I am a little bitty to hide extra weight.

- Do you believe in aliens?

- Yes! Merry to believe in them than not to believe. (Laughs.)

- You spent a lot of time with Will Smith. Discover the secret, for which you can love it, but for what to hate?

- I hate him for the fact that every day he read Rap on the site. (Laughs.) Just, it's not so, of course. And I love him for the energy. I have never met like a person's energy. And never worked with anyone famous as Will Smith. Somehow we were in the Bronx. Rehearsed the scene in bowling. 6.30 in the morning. Rain. On the street - not a single soul. No one knows that we have to work there. An hour later, we go out, and the street is 800 people standing. And everyone screams his name. That's who Will Smith. And at the same time he is very simple, despite the fact that the last few years is one of the biggest stars in Hollywood. That's what I love in it.

Josh Broolin, Will Smith, Nicole Sherezinger and director Barry Sonnenfeld at the premiere of the film

Josh Broolin, Will Smith, Nicole Sherezinger and director Barry Sonnenfeld at the premiere of the film "People in Black-3". Photo: rex /

- The film shows a real male friendship. Do you have such friends in your life?

- Yes. And it would be very sad if there were no such friends. I am olden in the question of friendship: myself is a very faithful and devoted guy and appreciate these qualities in people. And I was lucky in this regard, I have many such people. It is believed that close friends can be counted on the fingers of one hand. And I can boast of two hands. True, some of them are a little bit in freaks with the law, but it does not scare me. (Smiles.) I love them all very much, and they love me. But at the same time, I trust women more than men. And this happens to me on the subconscious.

- Do you believe in friendship between a man and a woman not based on sexual imposition?

- Yes of course. Otherwise I would have to sleep with a large number of women. For example, in my office, women are mainly working. And you know, I am sure: women rule the world. Men just think that they are all guided by all. From my life experience I can say that it is not. And the driving force here is the maternal instinct laid in every woman. My mother is not alive, but she was very strong. Small, fragile, but strong. And the main thing in our Mirka.

- Your father - James Brolin - a famous actor. Does it evaluate your work?

- He appreciates my work high, treats her very seriously. Once after the performance, he came to me for the scene, hugged me and whispered in the ear: "This is what I tried to achieve for 30 years." This is the most beautiful thing I've ever heard from him. The best compliment in my life. Although it was strange to hear him from my father. Because at first he discouraged me to go to the movies. But now my daughter dreams of becoming an actress, and I treat it easier than my father. He became early became famous, played the main roles, was a handsome man, everyone loved him. And recently, it is filmed in the roles of the second plan. I started gradually and know what to be without work, without money. There are a lot of failures in our profession. Also known, successful, only some kind of an insignificant percentage of actors becomes rich. In general, this is not the best job. But I love her.

- And what advice will you give your daughter if she still becomes an actress?

- I do not even know. The fact is that I look at my children, and it seems to me that they are much talented me. My son is just an amazing writer and artist. Daughter is a stunning actress. Inborn. I do not think I am a born actor, I am a trained, experienced actor. That's when you look at the young Leonardo di Caprio in the picture "What is Gilbert Grape gives?", You understand that he is a genius. At 18, it is impossible to think about it and build your acting game, it should be just in the blood.

- You have played a lot of different characters. And whose life would you like to live?

- Many of them died ... (laughs.) But in general, a good question. Let me see. I go through the head of all who played ... Probably, after all, the Kay agent. And do not think that I'm talking just because "People in Black-3" the last film in which I starred. Just living in the 60s, at this amazing time, and make the things he did, it would be very fascinating. And I love fiction. Aizek Azimova, Ray Bradbury. His "Martian Chronicles" I reread several times. I love people who possess imagination. And I love to fantasize myself. I began to consider myself a writer earlier than he began to consider himself an actor. How much I remember myself, always wrote something, fixed his most incredible fantasies on paper.

- Did something read something from Russian literature?

- I read Turgenev, Pushkin, Tolstoy, Dostoevsky ... In general, with the great names of your literature, I am familiar. (Smiles.)

- Would you like to play some character from Russian classics?

- Skolnikova? Probably already become old. But I would have been playing - played. Maybe someone from the Karamazov brothers? Many wonderful roles ... Nikolai Gogol - I am correctly pronounced? - There are short stories "Nose", "Shinel" ... I adore them. And also "dead souls." This is from this I really wanted to play someone. I do not know how, but I would like.

- If the Russian director invited you, would you agree?

- That's quite possible. Here you are smiling, and I think that such is quite likely.

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