Volochkov wrapped drunk sobchak


Between the famous ballerina Anastasia Volochkova and an equally well-known TV presenter, and now the oppositionist Ksenia Sobchak occurred a rather unpleasant incident. Volochkova told in his blog that Alexey Navalny and Ksenia Sobchak called her with threats. The other day Anastasia rang a man who introduced Alexey Navalny and began to threaten.

"Anastasia! If you do not apologize to Ksenia Sobchak for saying against her, we will close your concert show, all your creative projects, including your children's creative center. And those difficult times when you came out of the party - these are flowers ... You do not know who you contacted, against whom you went. Today we are planning a rally where your children's creative center is located, you must come and publicly apologize to Ksenia, otherwise you will make it possible, you are waiting for "a fun" future, "the words of the called business newspaper" Look "quotes you.

Later, Sobchak himself called. According to Volochkova, the TV host was drunk. "I did not believe my ears, but this voice was really very drunk ... I asked:" Ksyusha, this was calling Alexey Navalny to us today? "She replied:" Yes! "- And then I heard a message to such inaccessible places that Just the spirit captures ... I was ashamed for everything she said, and I finished a conversation, "Anastasia told, adding that the conversation she recorded on the recorder. "Ksenia, it happened, called in such a state before, so this call did not seem to me with something amazing," the artist explained.

The cause of calls were the words Volochkova, uttered on the "MUZ-TV" premiums. Then the ballerina stated that it was not disappeared by the lack of Ksenia Sobchak at the ceremony. "This is a secular joke, so I just expressed joy about the fact that no one will share me with wine, will not jump on my shoulders, he does not knock the heel on his head, will not talk about politics on the holiday," the ballerina explained.

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