Life after giving: How to get used to the city


Summer at the cottage is a real luxury. As a rule, a similar country lifestyle is suitable for children, as well as their grandparents. However, people burdened with daily work in the warm season, also try to leave the city more often. And on the return of yesterday's dacnons, unpleasant surprises are waiting. The urban air can cause headaches, the noise of cars and the riot of neon lights annoying, and also cause drowsiness and apathy. All these problems may experience people of any age, and refer to such adaptation to new conditions need seriously. Especially since, observing some not such complex rules, you can help yourself.

Endocrinologist Galina Palkova

Endocrinologist Galina Palkova

Galina Palkova, Endocrinologist:

- Upon returning to the city apartment, you need to follow the quality of sleep. It is advisable to go to bed and get up at the same time. It is necessary to control and limit the TV viewing time. Many have no televisions at all in dachas or simply see it. And it is good. In the city, too, you do not need all your free time to spend in front of the blue screen.

This year, the summer was not sunny, and we were not able to eat vitamin D, which supports our emotional background. It is this vitamin that helps us experience the shortage of sunlight in the fall and winter. And only in the spring we happen seasonal depressions and avitaminosis. This year, this unpleasant period may occur earlier. Therefore, returning to the city, it is recommended to start receiving vitamin D (after consulting with a specialist) or include products that contain vitamin D. This is dairy products, as well as eggs, cod liver, beef liver, herring, mackerel, red fish.

Also, no need to forget about vitamin C, which is necessary to support immunity. The best source of this vitamin is sauerkraut. A large amount of vitamin C is contained in a rag of a rosehip, Bulgarian pepper, black currant and sea buckthorn, greenery, citrus, garlic and many other products. But from the habit of drinking in the evenings, tea with jam is better to abandon, as there are many sugar in this delicacy, from which the carbohydrate exchange can change, especially in the elderly. Do not think that in the country you have a vegetable and fruit for a whole year, be sure to keep more vegetable food in your diet.

Take care of motor activity. Over the city had to work a lot, walking. After you moved to the city, there should be no sharp drop in physical exertion. Enter the habit of hiking before bedtime and hiking to the store.

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