Country of Miracles: 4 Best Film Spacks for the whole family


We all love fairy tales, and no matter how many years we have. When children appear, together with them the opportunity to live childhood again, but already with the luggage experience behind the shoulders. Why not devote the coming weekend to watch your favorite fairy tales along with your baby? Or maybe some of our list will be discovered for you. Who knows.

"Alice in Wonderland" (2010)

The fairy tale, the author of which spoke British Lewis Carroll, is familiar with almost every child in the world. The adventures of Alice were shielded many times, one of the most popular appearances of Alice on the screen became a cartoon, published in the middle of the last century. At the beginning of the last decade, the cult director Tim Burton grabbed the Book of Carroll and presented us with a half-gate fairy tale with a gothic raid, where the roles were performed as live actors and drawn fabulous creatures drawn by designers. Probably there is no better way to spend the weekend with a child than watching a familiar story since childhood in modern visual design. Well, or if you are a fan of the works of Berthon.

"The farther in the forest ..." (2014)

Music film-collection of classic fairy tales from all continents. After the release, the film received mixed reviews: Critics was separated by a picture in the fluff and dust, however, the audience was satisfied with seen. Here you will meet and the original presentation of the Red Cap, where Johnny Depp, and a story about the bean stem and cannibal, and will not cost without Cinderella and Rapunzel. The director Rob Marshall collected a truly Star Composition: James Corden, Meryl Streep, Chris Pine, Anna Kendrick and other no less loud names. We are sure that you will be impressed by what he saw and, especially, from the heard - all the actors sing themselves, so we look exclusively in the original with subtitles.

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"The farther in the forest ..."

"Blue Bird" (1976)

You will not often meet in one movie your favorite actors on both sides of the ocean in one movie. "Blue Bird" - exactly the case. Stars such as George Vicin, Margarita Terekhov, Jane Fonda and Elizabeth Taylor took part in the film. Impressive, right? A familiar story, though it was shifted on the screen more than forty years ago, but every time you enjoy watching. Be sure the child will get a lot of impressions from watching the film, by the way, you can offer the baby to read the book together, and then watch a movie and compare books and screen heroes.

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"Blue bird"

"Golden Compass" (2007)

Filip Pulman "Northern Light" fairy tale. The plot unfolds around the girl Lyra, who quit the dark forces of the North, the White Bears will come to the rescue of the young warrior, who will help Lira to deal with the mysterious disappearance of children in the country of permafrost. Director Chris Waitz removed the film in Steampunk style, when the heroes of the story either face, or use steam machines, while in the world of the director there is a place of magic and theology. If you did not have time to evaluate the film bar, it's time to take over your family watching this weekend.

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"Gold Compass"

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