Why astrological forecasts don't always come true


As a person practical, I could hardly be interested in the knowledge system that is engaged only by the statement of the facts of my fate and does not offer any effective ways to resolve the current situations. Think, all that the horoscope will prophesate to you will certainly come true? You're wrong. And that's why.

For example, a horoscope foreshadows me to parting with a spouse or dismissal from work. It would be nice, leaving the astrologer with such information in the head, to have a "recipe" pocket on deliverance from unwanted events. Perform all recommendations exactly - do not lose work, husband, money.

Take a visit to the doctor for comparison. What do you think, would someone turn to the doctors, if all of their work was only in the declaration of the diagnosis of you: "Yes, you have a liver, my friendship, is not good anywhere." Going to doctors, we first go for a course of treatment. If you exactly comply with all the instructions, the health of the weakened organ is restored partially or even completely.

I dare to suggest that most people do not suspect that the visit to the astrologer is primarily a "recipe" with recommendations on "healing" of negative situations. If you are interested in checking the professionalism of the astrologer, ask about your past, but never (!) Do not receive information about the future without a list of action to transform bad in good.

Why astrological forecasts don't always come true 34059_1

Visit to the astrologer is primarily a "recipe" with recommendations for "healing" of negative situations

Photo: pixabay.com/ru.

Know that astrologers do not offer any magical rituals like "go out at midnight in a cemetery and something burned." Recommendations relate to changing the diet, trips to a certain climate, choosing hobbies, hobbies, habits harmonizing your energy card.

The astrologer must necessarily talk with you in the mode of dialogue - without information about your profession, lifestyle, hobbies, people who live with you under one roof, horoscope is nothing, empty place, so general trends for all people born at a certain point time.

Having dropping a vulture of secrecy from the profession of astrologer, you can make a completely defined conclusion: the astrologers are drawn by purely practical people who want to have an idea of ​​their path. And one more interesting fact: expressing mathematically, two thirds of fate are in your hands. If these two thirds you use to the full coil, the horoscope may not come true at all. Be synchronized with your energy card, and you will always be in the right place at the right time, and everything will get easy with you! And learn about the trends of the current week will help my Weekly astrological forecast.

August 29. Under the lying stone, water does not flow - today's motto of today: to show active, ask, solve financial issues, to implement conceived.

August 30. Show zeal only in those cases that do not suffer. All large-scale and important is better to postpone until the next work week.

August 31. If you feel comfortable in the fight, confrontation - this day is yours. Show decisiveness, defend your point of view and learn to gently keep a blow.

September 1. If you need today to solve some questions, use the fact that you are a woman: smooth the situation using your charm. The power of a woman is exclusively in its weakness.

September 2. A great day for a leisurely holiday, communicating with children or senior family members. If you have not visited your parents for a long time, make them a pleasant surprise, show attention and care.

September 3. Be careful when dealing with stitching and cutting items, remove an unjustified risk, go to nature - these recommendations will help you calmly survive the current Sunday.

4 September. This week is waiting for example Monday: in the sense that today you can start large-scale affairs, keep important negotiations - all that is usually waiting from Monday.

Zhanna Wei, Master of Chinese Astrology and Feng Shui

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