Pavel Volya showed a new tattoo


In the past weekend Pavel Volya decided to transform his body and went to Tattoo Salon, which told his subscribers. He published a photo with masters engaged in his drawing. True, it is impossible to discern the tattoo itself in the picture. Apparently, it has just been done, therefore, it is sealed with a film and a plaster. The only thing you can say for sure - a new drawing is located on the wrist of the left hand.

Last summer, Pavel Volya made a tattoo in honor of Son Robert. Photo:

Last summer, Pavel Volya made a tattoo in honor of Son Robert. Photo:

Interestingly, many fans learned the tattoo masters, whom Paul thanked in his commentary and called the real artist. In addition, artist fans began to assume that the wrist would knock out a drawing in honor of Sofia's daughter, which was 3 months old on August 6. To such a conclusion, the fans came after in June last year, Will's spouse Layisan Urty Sagaeva demonstrated a photo of her husband. In the picture you can see that on the chest, a tattoo has been made in the heart area in Paul - baby. This is the son of Robert, who was born in a couple in May 2013. Figure showman made Laysan's birthday, thus emphasizing his love for his son and thanks to the spouse.

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