Tan in solarium: harmful or not


Since solarium appeared in the life of ordinary towns, the disputes about his dangers and benefits do not subside. Let's try to figure out if the solarium presents a real danger to human health. What security measures should be followed by those who want to look tanned at any time of the year? What useful carries a visit to a solarium?

What should fear, visiting the solarium?

First, premature aging. It does not matter where and how you sunbathe - on the beach or in the solarium, but ultraviolet makes his job. It destroys the structure of the upper layers of the epidermis, which causes the loss of moisture and leads to the loss of skin elasticity.

Secondly, the love of the tan can cause the pores of the pores and the flaws of the skin.

Thirdly, in the solarium, just like the sun, you can get a burn - in this case it will be thermal.

Fourth, under the influence of ultraviolet, hair becomes fragile and brittle. Therefore, in the solarium it is necessary to use a special hat, and on the beach - a headdress.

Fifth, the abuse of the tanta leads to a decrease in immunity and can provoke oncology.

Of all these items, you can only make one conclusion - sunbathing harmful! It doesn't matter where you do it - on the beach, under the right sunlight or visiting the solarium. In order to protect yourself from possible unpleasant consequences, it is necessary to comply with precautions and do not abuse sunny baths and solarium.

Despite the possible risks, visits to the solarium cannot be found to the list of absolutely useless occupations, since positive moments in artificial tan are also present.

Ksenia Cossacks

Ksenia Cossacks

What benefit can be obtained from tanning in solarium?

In the cold season, a visitor to the solarium helps to obtain a dose of vitamin D, which is necessary for our skin, bone system and our thyroid gland. Since we live in the middle lane and truly sunny days we have really very few, including in the summer, then from the lack of vitamin D and the various problems that it causes, suffering quite large part of the population. Reception of vitamins or a visit to the solarium within reasonable limits helps to align this balance and take care of their health, including immunite, strengthening it.

It has long been noted that the light tan helps to cope with the problem skin - has a drying effect and improves the state of the epidermis at the tendency to rash and acne.

Under the influence of ultraviolet, not only the synthesis of vitamin D, but also the production of endorphine - the hormone of joy. This certainly affects the mood, well-being and self-confidence. A visit to a solarium can be justified and useful from a psychological point of view.

How to get a beautiful tan without harm to health:

When visiting a solarium, do not forget about eye protection, as ultraviolet can penetrate through the thin skin of the upper eyelid and damage the retina. For the purpose of protection, it is better to use special tan glasses in solarium and not use contact lenses.

It is not necessary to sunbathe with decorations, makeup, to use before visiting a deodorant, spirits and other strongly perforated means.

If you have on the skin, there are wounds or damage, a trip to the solarium is better to postpone their healing.

Do not forget that the hair when visiting a solarium needs to be hiding under a special hat. If you often visit the solarium, surround your hair with additional departure of the house: 1-2 times a week do hair masks, especially before you plan to goan.

In order to get a beautiful and even tan, 1-2 days before visiting a solarium, clean the skin from damaged particles using a scrub or peeling. A couple of hours before coming to the Solarium, take a shower, but do not use to wash your means.

Use special tan activators if you want to get a beautiful shade quickly and safely. For these purposes, you can purchase both the usual remedy for the beach holiday and what is suitable for use in the solarium. Such means differ in composition, therefore, more suitable.

Moisturize the skin after visiting a solarium. Remember that ultraviolet is one of the main causes of skin aging.

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