Healing sex: What diseases "treat" regular sex


Probably, almost everyone has heard how useful sex from certain diseases is, especially often told women. Moreover, it is often announced by the doctors themselves, you should complain to a minor "sore", as a specialist is already running with a ready-made solution - you just do not have enough sex. But these are individual cases that you should not be taken seriously, but with what a really sex can help, we decided to figure out.

Mental disorders

Incredibly, but the fact - the absence of sexual life really affects the psyche, but, of course, not so much so that serious illness develops. The person becomes irritable, if it comes to a woman, we are talking about plasticity, frequent hysterics and depressions. Psychologists are watching the situation when people who lead an active sex life are easier to relate to problems and are generally satisfied with their lives. In addition, in the presence of an already existing mental illness, for example, schizophrenia, an increase in sexual activity can help reduce the level of tension and thereby reduce almost no active manifestations of the disease.

Do not refuse OT

Do not refuse the "healing" intima

Photo: www.unsplash.com.


Despite the fact that many women are fought with the help of "headaches", the intimate process perfectly helps to fight the disease. It's all about corticosteroids and produced endorphine - hormone joy - which blocks unpleasant sensations. Of course, it is impossible to say with confidence that sex is one hundred percent means, however, try and make an opinion on your own still worth it?


We most often face ORVI during the cold season, when in our body the level of immunoglobulins is lowered, and without them it does not have to talk about strong immunite. Scientists from England conducted research and found out that those participants in the experiment, who led an active sex life, could boast a higher level of immunoglobulins than those preferred who preferred sex a couple of times a month. And yet immunologists warn - no matter how helpful sex, during a cold all the forces of the body are thrown to restore, which means that you charge yourself and reduce the amount of sexual contacts at least before improving well-being.

Beauty help

It is no secret that everything in our body is interconnected and each change in the indicators is reflected in various organs. So frequent sex positively affects the skin, which can be called a problem with confidence. Sexual activity leads to the saturation of the skin with moisture and oxygen due to accelerated blood circulation. Regular orgasm leads to the development of oxytocin, which prevents the reproduction of bacteria, which means acne no longer represents a greater threat to your face. Naturally, you should not neglect the advice of your dermatologist, but also do not refuse sex, suddenly this method will help you solve the skin problem to which you could not find an approach for a long time?

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