Can creams replace plastic surgery?


Always considered a tactless question "How old are you?" Today I didn't just have acquired a different shade. He generally lost all meaning. Nowadays, women may look much younger than their age. In fact, the beauty industry with its legion of scientists and hundreds of research centers, where specialists work on the invention are all new and new tools with the Anti-Age prefix.

Women, of course, always dream of look younger, but fewer wanting to go for serious victims. Most of them refuse plastic surgery, preferring to her effective care. But is modern high-tech cosmetics are able to replace plastic? The specialists of the French company Lanco ^ me are ready to demonstrate this on the example of the new gamma of the Anti-Rosner funds Reґnergie Multi-Lift. But before proceeding with the proof of the theorem of eternal youth, it is worth mentioning that in Lanco ^ me laboratories around three thousand scientists work around the world. Therefore, the facts given by them should be taken seriously. The new development of the brand is based on thorough research and numerous experiments.

So, the result of these scientific research was the creation of a completely new technology that changes the idea of ​​cosmetic lifting. Reґnergie Multi-Lift line means have an impact at once on five layers of skin. So the result becomes noticeable even in those areas of the person who are traditionally difficult to influence the active ingredients.

The "heavy artillery" gamma is a daily cream Reґnergie Multi-Lift (two options - for dry and for all skin types), which for four weeks of use "erase" minor wrinkles and adjusts deep, will make the oval faces clearer and lines the skin tone. The effect of lifting will be noticeable even on the neck.

The company's specialists took into account another important nuance: with age, losing elasticity and smoothness, the skin is lost and the ability to reflect the light. To return her radiance, the Reґnergie Eclat Multi-Lift reservoir was developed, combining the advantages of the tightening cream and the corrector. It contains reflective pigments of natural origin. Four shades have been created. The cream will remove the redness and yellowness, if necessary (shades No. 1 and No. 2), refresh the dark skin (shade number 3) and too dark (shade number 4). For the eye there are two creams: the classic with the effect of the Reґnergie Yeux Multi-Lift lifting effect (it is suitable even for the most sensitive specimens) and consisting of a rejuvenating cream and the corrector duet Reґnergie Yeux Multi-Lift Duo, which removes "goose paws", and improves the tone Skin. And of course, the darkest day should also work on our youth, for this, in essence, and created a nourishing night cream Reґnergie Nuit Multi-Lift.

And a pleasant bonus: all the means have an exquisite flower-fruit aroma, which guesses the branded for Lanco ^ Me fragrance of roses.

Come from the Alps

Fighting natural changes in skin with the help of cellular technologies - the main horse of researchers of the Swiss brand La Colline. Cellular word on the labels of funds means "cellular". So, such cosmetics works at the expense of the deep effects of the cellular complex, which is obtained from plant cells. Moreover, the result can even increase with time. Penetrating into the skin, it provides the so-called informational rejuvenating effect, that is, gives a signal to surrounding cells to recovery. According to the scientists of La Colline, it is behind this fine and sophisticated future technology. Judging by the emergence of anti-aging products Nativage, it has already come. All products from the gamma contain a vegetable cell complex called CMage, proteins of oats and wheat. Plus, a unique molecule is included in the formula that converts harmful free radicals into water and oxygen necessary for our skin. The result of the influence of this "team of youth" is visible at once: the complexion of the face is significantly improved, the skin shines. Then the pulling and smoothing effect is manifested. Rejuvenating cream and serum are best acting in a duet. In addition, both funds have a gentle, similar to the scuffy texture. Well, a light flower-citrus fragrance with warm wood chord finally melt your heart.

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