Legends and myths about plastic surgery


- What, the main myth of plastic surgery?

- Many people think that plastic surgery at the level, such as hairdressers, that we work as stylists-make-up, where procedures are easy, without any complications and are not related to big medicine. In the clinic of plastic surgery, everything is carried out under sterile conditions, in the presence of hospitals, certain medical licenses. Doctor themselves and medical centers often, unfortunately, violate many of these rules and in the conditions of beauty salons carry out anesthesia, without having appropriate licenses, not even having a day hospital and due postoperative observation. Not in all cabinets there is a copulatal first-aid kit. Plastic surgery is beautiful and fashionable, but has its own consequences, and a person must understand that he went not to take her hair. This is a serious step.

- Is it true that by making a plastic surgery once it is impossible to break away?

- It depends on the individuality of a person, from his psycho-dependence.

One makes an operation so that he was comfortable, convenient, and he, having achieved a certain result, calm down. The second patient when he sees a positive result, immediately thinks about the subsequent operation. If there is a testimony, then the surgeon can make an operation that the patient still wants, and if it is just a whim, then you need to stop it on time.

- Is it true that rhinoplasty is the easiest operation?

- Rhinoplasty is the most difficult operation, it is special arts who own not all surgeons: non-free rhinoplasty - full nonsense and you need to beat the surgeons on the hands of it who promotes it). So, for rhinoplasty you need to know the maxillofacial area, it is necessary to understand the Lor pathology, the peculiarity of the influence of the face and the skull. It is also necessary to proper postoperative patient management. There is an open and closed rhinoplasty, the method chooses a doctor. But each surgeon should explain in detail why it chooses one or another method, and each option has pros and cons. In short, rhinoplasty is one of the most painstaking operations.

- It is also said that mammoplasty is a favorite operation of all plastic surgeons. This is true?

- Probably, she is loved by everyone is not a completely experienced or not quite popular surgeon. Mammoplasty is a clear markup, an understanding of the structure of the figure, the selection of implants, the proper conduct of the operation. When complying with all items will be successful. She is not bad when you understand how to do it right.

Again went the boom on a spherical chest, but everything is cyclically, and it will quickly subsides. Young surgeons rive down the same bust, and no other operations to study do not want to do, hence such love for mammoplasty.

Patients will suffer and redo such breasts soon.

- Is it true that blepharoplasty can be done no earlier than 30 years?

- blepharoplasty is made only by testimony: the peculiarity of the structure of the upper eyelid, the excess of subcutaneous fat mass, the edema of the lower eyelids, hernia.

Blephatheroplasty is different, here you need to understand the reason: the hereditary factor, the structure or related disease, which must first be cured. And in age there is no restrictions.

- Is it true that abdominoplasty can always do when the gym does not help?

- Not true. There are general surgical contraindications, as well as pathological systemic diseases: diabetes mellitus, vascular diseases, then when the risk of anesthesia exceeds the risk of operation.

- Is it true that againPuppet nose?

- How to enter, so come out (laughs). The fact is that today there are too many surgeons in Moscow trying to occupy a niche of masters on "puppet noses". Making aesthetic straight noses is much more complicated than rolling puppet. From here and went fashion. It is actively promoted.

There are several generations of doctors with their vision of the process: my age surgeons are accustomed to work with an honest result, given all the proportions and physiology of the person, and the second generation of surgeons. It was trying to do something, changing trends, and so I did not understand what happened, now there were active young people, stamping the same doll spouts, pulling the lumps of Besha, advertising lipophilies ... My patients are adults or young people, but with taste.

- Is it true that men contacting plastic has become more?

- Men as held in the percentage of 60/40 with women and hold.

- And with what problems do they most often appeal?

- Most often it is rhinoplasty, blepharoplasty, associated with the injury of the upper eyelid or hernias of the lower eyelid, liposuction of barrels of "ears", which can not be removed with sports, as well as ottoplasty - elimination of burrows.

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