We protect the skin from chlorine: security rules in the pool


Many girls in pursuit of a beautiful body are engaged in various types of physical activity. One of the most popular ways to put in order a shape - weekly swims in the pool. However, as you know, some disinfectants are extremely negatively affected by our skin. The pool can disinfect ultraviolet, ultrasound, but a cup of all dangerous bacteria is killed by chemicals that can remain on the skin.

We will tell you how to save the health and beauty of your skin after visiting the pool.

Moisten the hair in the soul before entering the pool itself

Moisten the hair in the soul before entering the pool itself

Photo: pixabay.com/ru.

What needs to be done before visiting the pool

If you go to the pool constantly, you need to support sufficient skin moisturizing with the same periodicity to prevent its dehydration. In case of sufficient moisture, the skin is able to cope with possible problems. Just for this and need continuous care.

Before falling into the water, take a shower with a cleansing agent. It is necessary to wash off the natural highlighting of the skin and all sorts of bacteria that you could drive from the street and from public transport while you traveled to the pool. In addition, if you neglect hygienic procedures, chlorine can enter the reaction with substances remaining on the skin. It is also not worth making a minimum makeup before going to the pool.

In order not to harm hair, moisten them in the shower - the chemicals are not so actively "cling" to wet hair.

Purchase a rubber hat for swimming and special glasses to minimize contact with chlorinated water.

What to do after a session in the pool

As before entering into the water, after the pool, it is necessary to get under the shower at least for a minute. It is important to wash off chlorine gel for the shower. Try to avoid funds with aggressive composition, because the skin is so exhausted, you should not exacerbate the situation. Try the novelty from the Palmolive brand - gels for the Soul "Miceller Care". All of them effectively and gently remove particles of contaminants from the surface of the skin without disturbing its natural moisture. By the way, just now the brand holds # Maragononia. In this marathon, popular bloggers and experts receive a series of educational posts on how to acquire and maintain the state of internal harmony. Among the participants - psychologist Larisa Surkov, Mom of Gears of Angelina, actress of theater and cinema Maria Ivashchenko, Food-blogger Olga Yagnetinskaya, Sport coach Elena Petrova (Lena Maxim), Stylist Katya Gusse and Lifestyle-blogger Maria Balueva. Moreover, they not only share experiences, but also give useful and interesting tasks, for the implementation of which the most active participants will be awarded to achieve harmony with them.


Materials press services

However, we were a little fascinated. Although visiting the pool, you see, the possibility of finding and internal and external harmony is perfect. Especially with properly selected beauty products. For example, if you have painted hair, then you perfectly suitable a new beauty line of shampoos and rinsing balms for painted hair with an innovative HEAD & SHOLDERS SUPREME Formula for damage. These funds - with the right PH-Balance - moisturize and protect the hair and scalp, and also help save the color after staining.


Argan oil As part of Head & Shoulders Support Protection against painted hair Delicately nourishes and restores the hair structure, and the active ingredient of PyroTon Olamin helps to care for the skin of the head and makes hair smooth and moistened. The color will not hang out and will not disappear even with the rapid growth of the hair.

Extra times moisturizing

After you take the shower, apply a moisturizer to the skin, namely, on the skin of the face. Due to chlorine, the natural balance of the skin is disturbed, so the moisture evaporates from the surface with a double strength. Components that are part of moisturizing means and beneficially affect the skin, are d-panthenol, sesame oil, altea root extract.

Pool is treated with rather aggressive substances

Pool is treated with rather aggressive substances

Photo: pixabay.com/ru.

When you can't go to the pool

If the skin has fresh wounds and scratches. Wait three or four days before full healing, otherwise you risk catching infection.

After you have bent the tattoo. In this case, water procedures are prohibited within 3 weeks - until complete recovery.

After fresh piercing. It all depends on the part of the body where you make a puncture. If the ear of the ear heals relatively fast, then the hole in the navel is about six months.

Be sure to use shower before and after a session

Be sure to use shower before and after a session

Photo: pixabay.com/ru.

After depilation. You should wait a few days.

If there is rashes and irritation on the skin. You can exacerbate the situation if during the exacerbation period immediately go to the pool.

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