Zhanna Epple: "Women are ready to understand and forgive to the last"


- Zhanna, how long have you been forbidden for you?

- Do you want me to calculate this terrible figure and announced you? Do not even try to merge me! (Laughs.) And if seriously, any forbidden topic does a person, so it is desirable from the manifestations of youth shyness to go as soon as possible. When I started sending "no forbidden topics," I realized that the gunpowder did not sniff. Participants such bikes traveled that I still restrained not to become the color of my burgundy dress! As they say, live a century - learning a century.

- It was easy for you to plunge into a medical topic, and even relating to women's health?

- Easy, and the point here is not so much in the subject. First, with experience you easier perceive not always simple things, well, and besides, we have such dialogues with girlfriends sometimes slip by the heat that at least under the record and on the ether. (Laughs.)

- Something learned for yourself new from the program?

- Yes. Only this is not shown on yourself.

Zhanna Epple:

Zhanna Epple began to lead a new program "No forbidden topics." S television channel "home".

- How much does a healthy lifestyle do you behave?

- I lead a healthy lifestyle, but without paranoia, as is fashionable now. I eat well, herself and cook with pleasure, if it allows the schedule, I try to rest and gain strength on excellent resorts, and so on. With a bracelet on hand, who knows about me more than a former husband, I do not go! (Laughs.)

- You are a mom of two adult sons, how can it be time to distribute the time between work, and family?

"I was very lucky that the eldest son Potap rose a lot with Efim, when he was small, and I was always in the road. Now the tour also a lot, but almost all your free time I am with them. Now I also had a wonderful daughter-in-law of Angelina - for her guys as behind a stone wall: fed, dressed, shoes, so I do not worry and I can afford to get even somewhere in the evening.

Zhanna Epple:

Forwarding Zhanna Epple in the program "No Forbidden Top" is Sergey Arsenin. S television channel "home".

- And with sons openly talk about everything? Do you have "forbidden topics" in discussions?

"I have a junior myself, what is called, can give fire, and Potap is already an adult, and if you discuss him, then with my wife, and I wash my hands.

- First of August you have passed the family celebration - Potap and Angelina became her husband and wife. Pre-wedding troubles were pleasant?

- There was no special fuss, everything was surprising smooth and smooth. Considering our family temperament, it is a great achievement. Probably Angelina and balanced us - she is quieter and striking. There would be a collapse without it!

- Remember how Potap first introduced you to Angelina?

- came and said: "This is Angelina, and she now lives with us!" (Laughs.) If seriously, I do not remember - Angelina somehow smoothly and tactfully appeared in our lives, as if always in it. And it is surprising, for this you need a talent!

- To the role of grandmothers are ready?

- It is difficult to accept the fact that you are only 25 years old (kidding), and it's time to become a grandmother, but what to do!

Zhanna Epple with his sons and daughter-in-law. Photo: instagram.com/epple.ymnaya.

Zhanna Epple with his sons and daughter-in-law. Photo: instagram.com/epple.ymnaya.

- To work in the new program you changed the image and changed the hair color. How did the film director responded to this transfiguration?

- Probably, they were very delighted. They had a goal in life, apathy disappeared and improved appetite. (Laughs.) I am now actively working on several TV shows, the full meter was called, while I study the script - and I really like it. I can not disclose for understandable reasons for the name of the work, but you will definitely see me on the screen in the very near future.

- Work as a TV host - is it also a kind of role or do you already feel yourself in some extent a journalist? Especially since the journalist was your grandfather.

"I do not in any case put myself one step with those who studied on a journalist, who has a lot of experience in the profession, but at the same time it is interesting to me. In the forehead, I feel comfortable, besides, I always think that you need to try everything, well, or at least strive for this.

- In childhood, you were engaged in rhythmic gymnastics, swimming, figure skating, ballet and music. But in the end, the acting craft was preferred to sports ...

- Yes, because the acting in sports is not encouraged, and sports training in the frame is very much!

- Now there are still a talk show "Club of former Wives", which you led with Irina Klimova, Avurba, Vera Sotnikova and Valeria Kudryavtseva. What do you remember this experience?

- It was very interesting. All stories were similar in the main plot, but with what rich variations! And on the example of our heroin, I realized that women, with rare exceptions, are ready to understand and forgive to the last.

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