Yes, this is normal: explained the reasons why you feel burning in an intimate zone


The health of the reproductive system and outdoor genital organs must constantly be under control. And the reason is not that you must become a mom is a personal choice of every woman. The point is different: violations lead to serious illnesses that can affect the body as a whole, and will not allow you to enjoy life in its full diversity. Talks about frequent reasons why you feel discomfort in the zone of large and small sexes, as well as other external genital organs.

Incorrectly selected hygiene products

Every 21-45 days of a woman has critical days during which we use various hygiene products. If our grandmothers, most often, simply turned several times a day, then modern girls will prefer tampons or gaskets, and more advanced has already switched to menstrual bowls. When using any mentioned method, you should not forget about hygiene. Menuing gaskets and tampons need every 4 hours, no less often, with the only exception to the night. If you violate these medical recommendations, you can inflame the mucous - the thrush will appear or the skin will begin to hide. It is also important to select tampons in size and depending on the intensity of menstruation - consult a gynecologist on this issue.

During menstruation, it is important to change the means of hygiene

During menstruation, it is important to change the means of hygiene


Cleansing aggressive cosmetics

Gynecologists advise to wash the intimate zone with water several times a day - so you do not break the natural lipid environment. The selection smell says either about the approach of menstruation, or about the presence of problems. For a healthy woman, clean the skin without soap will not be a problem, so you can safely throw out expensive gels for intimate hygiene. Never try the intimate zone with sponges or gloves for the body - it is too hard for so sensitive skin.

Doctors advise to rinse outdoor genitals running water

Doctors advise to rinse outdoor genitals running water


Epilation irritation

Deep bikini hair removal traditionally causes skin irritation. To combat this negative consequence, we advise you to undergo a course of laser epilation - it gradually reduces the intensity of hair growth and reduces their number. Cream for depilation is not advised - it includes chemical components that dehydrate the skin, which is dangerous for an intimate zone, which should always be moistened. If there is no possibility to go through the course of the laser, use the razor - take a fresh cassette and foam, and after lubricate the exterior sex lips and the area around the anal hole cream to remove irritation. It will be panthenol, vitamins A and E, aloe gel or any other moisture and renewable components.

Active sex with a partner and without it

If there is little lubricant during sex, with friction of the skin on the skin, irritation will inevitably arise both from you and the partner. It also contributes to the availability of hair on outdoor genital organs, refusal to use lubrication and condoms, a quick prelude - all these factors increase friction. You can watch the same if you do a masturbation - the material of some toys is hard to use them without lubrication. Solve this problem simply - increase the "warming up" time before sex, use lubricant and make hair removal.

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