Ilya Averbukh: "For the first time in ten years I live abnormal life for me"


- Ilya, you are not the first to surprise the public with ice productions. But now your fans are very intrigued. Why suddenly "Carmen"?

"The idea of" Carmen "has always pursued me, but I constantly left it. Disposal that there were a lot of performances. As a result, a lot of scenarios were developed when preparing, each of them brought me to a dead end, because I did not see his incarnation on the ice. But "Carmen" still scratched into my head and killed everyone there. (Laughs.) It all started with the murder. At some point I made a change in the relationship of the heroes of the love triangle, and thus managed to create a volume. As soon as he appeared in my head, I said: "Everything! Make "Carmen"! " At first, all skeptically treated this venture. The skaters were also not happy, because all of them are champions and all of them want to be soloists. But now, when many additional images appeared in the show, these problems behind.

- If you allow one more "why." Why not Moscow, and Sochi?

- I think this is a confluence of the circumstances that could only dream about. When the question arose that we would do with the post-mympic heritage, I received a proposal for daily work at the Iceberg Ice Palace. I completely plunged into this project, and now Sochi became our summer residence. I already brought to automatism the road from the place where I live in Sochi to Moscow. A little more than four hours. Challenged everything in minutes. Of course, I do not lose touch with the capital and practically live in two cities, but I'm madly comfortable in Sochi.

Ilya Averbukh:

At first, everyone was skeptical about the venture of Averbuch to make "Carmen". .

- I would like to know what you do here, except the musical?

- In Sochi, I have a lot of sports hobbies. For example, with Roman Kostomarov twice a week we have a battle of tennis. And Roma always wins. (Laughs.) Because in Moscow I was engaged in a teacher. But he pulls me up, and I think that at the end of the season I will do it. On other days we have football matches with guys. In general, for me it is the first summer over the past ten years, when there is no "glacial period". Therefore, I am even in confusion I am - there was a lot of time that there was never before. For the first time in ten years I live abnormal for me, but quite normal for all life, in which there is a place to relate, cafes and walks on the embankment, which I probably did not think about.

- How is your business day built in the resort?

- If there is no case, I can sleep up to ten. But if the runs are running, then you need to get up at nine hours. Morning sport before noon, then I come to my senses and already in two hours I go to the ice palace, where I am before the evening. First, I have an office there. Secondly, figure skaters come to three and begin to roll out, repeating steps. I descend on ice and spent a rehearsal with them. They do it daily. Not only for the evening show, but also to get rid of the beach condition, because it is possible to lose skill very quickly. At the end of the show, I can carry out work on errors within an hour with those who somehow worked badly. Well, then - dinner and sleep. To his shame, I am ready to admit that I did not go any one local show, I have never been to the amusement park.

Ilya Averbukh confesses that he does not like the beach, but in the sea dipped with pleasure. .

Ilya Averbukh confesses that he does not like the beach, but in the sea dipped with pleasure. .

- And the word "beach" also did not sound ...

- I do not like the beach, that's all. Ten minutes later I was boring to lie, you need to do something. Although the sea is wonderful. And it is possible to get to plunge after a football.

- They say you have seen even in a racing car!

- There is a wonderful structure - the "Formula 1" route, and we were given the opportunity to drive. I do not like to dig in motors, but I get great pleasure from speed and drive. Now many are lusive and say: Well, ok, they settled there. (Laughs.)

Ilya Averbukh:

In the play "Carmen" involved a whole Pleiad of Star Figures: Tatiana Navka, Roman Kostomarov, Maxim Marinin, Maria Petrova, Margarita Drobizko and others. .

- Almost all your colleagues live in Sochi whole families, and where is your son?

- Will arrive in mid-August, and now he is in the Crimea. I have been there for many years there is an apartment. The Son loves these places, he spends time with my mom, and before that the month rested with another grandmother, with Irina Mom, in the suburbs. We have already come here in the winter, rode skiing. So I also teach him to Sochi.

- Martin for 11 years. How does he have a relationship with sports?

"Martin is not engaged in sports, only in his pleasure plays tennis. The emphasis is on education. He is engaged in a serious school. I think, two years later the time will come when it can be sent to learn abroad. And his interests are quite modern. He, as they say in the computer world, gamer. I have a two-way attitude towards this. On the one hand, it would be nice to prohibit all these tablets. And on the other, it may be to play, because the forbidden fruit is known, very sweet.

- You did not think that the son could go on your footsteps?

- The price of success in sports is very big. And I and I immediately decided that there would be no figure skating in his life. Plus Martin with an inexplicable hatred treated in childhood to skates - threw out, cried. In general, he does not have love for figure skating, and at home he does not revise Pope and Mom's speeches.

Ilya Averbukh:

"The play" Carmen "is all about love and about its various faces, among which betrayal, treason, jealousy ...".

- The leading role in the show "Carmen" Tatiana Navka married. You did not inspire her example to create a new family?

- There is an expression: never say never. But I do not think on this topic. And I don't even see any motivations, why should it be done. I am very harmonious and comfortable. I believe that a full-fledged living life requires a very large internal connection, takes an incredibly much time that I feel sorry to spend it. I speak absolutely sincere. Marriage is a lot of work. I will work better about what will really bring me pleasure as a creative person. If you go back to the "Carmen" play, then we can say that he is all about love and about the various items, among whom betrayal, treason, jealousy ... All this is part of our life, but I would not want to dive there. It seems to me that I know everything there and understand. And I'm already there is not so interesting ...

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