5 reasons to learn to say "no"


Full life is impossible without satisfying your own needs. But how to do this, if you all agree to the suggestions of others, is afraid of offending them? Psychologists believe that a person with a healthy psyche always evaluates the situation before making a decision and never acts to the detriment of himself. We tell why you need to learn to refuse others.

Formation of personal borders

You must equally respect your own and other borders. A person who is still trying to get into your personal life, adjusting everything for one's own convenience - not a couple of you. Suggestions like: "I know that you are free on weekends, try with my son a couple of hours?" And any other, which in the affirmative form express the request, in fact, without implying another option, except for the consent, directly violate your borders. If you do not defend your own position and respect yourself, then do not wait for respect from the surrounding.

Respect Personal Borders

Respect Personal Borders

Photo: Pixabay.com.

Get rid of parasite

Part of people lead a parasitic lifestyle - they use the services of other people for free. It usually begins with a small one - the requests to ride to the house, then goes to the request to buy something, help them in work and ends with the healing proposals. People who communicate with you only because of your reliability is a bad company. Communication of adult adequate people should be built not on mutual benefit, but on the basis of interesting communication and satisfaction with joint spending. Having learned to refuse, you will be surprised how many people from your surroundings are disappeared.

Release time

If you often lack time on your own hobbies and rest, but you will gladly agree to other people's requests, then sit down and think: what do you spend your life? Are you really ready to deny yourself in sports, watching movies and rest with friends and family so that another person is not offended? To learn from this bad habit to agree on everything, make a tight schedule. Let in your day for a couple of weeks a month there will be no a minute of freedom, so you can not help anyone, but you will help yourself.

Appreciate your time

Appreciate your time

Photo: Pixabay.com.

Formation of image

Try to ask Bill Gates or Barack Obama to come to your garden to dig potatoes. That's it! The competent managers and a born leader always evaluates the alternative value of the decision taken and without constraints to other people. Why not navigate the leaders? When the rest sees in you a busy person, appreciating yourself and their resources, will not once again disturb the requests that can satisfy with the help of the service personnel.

Improving self-esteem

The word "no" has a strong emotional promise. People feel in the speaking of his power and look at him differently than those who agree on everything. Seeing respect in the eyes of others, you yourself begin to treat yourself differently. If at first you will shyly refuse and shove this, thinking to a long time, what the opinion about you will work, then later you will be all the same on the Opportie. You will begin to appreciate yourself and your time you can spend more than fulfilling you work.

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