Oh, yes you are from England: 4 ways to help faster learn language


In the world, 1.5 billion people speak English - this is about 20% of the world's population! Imagine how many opportunities for professional and personal development you will miss when you refuse to learn English because of the London Is The Capital of Great Britain's hated. Believe me, the study of a living developing language and communication with his carriers is the indescribable pleasure that everyone should experience on himself. Do not be bore - try to do our tongue on our advice, and then share your experience.

Find the reason that motivates learning language

Without an understanding, why do you need English, you do not learn it. Take a handle and sheet of paper and write the reason you want to freely speak language. Think why it is important for you, as knowledge will be useful to you in life - why do you need to teach English now? Examples of a bad target: "I want to talk freely in English," "I want to go to live or study in America," "I want to be better than my colleague at work." Examples of a good goal: "After 5 months, I need to pass the TOEFL exam at least 9.0 and submit documents to X University," "After 3 months I want to watch and understand my favorite TV series in English." Please note that bad goals do not have time limitations. Think when you want to achieve your goal? What should happen so that you understand that the goal is achieved?

Without grammar, it is possible to do, but without a vocabulary stock - no

Without grammar, it is possible to do, but without a vocabulary stock - no

Photo: unsplash.com.

Resources for language learning must lead you to the goal

If your goal is to find a friend from America and free to communicate with him about films, watch movies in English. If you need to conduct meeting meetings or make commercial offers, choose resources that will help you in learning business English. That is why it is so important to distinguish a clear goal. Without an understanding that there is your desired result, you will not shift from the place.

Constantly expand the vocabulary

It is not always so important if you made a proposal correctly. The interlocutor will understand you if you use the right words. English speakers often say not according to the rules, but use many words and expressions from which they are taking their speech. Using different words, always think about the meaning!

Speak a lot and always

No books, resources, films will not help you, provided that you just listen and are not trying to start talking. Constantly pronounce the learned words, make partings from them, talk to yourself at home, write themselves to the voice recorder or video, find a person who can communicate with whom. Start working with a tutor, which has no Russian accent or a native speaker - this will speed up your progress.

And remember, no tips will help you if you apply them once a month or year. Regularity is the key to all doors.

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